History / examination / investigations in diarrhoea patients Flashcards
Important points on history in patients with ACUTE diarrhoea
Food poisoning screen: Where did you eat in the 24hrs before onset? What did you eat during this time? Chicken (salmonella), seafood (vibrio)? Did anyone else have the same problem?
Been overseas lately? Where?
In contact with anyone who has recetly travelled overseas?
Any blood or mucous in bowel motions?
Had any previous attacks?
Fever, weakness, or other sx?
Important points on history of CHRONIC diarrhoea?
Blood / mucous in stools?
Overseas travel recently?
Anyone else in family have diarrhoea?
Any pain? And is it relieved by opening bowels or passing wind?
Any recent abdominal surgeries?
What meds are you taking?
Are you on Abx?
Do you take vitamin C?
Drink a lot of milk?
Yoghurt, icecream, thickshakes?
Do you take laxatives?
How much alcohol do you drink?
Do you get clammy, shaky, or have you lost weight?
Had any trouble with joint pain, eye trouble, back pain, mouth ulceration?
Have difficulty flushing your motions down the toilet?
Getting diarrhoea during the night?
Are you under a lot of stress?
Stools of small volume?
Think colon: inflammation or carcinoma
Large volume stools?
Small intestine: malabsorption, laxative abuse
Profuse red bleeding in faeces?
Colon: Diverticulitis or carcinoma
Small amounts of blood + mucous?
Inflammatory bowel disease
Diarrhoea at night is suggestive of?
Organic disease
Presence of blood in stools excludes what?
Functional bowel disorder
Describe stools in steatorrhoea?
Pale, greasy, offensive, floating, difficult to flush
Small intestine affected
Rice water stool?
Pea soup stool?
Typhoid fever
Pellets or ribbons of faeces
Irritable bowel syndrome
Key points for examination in patient presenting with gastritis / enteritis
Assess malnutrition or dehydration - especially in infants and young children whom can deteriorate quickly
Features of malabsorption - muscle weakness (hypokalemia/magnesemia), tetany (hypocalcemia), bruising (vit k loss)
Abdominal palpation for tenderness of inflammation, carcinoma mass
Skin changes associated with inflammatory bowel disease
Specific investigations in diarrhoea
Stool: Microscopy and cultures
Bloods: Hb, MCV, WCC, ESR, Iron, Ferritin, Folate, Vit B12, Calcum, Electrolytes, TFTs, HIV tests
Antibody tests: Coeliac antibodies
Haemoagglutination tests for amoebiasis
C.difficile tissue culture test
Malabsorption studies
Endoscopy: small bowel biopsy for coeliac, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy
Radiology: Plain x-ray abdo, small bowel enima, barium enima, especially double contrast
What does steatorrhoea tend to indicate?