COPD Flashcards
Key COPD symptoms
Main Symptoms:
Sputum Production
Chest Tightness
Airway Irritability
Advanced Disease:
Weight Loss
Signs of COPD on Physical Examination
Often no or very minor signs on physical examination in mild-mod COPD
Reduced chest wall movement
Hyperinflated lungs
Hyper-resonant percussion
Diminished breath soudns +/- wheeze
Signs of respiratory failure - e.g. accessory muscle use
‘Pink Puffer’ - always SOB but better perfused, usually thinner
‘Blue bloater’ - less SOB, so centrally cyanosed, odematous
Signs of Cor Pulmonale (RV failure due to increased vascular resistance in lungs)
Criteria for COPD diagnosis
Clinical diagnosis
Hx of increasing dyspnoea and sputum production in a lifetime smoker
*Unwise to make daignosis of chronic bronchitis / emphysema in patients who are not/were not smokers - unless family hx sugestive of alpha-antitrypsin deficiency
Investigations in COPD
Spirometry (gold standard):
Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC of In chronic COPD, a reading of 88-90 may be acceptable
CXR: Not always routine, as can be normal even with advanced disease. Might show hyperinflation. Can be used to exclude lung cancer >1cm
Blood gases: May be normal. Increased PaCO2 and decreased PaO2 in advanced disease
ECG: May show evidence of cor pulmonale
FBC: To identify anemia or polycythemia
Sputum culture: if empirical Abx for purulent sputum fail
What is the consultation checklist for COPD?
S - Smoking Cessation
M - Medication: Inhaled bronchodilator, vaccines (influenza, pneumococcus), corticosteroids (if indicated)
O - is Oxygen needed?
K - Komorbidities: cardiac dysfunction, sleep apnoea, psteoporosis, depression, asthma?
E - Exercise and rehabilitation –> encourage
S - Surgery: Bullectomy, lung volume reduction surgery, single-lung transplant?
Outline plan for initial treatment in COPD
Mild - FEV1 60-80% predicted: Intermittend SABA prn
Mod - FEV1 40-50% predicted: Regular combined therapy - e.g. salbutamol + ipratropium (m3)
Severe - FEV1 <40% predicted: Add LABA +/- ICS
When to refer?
If COPD patient unresponsive / sub-optimal improvement when taking SABA, M3 agent, LABA and ICS
What defines a COPD exacerbation?
Acute onset over minutes-hours of at least two of:
Increasing SOB with use of accessory muslces
Reduced effort tolerance
Tachypnoea >25
Increased fatigue
Increased cough and sputum
Increased wheezing
When to use oxygen in COPD patients?
Commenced if patient hypoxaemia ( assisted ventilation may be required if this occurs, so proceed carefully