History Exam Flashcards
What was the White Australia Policy?
A term used to describe a series of government policies introduced after federation in 1901 that stopped ‘non-white’ immigrants from coming to Australia, favouring white people
What were two factors that contributed to Australia trying to get migrants after WW2?
- Needed to build up the nation, to increase defense; never had been so close to invasion like in WW2
- To build up economy
What was Australia’s population before WW2, and now?
1945: 7 million.
Now: 26.6 million
When did Aboriginal people come to Australia?
65,000 years ago
What are some push factors?
Lack of opportunities
War and conflict
Famine or drought
Fear of persecution
Lack of political or religious freedom
Natural disasters
Poor medicare care or education
Lower living standards
What are push factors?
Factors or characteristics that are unattractive about a place that a person is considering moving from
What are some pull factors?
Safety and security
Government incentives
Hope of better employment
Shelter, food, money
Better living standards
Better medical care
Educational opportunities
Political or religious freedom
What are pull factors?
Factors or characteristics that are attractive about a place that a person is considering moving to
What was ‘Bring out a Briton’?
A migration scheme encouraging Aussies to tell their friends to come to Australia. Committees were formed to sponsor and recommend new migrants assisted passage.
What was the Australian government’s slogan about migration after WWII?
‘Populate or Perish!’
What was the ten pound pom scheme?
In 1947, British and Australian governments launched programs to subsidise cost of British migrant voyages. For children, it was free, adults were just 10 pounds (About $18 aud) This was why these migrants were known as the ten pound poms.
Why did the government try and get children migrants?
Child migrants were attractive to the government as they were adaptable and could contribute with cheap labor
What was the ‘Big Brother movement’?
It matched boys migrating, with responsible adults to provide support, and encouragement
How many people did Australia agree to accept each year from Europe?
Who were the ‘Beautiful Balts’?
People from Baltic states were suitable as Australian people viewed them kindly as they were on their side in WW2. They also looked beautiful and white, so they were chosen.
What was the ‘snowy mountains hydroelectric scheme’?
The snowy mountains hydroelectric scheme proposed development of tunnels and dams to divert the snowy river. Project needed 10000 new workers, and many came from Europe. Those who worked on it were from a range of backgrounds.
When did the White Australia policy finish?
White Australia policy ended when Whitlam government renounced it in 1973.
What was the policy of Assimilation and Integration?
Assimilation: When a minority group adopted the language and customs of Australia
Integration: New migrants should conform to Australia while retaining some aspects of their culture
What is monoculturalism?
Preserving a single culture through excluding external influences
What is multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism encouraged diversity. It allows different cultures in society. It allowed Migrants to celebrate their origins with embracing their adopted country
When was multiculturalism recognised by the Government and who was the minister of immigration at that time?
1973, Al Grassby
When was the racial discrimination act made?
What years was Bob Hawke prime minister?
What years was Paul Keating prime minister?
1991 - 1996
What years was John Howard prime minister?
1996 - 2007
What years was Kevin Rudd prime minister?
2007-2010, June to September 2013
What years was Julia Gillard prime minister?
2010 - 2013
What years was Tony Abbott prime minister?
What years was Malcolm Turnbull prime minister?
What cause the migration debate to start in the 80s?
Arrival of Vietnamese asylum seekers in late 70s, and Historian Geoffery Blainey saying that there were too many Asian immigrants
What was John Howard’s policy in the 80s, and what was his view on Multiculturalism?
‘One Australia’ policy, it called for Multiculturalism to end, Howard didn’t agree with multiculturalism
What did the Hawke government do surrounding migrants and multiculturalism?
The Hawke government responded to Howard, rejecting the use of race to select migrants. The government released ‘national agenda for a multicultural australia’ which defined principles of multiculturalism
What did Hawke do after the Tiananmen Square massacre?
Hawke granted 2,000 Chinese students asylum, and refused the chinese government’s requests to send Chinese students home
What did Paul Keating do in regards to migration?
In 1992, Introduced mandatory detention for Asylum seekers, and later in 1994, the time limit on detention was removed, meaning they could be stuck forever
Who is Pauline Hanson, and what were her views on multiculturalism?
She was eected in 1996, used to be Liberal, but the party no longer supported her due to comments about special treatment of Aboriginals. She doesn’t agree with multiculturalism, and wanted immigration policy to be reviewed
What did Howard believe should be at the centre of Australia’s identity?
Australian tradition
What did Howard do to try and stop illegal asylum seekers?
Introduced ‘Deter and Deny’ and the ‘Pacific solution’, which transported Asylum seekers to detention centres (nauru and manus island), and increased surveillance and patrols
What was the Tampa Bay crisis?
The Olong, a boat started to sink, and apparently threatened children were to be thrown off to be rescued by the HMAS Adelaide, who caught the Olong. No children were at risk of being thrown overboard. The government wanted people to think they were, to prove the risks of Asylum seeking, but was criticised for this
When were the first four waves of boat people?
Wave 1: 70s and 80s from Vietnam
Wave 2: 1989 and early 90s Cambodia, Vietnam, Southern China
Wave 3: 1999 - early 2000s Middle East
Wave 4: 2012 Afghanistan Iran Iraq
What was the Malaysia solution?
The Malaysia solution was presented by the Gillard government, and agreed in 2011, to move asylum seekers from Australia to Malaysia to settle there. It did not proceed due to legal issues, and it was said by a court to be ‘legally invalid’.
Who opened and reopened the Nauru and Manus Island detention centres
Howard opened it, Gillard reopened detention centres with a new ‘No advantage’ policy meaning boat arrivals didn’t have an advantage over usual arrivals
What was the PNG solution?
Kevin Rudd government organised the ‘PNG solution’, which meant that any asylum seekers without visas would be refused, and sent to Papua New Guinea
What was ‘Operation Sovereign Borders’ and when was the Border Force Act passed?
Abbot promised to ‘Stop the Boats’ and military-led support, and tow boats back, and maybe buy boats, which created tensions with Indonesia. In 2015, The Australian Border Force Act was passed, and set up Law enforcement agency giving them powers as well
What was Turnbull’s agreement with Obama?
Turnbull agreed with Obama to send asylum seekers to US, and get refugees in Australia, 800 have been sent under agreement
What was the Medevac Bill?
Dr Kerryn Phelps proposed the Medevac Bill, which was passed in 2019. It made it mandatory that very ill refugees and asylum seekers be transferred to Australia for care. 192 people were transferred to Australia for medical treatment. This legislation was repealed when Phelps was defeated.
How many migrants were British and Irish in 1960s compared to today?
1960s - 45% of migrants were British and Irish, now it has declined to 18%
What has been an important factor in relationships with other countries?
Migration has closely been tied to it’s relationship with countries.
How big is Australia’s Greek community?
What was the 2009 indian student controversy?
India is the 2nd largest source of international students.
Due to Indian students being attacked, reported as racist attacks (23/152 were deemed racist), there was a 46% drop in Indian students
What does Terra Nullius mean and what is it’s significance to Australia’s colonisation?
Means ‘no man’s land’. When colonisation occured, the British looked for residences like Britain, and proclaimed it ‘Terra Nullius’.
What were Aboriginal protection Boards?
Aboriginal Protection Boards were put in place to ‘manage’ Aboriginal populations. Removing children were their main work. The states were in charge of this.
What were the purpose of Aboriginal reserves and missions?
Aboriginal Reserves and Missions were established to support assimilation, but many believe it was to support segregation.
How were First Nations people legally and politically marginalised?
Were not allowed to vote or be counted, did not receive basic wage, or pensions, and were given travel restrictions, excluded from army and did not get ‘baby bonus’ for mothers
What was the ‘Assimilation Policy’ accepted by the Aboriginal Welfare Conference in 1937?
Aboriginals of mixed race were to assimilate into white society. They were to be in ‘ultimate absorption’ of white people
What was the purpose of segregation?
It was to control Aboriginal people - ‘Colour Bars’ - bans which stopped Aboriginal people from going to public places like bars, denial of school enrolment to First Nations people were common
What was the Stolen Generations and the result of this?
Late 1800s - 1970s many first nations children were taken
People thought that mixed race aboriginals brought up in ‘white’ communities would be better, but were often rejected.
Full-blooded Aboriginal people were removed from their families. Aboriginal people didn’t feel black or white.
What were the justifications of the Stolen Generations?
Common justifications for these policies were ‘child protection’, belief that they would ‘die out’ and a desire to ‘civilise’ first Nations people. Often, the removals weren’t ‘justifiable’ and they wanted to ‘breed out’ First Nations people
What is Cummeragunja Station?
Cummeragunja Station had a school that taught numerous Aboriginal people, including many civil rights leaders, and when a cruel manager was appointed, 200 Aboriginals walked off to protest, the first mass strike of Aboriginal people.
What happened on the sesquicentenary (150th anniversary) of colonisation?
Was known as Mourning day, the Australian Aborigines League and the Aborigines Progressive Association used the anniversary to protest and plan marches, and some had the first-ever civil rights meeting for Aboriginals
What did the Australian Aborigines League and the Aborigines Progressive Association make on the Day of Mourning, 1938?
On this anniversary, they wrote a manifesto called ‘Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights’ which showed Australians a different view on what happened in 1788.
What was the Wave Hill walkoff?
In 1966, Gurindji people walked off in response to British Vestey company’s refusal to pay workers their $25 a week. It ended 1973.
Who led the Wave Hill walk off?
Vincent Lingiari, who wanted traditional lands to be returned
What did Gough Whitlam do in 1975 to the Gurindji people?
He handed 3300 square km of land to Gurindji peoples. In 1976, under the Malcolm Fraser government, the Aboriginal Land rights act was granted, which granted Aboriginal people titles to their land in the NT
What were the Aboriginal Freedom rides?
Starting in 1965, a bus tour in NSW began as a way to find facts and ended as a protest against segregation.
The freedoms riders were led by Charles Perkins
What was the importance of the 1967 referendum?
Referendum seeking authority to count First Nations people in census that year. It would allow the government to legislate for first Nations people, something that states did prior.
When were Aboriginal people given the right to vote?
What was the tent embassy?
Peaceful protest set up in front of Parliament. First Nations people thought of themselves as aliens, and wanted to draw attention to the wrongs committed against them. They had multiple goals including land rights, preservation to sacred sites, and compensation for lands not returned
What was the Mabo decision?
Torres strait Islander group led by Eddie Mabo won a land rights case in 1993, after a ten year case.
Torres Strait Islanders had rights to their land (Mer Island) because they were the original owners.
What was Eddie Mabo able to do in the case?
Mabo was challenging the legal concept of Terra Nullius. Eddie Mabo was born in 1936 on Mer Island.Mabo was able to show where the land ended and clarify details.
What was the result of the Mabo decision?
Native title may apply to all claims to land that was not sold or given away. December 1993, government passed the Native Title Act to place the mabo decision in legislation. Addressed concerns of non-indigenous people who worried they would lose land, and it confirmed land ownership for purchased land.
What must be proven before Aboriginals get land?
Must prove that first nations people had an unbroken link with the land. The research process was necessary before native title application could be made.
What was the Wik Decision?
Wik decision meant that Native title could exist along with pastoral lease (crown land being used by farmers and graziers, without the sole legal right). Pastoralists had the right to pasture, but not exclusive rights to land
What was the 1997 Native Title Amendment Act?
Taking place in 1998, the act extinguished native title on crown land and pastoral land
When did Hawke establish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commision (ASTIC)?
What was the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commision Act 1989?
Designed to have participation by First Nations peoples in decision making, to promote self-management, to further economic, cultural, social development
Why was the ASTIC limited?
Received 46% of the budgeted expenditure for Aboriginal Affairs, not much responsibility. ASTIC’s budget was spent on development programs.
When was ASTIC abolished?
What was CDEP?
Community development Employment project scheme, supported by ASTIC a number of CDEP programs were abolished in 2007.