History Cycle Test May 2023 Flashcards
Where was Timbuktu located
Edge of the Sahara Desert, 13km from Niger River
Where did traders come from to Timbuktu
Traders came from North and East Africa
How were goods transported in Timbuktu
Using the Niger River
Who were the main producers of gold
What did Mediterranean countries need?
What did Mali need from Mediterranean countries
What was salt used for
Salt was used to preserve food and make food taste better
How was gold and salt traded
It was traded by giving equal amounts of gold and salt as they were both rare at the time
Where did merchants come from
North Africa
What European goods where there
Ceramics, silks, cloth, beads + printed fabrics
What sea was used to travel good to another country
The Mediterranean sea was used to transport goods to Morocco
What desert did traders go through to get to Timbutu
The Sahara Desert
Where were silks and ceramics also
India and China
What did the Indians want from africa and why
They wanted ivory because theirs was too tough to carve
What did Arabia buy from Africa
They brought ornamental weapons and utensils from african traders
What did Arabs exchange
Gold, slaves, ivory, salt, kola nuts, copper, ostrich feathers - GICKOSS
What made the kingdom of Mali wealthy
They got wealthy from the Trans - Saharan Trade
When and what did the previous ruler of Mali (before Mansa Musa) to make it a powerful kingdom
In 1230 - 1600 and he used taxes
What was the area of Mali at the time
1 138 000km2 (squared)
How many cities, town and villages were there in mali
What was the wealth also from
Trade, mining gold and copper + salt
What did the Mansa (king) place taxes on to make money
Gold and salt
What were also traded to make money
In what century did the North Africa trade routes bring ……. Traders to West africa
9th …… = Muslim
What resulted in the spread of Islam into West Africa
Bringing the Muslim traders through the trade routes
Why did West Africa get better trading prices with Muslim traders
Because they changed to Islam
What advantages did change to Muslim give West Africa
They learned how to read and write
By what year was Mali Muslim
1300 CE
Who and what was the state religion in Mali
Mansa Musa made Muslim the state religion
Who and what did the Muslims worship
The worshiped Allah and the scared book Quraan
Who started Muslim/Islam
Prophet Muhammad
Who was Munsa in 1310 CE
Abubakari ||
How did the Mansa of 1310 CE disappear and how many ships where with him
He decided to go on a exploration to see what was on the other side of the Alantic Ocean and he had 400 ships
Who became the new Mansa after Abubakari || died and what did people call him
Musa became the new Mansa and was know as the best Mansa in history and people called him “Musa the Magnificent”
When was Mali at its height
1312 - 1337
How were the boundary of Mali extended
By adding important towns like Timbuktu and Gao
What were the people of Mali encouraged to grow/do
Cotton, beans, rice, onion and mine gold
True or false - Islam was the only religion allowed
False, Mansa Musa allowed anyone to be any religion
Who + how many people followed Mansa Musa around wand what did they sing?
300 guards, musicians and people followed him around singing “hail Mansa Musa, King of Mali”
Which town was a thriving learning center
How were people encouraged to learn and study to be what
People were paid to learn to become doctors, priests, lawyers, judges, researchers, teachers
When was Mali strong until and when did it end and why
After Mansa Musa died Mali was strong until the 16th century then Mali ended
What do good Muslims do
A pilgrimage
When did Mansa Musa do his pilgrimage
In 1324
Who traveled with Mansa Musa on his pilgrimage
60 000 officials, soliders, merchants, servents and slaves
How many camels carried his gifts and how many kilos of gold did his camels carry
He had 80 camels and they carried 200 kilos of gold
When were mosques built on his pilgrimage
On Fridays when his camels stopped
How many servants did his wife have
Why did gold drop in value
Because Mansa Musa gave away so much gold
What islam rule did Mansa Musa follow
Giving to the poor
How long did his journey take (give km and year(s))
It was 4 800km and took a year
What places did Mansa Musa visited on his pilgrimage
Cairo in Egypt and Medina in Arabia
Why did Egyptians traders start trading with Mali
Because they were so impressed at his pilgrimage
Who did Mansa Musa return with after his PIlgrimage
Muslim teachers, architects and Arab students
In what year was Mali on the world map
What year was Mansa Musa added to the Spanish map and what did he look like
In 1375 and he was wearing a gold crown and holding a gold bar in his hand
How did Mansa Musa draw attention to Europe and Islam world
By his generosity and advancement of Islam
Where was Leo Africanus born and why did he leave + where did he go
He was born in spain but got kicked out for being Muslim. His family then moved to Morroco
What age was he when him and his uncle went on a diplomatic mission and where did they go
He was 16 and they went to timbuktu
Who was Leo Africanus captured by and who was he sold to as
He was captured by European pirates and sold to Pope Leo X as an educated slave
What did Pope Leo do to Leo Africanus
He baptised him as a christian, gave him the name Leo and gave him freedom
What was the document that Leo A made called and what was it about + how many times was it re printed and what did people change about it
His doc. Was called “African Geography” and described the caravan trade routes. It was re printed 5 times and it was changed to different languages
What did the Historian believe about Leo and his document
They believed he didn’t actually go to the places and got his information from Morocco traders
What did Pope Leo asked Leo A to do in africa
He wanted Leo A to visit africa and survey the continent
In what year did Leo A make a book? What was it called and what did it describe and for how long was it important for
He made a book in 1550. It was called “Description on Africa”. Had detailed descriptions of the trade routes, people, and geography. It was important for 100 years
What was discovered about Leo A book and in what century
In the 20th century historians discovered that his book had been changed of the centuries and the original work want kept
In what century was Timbuktu a famous learning centre for Islamic learning
In the 12th century
How many schools, uni’s and students learnt at Timbuktu
180 schools, 3 uni’s, 25 000 students
Where did scholars come from to learn at Timbuktu + what did they write about it
Saudi Arabia, Europe, other parts of the world and they wrote books about it
How many book did the one library at Timbuktu have and how were Mansa Musa palace and mosques built
50 000 books, by the scholars + architects that Mansa Musa brought from his pilgrimage
What was the main learning focus at Timbuktu
What other subjects were offered at Timbuktu
Government law
What happened between students and teachers at Timbuktu
Each student attached themselves to a teacher and had discussions/debates in courtyards of mosque’s or private rooms
True or false : at Timbuktu Learning centre there were set courses to study
What was Europe surprised and amazed about Timbuktu and why
They were surprised at the high level of education and thought africa learnt through passed down oral traditions
Who wrote about the amazing learning centre of Timbuktu
Leo Africanus
What century would these years be in and how do you calculate centuries
20th century
4th century
25th century
14Th century
20th century
1st century
You +1 to the number in front (not for hundreds)
Write years for the centuries
20th century
18th century
1st century
56th century
What is a primary source
the raw materials of history — original documents and objects that were created at the time under study.
What is a secondary source
one that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you’re researching
What is chronologic order
Events that are put into order from first to latest