History: chapter 12 quiz Flashcards
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged with and convicted of…
robbery and murder
To expand its membership in the 1920s, the ku klux klan engaged in all of the following except…
encouraging white women to join the organization
the immigration policies of the 1920s limited immigration from all of the countries except…
Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer believed that he needed to protect the american people from..
political radicals
during the 1920s, union membership…
dropped considerably
the 1st practical peacetime use of airplanes was for…
carrying mail
the main factor causing urban sprawl in the 1920s was…
the automobile
the teapot dome scandal centered around….
oil-rich lands
he Fordney-McCumber tariff was meant to
raise taxes on goods leaving the United States
to protect their own interests, employers often accused striking workers of being….
the first civil air route connected New York with…
according to the map, the first international air route as available…
by 1921
a plane traveling from Chicago’s airport to the airport in Minneapolis would have to travel….
New Orleans was first served by an air route
by 1921
according to the map, in 1930 it was possible to fly a scheduled route from the United States to…
who are the men in the cartoon
in this cartoon, what bigger idea does he light represent?
the truth about america
according to the cartoon, which of the following is an example of the kind of ideas that shut out the light ?
soviet doctrines
what is the main difference between the 2 men in the cartoon?
one is a leader
which statement best expresses the main idea of this cartoon?
radicals use foreign and communist propaganda to block the good, honest details of america
this established the maximum number of immigrants who were allowed into the United States from each foreign country.
quota system
although its membership sharply increased as a result of the red scare and nativism, its power declined once its criminal activity and radical violence became exposed
ku klux klan
this is a policy of abstaining from involvement in world affairs
this is an economic and political system based on a single party government ruled by dictatorship
their radical opposition to any and all forms of government led many with similar beliefs to be harassed, arrested, and deported during the red scare
as attorney general, he sent government agents out on a series of illegal raids to hunt down suspected radicals
a mitchell palmer
as the governor of Massachusetts during the Boston police strike, he opposed the strike, he opposed the strikers and called out the national guard to restore order
Calvin Coolidge
as president of the United mine workers, he led the miners on a strike that eventually resulted in a significant wage increase
John L. Lewis
True/False. the Kellogg-Briand pact rejected WAR as an instrument of national policy.
True/False. As a result of the WASHINGTON NAVAL CONFERENCE, Britain and France were not able to sell enough goods to pay off their war debts.
false. Fordney McCumber Tariff
True/False. THE DAWES PLAN arranged for loans to be made to Germany so that it could pay war reparations.
True/False. The Ohio gang consisted of various ENEMIES of President Warren G. Harding who took advantage of their political positions to gain wealth and influence
false. friends/ associates/ appointees
True/False. The teapot dome scandal involved the secret leasing of oil-rich lands owned by ALBERT B. FALL to private oil companies .
false. the public/the government/ the United States
True/False. President Harding’s Secretary of State was CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, who later went on to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
True/False. People who oppose all forms of government are called ANARCHIST.
True/False. Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge called out the national guard to break the Boston FIREFIGHTERS strike.
false. police
True/False. The panic surrounding the threat of communism in the early 1920s was called the “BIG SCARE”
False. red scare
True/False. The Fordney-McCumber tariff was adopted in 1922 to LOWER the taxes on imported goods.
false. raise
True/False. A dollar down and a dollar forever represents a form of credit called the INSTALLMENT PLAN
True/False. The main goal of the Washington naval conference was to reduce the threat of COMMUNISM.
false. war
True/False. The personal friends that president Harding put into his cabinet were known as the the FALL GUYS.
false. Ohio gang
True/False. Great changes in america’s landscape were tied mostly closely to a large increase in the use of AUTOMOBILES in the 1920s.
True/False. the quota system of the 1920s was created to reduce TARIFFS.
false. immigration
True/False. The teapot dome scandal involved the secret leasing of government-owned OIL RESERVES for profitable use by private companies.
According to Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, What was “eating its way into the homes of the American workman, is sharp tongues…licking the altars of the churches”?
which of the following rose dramatically in the early 1920s ?
which of the following is not considered a sign that the prosperity of the 1920s was superficial?
the success of the advertising industry
why was the kellogg-briand pact considered useless?
it provided no means of enforcing the “no war” agreement
Nativists who found fault with the emergency quota acts of 1921 would have been moved likely to say which of the following?
it did not restrict immigration enough
which of the following was most closely tied to the public’s negative reactions to organized labor in the 1920s?
fears of communism
which of the following called for the abolition of private property in order to equally distribute wealth and power?
John L. Lewis is most closely associated with which of the following ?
the coal miners’ strike
what might an anarchist have said about the scandals that plagued president harding’s administration?
the scandals are more proof that all forms of government should be abolished
which of the following is not considered a direct result of the growing popularity and availability of the automobile?
changes in the advertising industry