History: chapter 10 test Flashcards
White business leaders forced him to change Hawaii’s constitution to grant voting rights only to wealthy landowners
King kalakaua
U.s. Military and economic leaders pressure Hawaii to allow the u.s. To build a naval base at …
Pearl Harbor
Urged by such leaders as u.s. Naval admiral_, the United States constructed many new battleships, transforming the nation into the world’s third largest naval power.
Alfred t. Mahan
Caused a crisis by threatening Hawaiian sugar growers with economic disaster.
The McKinley tariff
Became Hawaii’s queen and proposed a new constitution.
With the aid of the u.s. Ambassador, white business groups overthrow the Hawaiian government and establish a provisional government with _ as president.
Sanford b. Dole
President _ formally recognizes the republic of Hawaii.
Grover Cleveland
Favored the annexation of Hawaii and took over the presidency from Cleveland.
William McKinley
Proclaims Hawaii an American territory
WHat were the three main roots of American imperialism ?
1) industrial overproduction lead to the need for more raw materials
2) need for military strength to protect our interest world wide
3) we wanted to minister to the world to show we were more superior
This is the sensational style of writing that exaggerates the nEws to lure readers
Yellow journalism
This volunteer cavalry unit fought in a famous land battle near Santiago, Cuba. Lead by Roosevelt.
Rough riders
This Cuban poet and journalist launched a Cuban revolution in 1895.
José Martí
SOon after this was destroyed, The United States declared war on Spain.
U.s.s. Maine
This nation gained its independence in the Spanish-American war.
It’s criticism of the American president caused American resentment toward Spain to turn to outrage.
De lôme letter
This general forced Cubans to relocate to concentration camps, where thousands of them died.
General valeriano weyler
After the war, the u.s. Paid 20 million dollars to Spain for the annexation of this land.
Philippine islands
Theodore Roosevelt was declared the hero of this, even though he and his units played only a minor role in its capture.
San Juan hill
He was the naval commander who led the American forces that steamed into Manila bay and destroyed the Spanish fleet.
George Dewey
Identify 2 people, ideas, or events that helped to ignite the Spanish American war. Explain the role they played.
1) imperialism because we wanted to protector Cuba And the Philippines since we had business interest
2) yellow journalism because they wanted to make situations worse so we could protect them
In which nation did the boxer rebellion take place ?
Which nation was directly affected by the forakers act?
Puerto Rico
For which nation’s independence did Emilio aguinaldo fight ?
Which nation was the focus of John Hay’s “open door notes”?
To which nation did the treaty of 1898 guarantee independence from Spain?
Which nation did the platt amendment make a u.s. Protectorate?
Which nation was not affected by the Spanish American war ?
Which nation attempted to achieve its independence by going to war against the United States ?
In which nation did the United States use the same sort of concentration camp practices that it had condemned Spain for using in Cuba?
At the turn of the century, which of these nations could be best described as an independent, though bullied, trading partner of the United States ?
By the turn of the century, what were the three main beliefs that guided American foreign policy?
1) we needed export products for growth
2) we needed to intervene because we needed products to keep our industry growing
3) to keep foreign powers from our shore
The Panama Canal was built during his presidency.
Theodore Roosevelt
During his presidency, the United States and Mexico came close to war.
Woodrow Wilson
He led American forces into Mexico in pursuit of a Mexican revolutionary leader.
John j. Pershing
American troops were sent into Mexico to try to capture this Mexican revolutionary leader.
Francisco “pancho” villa
This term refers to the policy of using the u.s. Government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American business-people.
Dollar diplomacy
It’s construction ranks as one of the world’s greatest engineering feats.
Panama Canal
This term refers to the policy of denying recognition of Latin American governments that the United States viewed as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to the u.s. Interests.
Missionary diplomacy
Also known as “big stick” diplomacy, this official American policy stated that disorder in Latin America could force the United States to send its military into Latin American nations to protect American economic interests.
Roosevelt corollary
Identify one word or phrase you would use to describe American policy and behavior toward Latin America during the presidencies if Roosevelt and Wilson. Use examples pleas from each presidency to support your choice.
Imperialism. With Roosevelt’s Panama Canal speak softly and carry a big stick. Monroe doctrine.
Not used to stimulate u.s. Imperialism?
New source of cheap labor
Which countries residents became u.s. Citizens?
Artist Fredrick Remington was associated with ?
Randolf Hearst
Teddy Roosevelt won the Nobel peace prize by…
Negotiation the end of the war between Russia and Japan
U.s. Military not involved in …
The Russia or Japan war
The u.s. Insisted that the Cuban constitution include ?
The platt amendment
The de lôme letters criticized ?
The treaty of Paris ended ?
The Spanish American war
The foraker act ended?
Military rule Puerto Rico
Pancho villa came from ?
Yahoo journalism?
yellow journalism
What was rivera’s name about ?
_ was the rally cry for an intervention in Cuba ?
U.s.s. Maine
Panama Canal was territory of…
U.s. Would not withdraw troops from Cuba until they adopted…
The platt amendment
The Spanish American war ?
The Philippino American war