History Autumn 2022/23 Flashcards
1.1 Society
Groups were formed that challenged social norms. For example the Ranters and Levellers who believed that England should be made more equal.
1.2 Religion
During the Civil War parliament was dominated by Puritan (extreme protestants) and attacked what they saw as Catholic ideas in England. When Oliver Cromwell ruled over England he introduced a number of puritans laws.
1.3 Politics
Charles I was put on trial at the end of the Civil War and executed, this made England a republican, with Oliver Cromwell made Lord Protector. Although he had many similar powers to the King.
1.4 Women
Women during the Civil War became involved in the conflict. Mary Bankes defended Corfe Castle and Elizabeth Lilburne petition parliament to release her husband.
2.1 Why was it a part of the Empire?
•Religious: Puritan (extreme protestants) left Britain and travelled to America to escape religious persecution.•Economic: There were trade opportunities in the colonies.•Exploration: Explorers landed in America and began to claim it for British monarchs.
2.2 Why did America want independence?
•Taxation: Britain started to tax America. For example the Stamp Act and the Tea Act. •Boston Massacre: 3 American colonists killed by the British in 1770. •Sons of Liberty: A group formed to protest British taxes on America.
2.3 How did America leave the Empire?
•1775-1783: American war of independence saw the Americans fighting the British.•1776: Declaration of independence. This was where America declared they were not longer part of the British Empire.
3.1 Why was it a part of the Empire?
•Economic: The East India Company used trade agreements to gain control of land in India. •Trade: Various new products could be bought and sold from India such as spices.
3.2 Why did India want independence?
•Tax: landowners and peasants resented the land tax that Britain made all Indians pay. •Power: Indian rulers lost power and prestige as the British took over.•Religion: Indians resented the East India Company’s Christian missionaries who wanted to convert all Indians to Christianity.•Poverty: Indian industries were destroyed by British policies
3.3 How did India leave the Empire?
•1857: Indian Rebellion. •Indian independence was a much longer process than America. •1885: Indian National Congress founded. •1947: India granted Independence.
5.1 Short term causes
Causes that happen close to the event.
5.1 Substantial change
A huge amount of change.
5.11 Superficial change
A small change that only really affects the surface.
5.12 Equality
Being equal, the same.
5.13 Reform
To change for the better.
5.14 Suffrage
The right to vote in political elections .
5.15 Enfranchisement
The giving of the right to vote.
5.16 Equalities Act 2010
A law that protects the rights of people.
5.2 Long term causes
Causes that happen a long time before the event but still impact it.
5.3 Civil War
A war between people of the same country.
5.4 Empire
A group of countries ruled over by a single leader or monarch.
5.5 Rebellion
To resist or fight back against government or authority.
5.6 Constitution
A set of laws.
5.7 Parliament
The law making body in the UK.
5.8 Legislation
5.9 Abolitionist
A person who fights for the end of slavery.
Christopher Columbus’ explorations of the Americas
First attempted English colony in America on Roanoke Island
First successful English colony in America in Virginia.
First African slaves brought to Jamestown
Mayflower set up a new colony in New England – Plymouth.
First English Civil War
Second English Civil War
King Charles I executed for his role in the Civil War.
Third English Civil War
Jamaica captured by Britain from the Spanish
East India Company take control of Bengal
Boston Tea Party
American War of Independence
The Indian Rebellion