History Flashcards
6 cardinal sy
For each one write out what you would ask to explore these symptoms!!!
Chest pain – SOCRATES
Dyspnoea – exertional / orthopnea / paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
Palpitations – ask patient to tap out the rhythm
Syncope / dizziness – postural / exertional / random
Oedema – peripheral oedema (e.g. lower limbs) / sacral oedema
Intermittent claudication – e.g. leg pain worsened on exertion / improved at rest
DOPT for general symptoms?
SOCRATES used to ask about chest pain
Onset (Sudden/gradual)
Timing (Intermittent/continuous)
SOB - What to ask?
Current vs normal (baseline)
Orthopnoea - pillows at night
What to ask about before? - 3
What to ask about during? - 5
What to ask about after? - 3
What were you doing
Symptoms before
Conscious or unconscious
Jerky movements
Witness available
Injuries - Tongue biting
Past medical and surgical history
Drug history
Family history - key q?
Unexplained young death - young QT
Social Hx - 8 areas to explore
Smoking – How many cigarettes a day? How many years have they smoked for?
Alcohol – How many units a week? – type / volume / strength of alcohol
Recreational drug use – e.g. Cocaine – coronary artery vasospasm
Diet – Overweight? Fatty foods? Salt intake? – cardiovascular risk factors
Exercise – baseline level of patient’s day to day activity
Living situation:
• House/bungalow? – adaptations / stairs
• Who lives with the patient? – is the patient supported at home?
• Any carer input? – what level of care do they receive?
Activities of daily living:
• Is the patient independent and able to fully care for themselves?
• Can they manage self hygiene / housework / food shopping?
Occupation – sedentary jobs – ↑ cardiovascular risk – e.g. lorry driver
Pack years - how do you calculate it?
1 pack-year = 20 cigarettes (1 pack) per day for 1 year, or 40 cigarettes per day for half a year, and so on.
So if they have 10 a day for a yr, then they have half a pack yr