History 421A- Roman civilization Flashcards
Who dominates control of the Senates and political offices?
Control of the Senate and political offices was completely dominated by a small circle of wealthy snd powerfuly families.
What is a republic?
A republic is a system of government where (some) citizens have the right to vote, and where the leader is elected.
What does the Praetor do?
The Praetor is in charge of civil laws.
Who were the patricians?
The patricians were wealthy land owners who became Rome’s ruling class.
Who are plebeians?
The plebeians were simply comoners; less wealthy land owners, small farmers, craftspeople, and merchlands.
What was the Roman Senate?
The Roman Senate was a group of about 300 patricians who served for life, their role was to advice government officials.
What was the Law of Nations
Law of Nations established standards of justice that applied to all people, regardless of citizenship.
What is a triumvirate?
A triumvirate is a government by three people with equal power.
What is Pax Romana?
Pax Romana was a period of peace and prosperity for Rome.
Who was Spartacus?
Spartacus was a Roman gladiator who rallied 70,000 slaves to rebel against the Romans.
What are Gladiator Games?
Gladiator games often involved two trained combatants fighting to the death infront of a large audiance.
What was entertainement like in Rome?
-Gladiator games
-Dramatic performances in theatres
-Horse and chariot races
Who are Apostles?
Apostotles were the titles given to Jesus’ main followers, who became leaders after his death.
Why was Christianity able to attract so many followers?
1) Christianity was personal
2) Christianity was familiar, but easier to enter
3) Christianity fulfilled the need to belong
Who were the three major groups in early Italy?
The Latins, the Etruscans, and the Greeks.
What were the impacts of the Greeks and Etruscans on Rome?
Greeks introduced olive and grape farming as well as gave them their alphabet.
Etruscans returned Rome into a city and gave Rome the model for their army.
What happened to the people in the Italian states conquered by early Rome?
The people became either citizens or subjects, but were free to govern their own affairs.
What happened to the states conquered by early Rome?
They became provinces or allies of Rome, with a few obligations but some benefits as well.
They had to provide troops for Rome, but loyal allies could earn full citizenship.
What were the 2 major social classes of Rome?
Plebeians and Patricians.
What could be the problem with a wealth-based political structure?
The rich always have control/power/
What was the early purpose of the Roman Senate and how long did they serve?
To advise governing officials and they were appointed for life.
What principals of the Law of Nations do we still use today?
-Innocent until proven guilty
-People accused of wrongdoing were allowed to defend themselves before a judge
-A judge was expected to carefully weigh evidence before arriving at a decision.
How many Punic Wars were there?
How did Carthage become such a powerhouse?
Founded by the Phoenicians and made a ton of money on trade.
Why did Rome face early troubles against Carthage?
Rome was a land-based power and Carthage had a formidable army.
What sparked each Punic War?
1) Rome wanted control of Sicily
2) Rome encouraged a Carthaginian ally in Spain to revolt
3) Roman Senate wanted Carthage destroyed.