History Flashcards
an electronic record of health. related information on an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted
electronic health/medical record
an electronic record of health. related information on an individual that can be _, _, _, and _
created, gathered, managed, and consulted
in usa, only _ % have an extensive, fully functional ehr
in usa, only _ % have an extensive basic system
barriers to adoption of ehr
high capital cost and insufficient ROI, underestimating organizational capabilities, and failure to redesign clinical process
acc to the institute of medicine, what are the key functions that emr should support
physician access to patient information, access to new and past test results, computerized decision-support system, secure electronic communication among providers and patients, patient access to health records
applied computer science concerned with the processing of information such as nursing information
most powerful technological tool to transform the nursing profession prior to the new century
uses of computer in nursing
manage information, monitor quality of care, evaluate outcomes of care
four major nursing areas
nursing Practice, Education, Research, Administration
3 standard initiatives
nursing practice, nursing data, and health care data standards
time period: questions about why computers
time period: intorduction of crt terminals, online data communication, and real-time processing
cathode ray tube; 1960s
time period: nurses recognized the computer’s potential for improving the documentation, quality if patient care, and repetitive aspects
time period: _ provide statistical info; _ provide financial info
1970s; MIS; home health agencies
time period: discharge planning systems developed
time period: microcomputers emerged
time period: many mainframe HIS emerged
time period: local area network, wide area network, information superhighway, mainstream social milieu, e-mail, file transfer protocol
what did ANA publish in 1998
standards of clinical nursing practice
nursing practice standards have also been set by
joint commission on accreditation of hospital organization (JCAHO)
private org instituted to coordinate standard efforts in usa
american national standards institute (ANSI)
health care informatics standards board
an accredited committee that develops standards for health information
ASTM E-31 american society for testing and materials
a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science
nursing informatics
brach of science that deals with the principles and applications of nursing
nursing science
forms the theoretical framework of nursing
described the four main concepts of nursing
fawcett metaparadigm
four main concepts of nursing
person health environment nursing
significant because of its focus on the spiritual dimension of human beings
human caring theory
focuses on the development and testing of software
computer science
science and practice dealing with the effective collection storage retrieval an use of information
information science
facilitate integration of data
nursing informatics
designed to support clinical practice
clinical info system
time period: used punch cards to store data and card readers
prior to 1960s
time period: introduction of crt
clinical information systems became individualized in the
electronic patient record
patient specific systems considered for the lifelong longitudinal record or the
new requirement for ehr
nursing data standards
critical to review the standards organizations that have emerged
health care data standards organizations
american society for testing and materials
accredited committee that develops standards for health information systems designed to assist vendors and users.
american national standards institute
private org that coordinates voluntary standards efforts
joint commission on accreditation of hospitals organization
org that stresses the need for adequate recordd on patients in hospitaks and practice standards for the documentation of care.
electronic numerical integrator and computer