HISTORY Flashcards
Study of the past events,interpretative and imaginative study of surviving records of the past either written or unwritten
Individuals writing about history
Practice of Historical Writing
Gathering of documents from different libraries and archives
Traditional method
uses methods from related areas study such Archaeology and Geography
Modern method
Handwritten,printed,drawn,designed,and others composed material
Greek word”historia”
What are the uses of of history
1.Bridging the gap between the present and the past
2.Explaining causes of things and events.
3.Projecting the future
4.Promoting nationalism and patriotism
Which is derived from geschechen,meaning to happen
German Geshchichte
Rooted in two word salaysay,which means a narrative or a story and, more saysay or meaning
remains of animals,plants,and other organisms from the distant past
remains of animals,plants,and other organisms from the distant past
remnants of material culture developed by human beings
Ex.a book,a manuscript,a portrait,a stamp
The collections of techniques and guidelines that historians use to research and write histories of the past
Historical Method
1)The selection of a subject for investigation
2)The collection of probable sources of information on the subject
3)The examination of those sources
4)The extraction of credible particulars from the sources proved genuine
Historical Analysis
A German word which means to happen
According to him,kasaysayan is a narrative about past events that has meaning to a certain group of people in each time and place
It is the thereotical theory’s contribution of Salazar in the definition of history
Pantayong Pananaw
Means,making assumptions,making interpretations based on personal opinions without any verifiable facts
The process of objectively establishing facts through testing and experimentation
Scientific Method
It is a suggested solution to a problem
An elaborately designed burial jar (soul sailing)
Manunggul jar
They are the records kept by bureaucracies
Social documents
Professional historians treated these as the best source
Diplomatic source
Source of information for historians,told by the tales of ancient people
Oral Source
The are material produced by people or groups directly involved in the event or topic under consideration
Primary Source
Construct an explanation of the past based on direct sources
Secondary Source
It is a concept in history that makes an unbiased or balance observation based on facts
An event which influences that minds of the people so as to bring about unique irreversible changes
Historical facts
Examines the origins of the earliest text to appreciate the underlying circumstances upon which the text came to be.
Historical Criticism
written or oral statement provided by an individual who has relevant informaton about a case.
Testimonies of Witnesses
An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, of ornament of archaeological or historical interest.
A survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration or disappearance