History Flashcards
early Roman view of the afterlife with emphasizes the soul as the vital principle
Animistic view
organization with responsibility to accredit funeral service and mortuary science programs
American Board of Funeral Service Education
Egyptian god of embalming said to be of human form with the head of a jackal
a sole trade permitted to embalm and perform anatomical dissections in the city of London
forerunner of today’s hearse; a hand stretcher
generic term used in American to designated all burial receptacles as new variations of the coffin were being offered
burial case
required the woolen cloth to be substituted for linen in the shroud of the coffin; not repealed until 1814
Burial in Woolen Act of 1666
french term “casse” meaning jewel box; a case/ recpetable in which human remains are placed for protection, practical utility, and suitable memory picture
represents the interests of funeral service suppliers (formerly known as Casket Manufacturers Association)
Casket and Funeral Supply Association of America (CFSAA)
raised platform used for a body to lie in state
the oldest and largest Catholic cemetery association servicing Catholic cemeteries nationally and internationally
Catholic Cemetery Conference
a report published in 1843 on unsanitary conditions in London created by intramural burials and the high cost of funerals; recommended use of a death certificate
Chadwick’s report
Greek word “kofinos”; often anthropoidal in shape
portable table used in conjunction with the corpse cooler; later became the embaling table when embalming was done in the home of the deceased
Cooling board
type of ice chest placed over the torso of the deceased i
corpse cooler
historical term for funeral procession
founded in 1913, originally formed to promote cremation as a modern, safe and hygienic way of dealing with a dead human body
Cremation Association of North America (CANA)
English custom of Middle ages which lasted until 19th century; person who walked the street calling out the name of the deceased
master of ceremonies and director of the ancient Roman funeral procession
a life sized waxen recreation of the deceased
version of heaven in greek mythology
Elysian fields
burial outside the walls of the city
Extramural burial
patented in 1948 as form-fitting, airtight metallic coffin designed to improve ablilty to preserve the body, and had a glass plate to allow for viewing face
fisk metallic coffin
latin for torchlight procession
promoted the study and use of cost accounting methods to foster the business interests of its members and to help dispel the aura of mystery that was felt to exist in the public mind regarding the business of funeral directing
Funeral Service Bureau of America
a national organization which advances professionalism in F.S. and enhances public knowledge and understand through education and research ( formerly National Foundation of Funeral Service)
Funeral Service Foundation
provided services of organizing and facilitating funeral details as an occupation; aka undertaker
Funeral undertaker
provided supplies and merchandise to funeral undertakers who were dealing directly with the public
Furnishing undertaker
creates 0.43 lbs of pressure per foot of elevation
Gravity injector
aka funeral coach; derived from French word herse
international trade association representing all segments of the cemetery, funeral service, cremation and memorialization profession
International Cemetery, Cremation, and Funeral Asssociation (ICCFA)
organization of licensing agencies in North America, provides examination services, info, and regulatory support to funeral service licensing boards, educators, and govt bodies
Internation Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (The Conference; ICFSEB)
an organization of independent family owned funeral homes established in 1928 whose mission is to build and support member interaction, information exchange
International Order of the Golden Rule (OGR)
an association which guides, aids and supports members in honoring the deceased and comforting the bereaved by preserving, promoting and practicing the customs and traditions of the Jewish funeral
Jewish Funeral Directors of America (JFDA)
an occupational specialty practiced by women in many larger US cities by the end of the 18th century
layers out of the dead
formed in Middle ages by laypersons to bury the dead and to pray for the souls of the faithful departed
Leagues of Prayer
the ancient Roman goddess of corpses and funerals
head undertaker in ancient Rome
religious/philosophical belief of the ancient Greeks and Oriental East emphasizing spiritual aspects of the afterlife and the hope of joining the cult god in a wonderful existence in eternity
Mystery cults
established in 1942 as an organization for privately sponsored schools with the goal of advancement of mortuary education
National Association of Colleges of Mortuary Science
the oldest and largest national association of funeral directors and embalmers organized in 1882
National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA)
organized in 1924 to represent specific interest of African American funeral directors ; used to be called the Independent National Funeral Directors Association
National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association
a combo of salts found in dry lake bed of the desert and used by early Egyptians in preparation of bodies
funeral rites or burial ceremonies
Egyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead
a follower of a polytheistic religion
name of the ancient Roman embalmers; were either salves or employees of Libitinarius
The Catholic belief that those whose souls are not perfectly cleansed undergo a process of cleansing before they can enter heaven
Purgatorial Doctrine
known as the “father of restorative art” in 1912 in New York City
Joel Crandall
a limited, invitation-only membership funeral service organization formed in 1917 , one member firm per city; formerly National Selected Morticians
Independent Funeral Homes (SIFH)
mortuary fee paid to insure entrance of the decedent’s soul into heaven
soul shot
casket designed for President Ulysses S.Grant by Stein Coffin Co. in 1885 which helped elevate acceptance of cloth covered caskets
Style “E” State coffin
a long hollow tube patented in 1868 by Samuel Rogers of Philadelphia
original term applied to those whose occupation included the responsibility to organize and facilitate funeral activities
first formal organization of undertakers; kept a black book of delinquent customers to be shared among members only; originated in Philadelphia, January 1864
Undertakers Mutual Protective Association
organization of college and university-based funeral service programs established in 1961
University Mortuary Science Education Association
the year Edwin Chadwich publishes his report
when Fisk Metallic coffin was patented
credited w/discovery of Hunters Canal
John Hunter
U.S. Father of Embalming
Dr. Thomas Holmes
the first to successfully use arterial injection for embalming
Dr. William Hunter
Father of Embalming
Dr. Federick Ruysch
credited with discovering HCHO
August Hofman
father of histology
marcello malpighi
author of history of embalming
Jean Gannal
discovered circulation of blood
Dr. William Harvey
Father of Bacteriology
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek
patented arsenic/alcohol mixture
J. Anthony Gaussardia
translated the embalming history book
Richard Harlan
received the 1st American paten on a Metallic coffin (1836)
James Gray
Constantine’s Sumptuary laws
a body of mortuary laws
M.H. and J.R. Barnes acquired the manufacturing rights from Fisk in what year
goddess if corpses and funerals
FTC enacted
April 14 1984; Revised July 1994