History Flashcards
what is history
From Latin (via Greek) historia “account of events” (< Gr. histōr “judge, wise man”)
The study of past events, the narratives produced through it
(> historiography), and the past itself as object of those narratives
Historiography as practice of literate elites in cultures privileging the written word
Ø emphasis on issues of legitimacy, authority and chronology of those in power
Modern shift in history: anthropology; emphasis on economic and social factors; “mentalities” (cf. French Annales school); postmodernism and postcolonialism
History of Religions
The historical study of religion emerged along with the notion of a plurality of world “religions” in the 19th c.
Buddhism started being seen as one of the world “religions” when the traditional notion of “religion” (Abrahamic) was challenged through historical inquiry, especially in the 19th c.
The historical approach involved separating those aspects of religions that could be accounted for through a rational narrative of the past from their timeless elements, explained as myths
It is chiefly based on documents and artifacts as written and material evidence of the past
The historical approach to the study of religions focuses on the contexts in which religious ideas and practices emerge and are meaningful
NB: religious meaning is understood as a function of time
Historicizing founders
Historical Jesus
1836: David Strauss, Das Leben Jesu
* The figure of Jesus as an object of historical inquiry
* He did exist, but the miraculous accounts in the Gospels should be seen as myths
1863: Ernest Renan, Vie de Jésus
* Jesus as a (great) human being, whose life should be
reconstructed as that of any other historical figure
* Psychological and allegorical interpretation of the Gospels, rejection of miracle stories
QUEST for Historical Buddha since late 1800 (i.e. Oldenburg)
A lack of history in ancient India?
But this is not because the people of India had no history… We know from other sources that the ages were filled with stirring events; but these events found no systematic record.
Lesser relevance of history in the Buddhisttraditions?
“…for Christianity the historicity of Jesus is crucial and affects the authenticity of his message, whereas Buddhists believe that the Dhamma would be true whether the Buddha existed or not”
“Zen has its own life independent of history”
Richard Gombrich
D.T. Suzuki
KLAUSUR: Lesser relevance of history in the Buddhist traditions?
Buddhism is very different from the Abrahamic religions in that notions of linear time and historical agency are less prominent: there is only one Jesus breaking into history, but many Buddhas returning and rediscovering the Dharma.
However, Buddhists were (and are) very sensible to their past.
Conceptions about the past were considerably enriched in the course of Buddhism’s historical development, and Buddhist communities developed rich and varied historical narratives as well as eschatological discourses.
To the extent that Buddhism also depends on truths based and oriented in time, historical approaches are essential to its study.
KLAUSUR: vaṃśa - One key term for Buddhist historiography
- Skt. vaṃśa / P. vaṃsa
Literally, bamboo stem. - NB: bamboo grows by sending out one, and only one, shoot. This contrast with our idea of the genealogical tree, and may constitute a “hegemonic trope” (McRae) : establishing the authority of the one who knows
Used in ancient India to refer to a variety of forms of historical text, primarily genealogies. (Succession)
Develops to characterise more precisely an account intertwining political and religious succession of events, with the Buddha’s Dharma as the driving force.
Buddhist historiography
The Buddhist chronicles from Sri Lanka, especially the Dīpavaṃsa (late 4th c. CE?) and the Mahāvaṃsa (5th c. CE)
Chinese Buddhist historiography (e.g., Lidai sanbao ji 歷代三 寶紀, 598 CE)
Tibetan histories of Buddhism, famously by Bu ston (1290– 1364), Tāranātha (1574–1608)
Burmese, Thai, Japanese narratives…
Buddhist history as déjà vu
What the buddha discovered, he re- discovered:
KLAUSUR: The Five Buddhas of the
(bhadra kalpa)
Kanakamuni Kāśyapa