Historical Figures Flashcards
Simon Bolivar
South and Central American general. Liberated Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru from Spanish rule in the 19th century.
Oliver Cromwell
British general and revolutionary who ruled as Lord Protector without a king during the mid-1600s
Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederacy during the Civil War
William Lloyd Garrison
Che Guevara
Communist revolutionary in South and Central America
Henry VIII
British monarch who began the Church of England in the 16th century
Vladimir Lenin
Leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Bolshevik and Communist. First leader of the Soviet Union.
Louis XIV
the “Sun King.” Height of French monarcy
Louis XVI
French monarch who ruled until the French Revolution
Mao Tse-Tung (or Zedong)
Chinese revolutionary who established Communism in mainland China.
Ruled France and much of Europe following the French revolution.
Carry Nation
Leader of the temperance movement
Maximilien Robespierre
French revolutionary who ruled brutally during the early years of the French Revolution
Adam Smith
British economist and author. Wrote The Wealth of Nations which outlines laissez-faire (free market) capitalism.
Joseph Stalin
Soviet leader during World War II and the Cold War years