classified plants based on habit; author of Historia Plantarum; Father of Botany
author of Historia Naturalis (37 vol; includes medicinal and agricultural plants); lover of knowledge
Pliny the Elder
De Meteria Medica (600 plants); classified plants accdg to their medicinal uses; gave plants Latin names
Pedanius Dioscorides
German philosopher, theologian and Dominican friat
De Vegetabilis
Classified plants into monocots and dicots based on their vascular cambium, stem anatomy.
Albertus Magnus
German physician, botanist and theologian
Herbarium vivae icones (illustrated); Brunfelsia (Solanaceae – eggplant & potato)
Otto Brunfels
Italian physician and botanist
Considered the creator of the first recorded herbarium
First botanical garden in Europe
Luca Ghini
French botanist
Formalized the application of taxonomic rank
First to make a clear definition of the genus concept [a genus is composed of a plenty of species] for plants (Salix, Acer, Populus, Verbena)
Classified plants intro trees, shrubs, etc.
Divided them into Polypetalae (with petals) & Apetalae
Regular (radial symmetry) vs Irregular Flowers
Joseph Pitton de Tournefort
Swedish physician, botanist, and zoologist
Binomial nomenclature
Numerical systems and sexual parts of plants
Systema Naturae (1735); Genera Plantarum (1737); Species Plantarum (1753)
Linnaea borealis (“twinflower”)
First to place humans among the primates (Anthropomorpha)
Father of modern taxonomy
Used sexual terms (scandalous) to classify reproductive feature
Popularized hierarchical system: Imperium (Empire), Regnum (Kingdom), Classis
Carl Von Linne
Italian physician, philosopher, botanist
Classified plants according to their fruits and seeds
De Plantis libri (1583)
One of the first botanists to make an herbarium
Genus Caesalpinia
Andrea Caesalpino
Started genus as taxonomic rank; Pinax (1596); distinguished binomial species and genera; first to use binomial nomenclature; classify things based on its uses
Gaspard Bauhin
introduced the family concept; Genus Magnolia
Pierre Magnol
Separated phanerograms from cryptograms; wrote historia plantarum; classified plants accdg to similarities and differences; first to divide flowering plants into monocot and dicot
John Ray
Devised a natural system classification based on their physical characteristics (Adansonism); rejected artificial system; explored tropical plants
Michel Adanson
Flore Francoise (1778); concept of natural classification; coined the term biologie; organisms can transcend from one form to another
Jean Baptiste-Lamarck
organisms tend to change overtime
theory of use and disuse