Histopathology 3: Breast pathology Flashcards
45 year old lady presents with thick, white nipple discharge and a periareolar lump. Histology shows distended lactiferous duct.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Mammary duct ectasia
- May also cause breast pain, breast mass and nipple retraction
- NB not linked with breastfeeding
Breastfeeding mother presents with a red, painful, swollen breast. Histology shows neutrophils and pus.
Most likely diagnosis and likely organism?
Acute mastitis - S.Aureus
- This is when you get acute inflammation of the breast (glandular tissue)
- Due to milk stasis and cracked skin
60 year old women presents with a painless breast lump. She reports being in a car accident 10 years ago and wonders if the trauma from her seatbelt might have caused it.
Most likely diagnosis ? Other causes ?
Fat necrosis
- Causes: trauma + Radiotherapy, surgery, panniculitis
Aetiology: fat in the breast tissue is attacked by inflammatory cells, and it dies producing a hard lump
A 20 year old lady presents with a breast lump which is well demarcated, mobile and feels rubbery. Histology shows stromal (fibrous tissue) proliferation.
Most likely diagnosis ?
- This is benign neoplasm
- glandular proliferation (of the ducts) and of stroma
- NB usually in younger people
Which breast tumour can originate from Fibroadenomas ?
Phyllodes tumour
- group of potentially aggressive fibroepithelial neoplasms of the breas
- NB they are leaf-like
- Most are benign
A 60 year old lady presents after she noticed her breast lump previously diagnosed as a fibroadenoma has started to increase in size. Histology shows: increased cellularity + Stromal overgrowth and overlapping cells.
most likely diagnosis ?
Phyllodes tumour (Possibly malignant)
- Normally phyllodes tumours are benign
- Arise from fibroadenoma
- Classified as enlarging mass in women > 50 years
45 year old lady presents with bloody nipple discharge. No lump is felt and no mass is seen on mammography.
Histology shows: Large dilated duck with fibrovascular core and stromal vessels.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Duct Papilloma
Histology shows a stellate pattern with central sclerosis/scarring surrounded by proliferating glandular tissue (radiating zone).
Most likely diagnosis ?
Radial scar
A 79 year old lady presents with a hard fixed lump of the breast. Paget’s disease of the breast is present and there are signs of nipple retraction.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Breast carcinoma
Paget’s disease of the breast is eczema affecting the nipple
Histology: Intraductal epithelial proliferation, with pleomorphic cells in the duct and necrotic material in the central lumen.
Mammogram: Microcalcifications
Most likely diagnosis ?
Young women presents with multiple small lumps in the breast.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Fibrocystic disease
Histology shows linear arrangement of monomorphic cells in a distribution known as the Indian file pattern.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Lobular carcinoma
List 3 receptors tested for in breast carcinoma ?
Which drug is used to treat HER2 positive breast carcinoma?
How does the E cadherin help differentiate between invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma ?
If E cadherin +ve = invasive ductal
if E cadherin -ve = Invasive lobular
Describe normal breast histology
glandular tissue surrounded by stromal tissue
centre = duct surrounded by acini
unit = TDLU (terminal duct lobar unit)
myoepithelial cells help produce milk
USS or mammogram more specific for breast disease?
- USS is slightly more specific than mammogram as it picks up more echos/ shadow in the breast
- NB MRI is good for smaller lesions that the above miss
2 tests for cytopathology and/or histopathology of breast tissue
- Fine need aspiration (aspirated by a 16/18 gauge needle)
- Core biopsy
GOLD STANDARD for the diagnosis of breast cancer
NB takes 24 hours to process