Histology theory part 2 Flashcards
How see the difference between artries and veins
Veins have bigger lumes, but smaller tunica media
Tunica intimia is made of
Tunica media is made of
Smooth muscle and elastic fibers
Tunica adventitia is made of
Loose connective tissue
What does not have IEL
Capillary, past capillary venule, venule, small vein
What has subendothelium
Small artries and bigger, and medium sized veins and bigger
external elastic lamina
Outside smooth muscle in tunica media in muscular arteries
Small blood vessels supplying bigg vessels
vasa vaserum
Precapillary sphincter is …
A precapillary sphincter is a band of smooth muscle that adjusts blood flow into capillaries
Three types of capillaries
Sinusoid, fenestrated, continuous
Cellular composition of blood
RBC, WBC, platelets (thrombrocytes)
Plasma is composed of
Water, electrolytes, proteins, transporter proteins
Serum lacks … , and makes it different from plasma
From more to less, WBC
(never let monkeys eat banans) Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil, Basophil
Most abundent on a blood smear
erythrocytes (RBC)