What is the operational definition of fertile vs. infertile?
Fertile: conception in < 1 year of unprotected sex
Infertile: no conceptions in > 1 year of unprotected sex
What is the cumulus-oocyte complex?
Metaphase 2 arrested secondary oocyte, surrounded by granulosa cells (aka cumulus cells); this is what is ovulated from the follicle during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle
Describe the path of the cumulus-oocyte complex once its ovulated from the follicle?
Picked up by oviduct fimbria cilia → transported into infundibulum and to lower ampulla (site of fertilization) by ciliary sweeping and smooth muscle peristalsis
What else is dependent on ciliary sweeping/peristalsis?
Transport of preimplantation embryo to uterus
Ectopic pregnancies comprise of what percentage of total pregnancies in the U.S.? What is a major risk factor and why?
1 – 2%
Cigarette smoking – affects motile cilia function
What is continine and what are the effects?
Nicotine metabolite → reduces smooth muscle contractility
What is epididymal maturation?
Sperm gain the capacity for motility and interaction with eggs but they remain latent in the epididymis
What is capacitation?
Process by which sperm express latent fertility; occurs within the female reproductive tract; completed within Fallopian tube
so the sperm fertility is activated in the female reproductive tract
What are the 2 consequences of capacitation?
Novel flagellar motility only seen in Fallopian tube
Express fertility – bind/fuse with eggs
Describe the sperm-egg interaction
Small numbers of sperm reach the egg → sperm acrosome reacts → penetrates zona pellucida (egg coat) → fuses with egg
What is IVF/describe it
Retrieve oocyte from pre-ovulatory follicle in a natural non-stimulated cycle; sperm fertilize the oocyte in vitro → embryo is then transferred into the uterus
What is ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)?
Single sperm injected directly into oocyte cytoplasm → bypass capacitation, sperm-egg interaction
What are the 4 steps of egg response to sperm fusion?
- Drive egg cortical granule release to block polyspermic fertilization
- Triggers release of 2nd polar body and completion of meiosis II
- Initiate mitotic cell cycle
- Recruit stored maternal mRNA and activate embryonic genome
Sperm induce an increase of what mineral and what does this activate?
Calcium → development!
How does the fertilized egg coordinate the proper events of activation?
By counting calcium spikes (spike = increase in calcium) – the number of spikes determines the event