Histology Flashcards
Cartilage Fxns
- Durable + resilient, compliant + cushioning
- Facilitate movement at joints
- Flexible support
- Mechanical protection
Cartilage histology
- Solid, non-mineralized ground substance
- Protein fibers vary in type and density
- Cells in lacunae
- Avascular and lacks innervation
- Perichondrium (outer dense CT layer) in some
Young chondrocytes
- Located at periphery
- In perichondrium if present
Produce ECM
1. In lacunae
Contributes to ECM
1. In perichondrium and fibrocartilage
Cartilage ECM
Provides support and protection
1. Protein fibers
A. Type II collagen: Mose prevalent, produced by chondrocytes
B. Elastic fibers: prevalent in elastic cartilage, produced by chondrocytes
C. Type I collagen: only in fibrocartilage, produced by fibroblasts and some chondrocytes
2. Ground substance
A. Aggregate complex: multiple aggrecan monomers (proteoglycans) attached to hyaluronan macromolecule
B. Multiadhesive glycoproteins
Hyaline cartilage
- Most common
A. Type II collagen: dec density
B. Aggrecans in ground matrix [(-) charge]
C. Stains basophilic (darkest near lacunae)
Elastic cartilage
- External ears, epiglottis
- Elastic fibers distributed thru ECM
- (-) charge => basophilic staining
- IVD, pubic symphysis, meniscus
- Hyaline cartilage and dense CT
- ECM:
A. Chondrocytes: basophilic stain
B. Fibroblasts/Type I collagen: acidic stain - Axially arranged isogenous groups
- Aggregation of mesenchymal cells (usually mesoderm derived)
- Mitosis and differentiation into chondroblasts
- Production of ECM and isolation of chondrocytes
- Mitosis and formation of isogenous groups
Cartilage growth
Mitotic division chondrocblasts and chondrocytes -> ECM production
- Interstitial: chondrocyte proliferation in cartilage -> isogenous groups
- Appositional: in periphery or deep layer perichondrium if present
Cartilage repair (adults)
1. Limited: A. Avascularity B. Low metabolic rate C. Chondrocyte immobility D. Limited proliferation 2. Damage often replaced w/ scar tissue 3. Damage underlying perichondrium can be repaired w/o tissue loss
Hyaline calcification
CaPO4 crystals accumulate in ECM
- Endochondral bone growth
- Articular cartilage contact bone tissue
- Aging process
Benign tumor in chartilage
Malignant tumor in cartilage
1. Rarely metastasize because avascularized