Hip Special Tests Flashcards
What test can you use for assessing the articular surface/ labrum capsule?
Scour Test (pain, resistance)
What test can you use for differentiation between back, buttock, groin, and leg pain?
Stinchfield’s Test (pain in groin=hip, back=SI Joint)
What test can you use for lumbar and SI Joint dysfunction?
FABER/ Patrick’s Test (positive=knee not parallell)
What test can you use for femoral anteversion/retroversion?
Craig’s Test (15= anteversion, 8=retroversion)
What test can you use for Hip dysplasia?
Flexion-Adduction Test (positive=inability to adduct past midline)
What test can you use for muscle length of iliopsoas and rectus femoris?
Thomas Test, Modified Thomas Test
What test can you use for rectus femoris length?
Ely’s Test
What test can you use for ITB and TFL length?
Ober’s Test, Modified Ober Test
What test can you use for hamstrings length?
SLR (20 degrees knee extension)
What test can you use for muscle weakness of pelvis musculature?
Supine plank test (weak=pelvic collapse, injury=pain)
What test can you use for weakness of superior gluteal nerve, LD herniation, weakness, or advanced degeneration?
Trendelenburg Sign
What test can you use for pelvic musculature?
Pelvis drop test (Compensation)
What test can you use for sciatic nerve compression?
Piriformis compression (radiating pain) Piriformis (FAIR) test (pain at intersection)
What test can you use for femoral shaft fracture?
Fulcrum Test
What test can you use for Occult hip fracture?
Auscultatory Patellar-Pubic Percussion Test