Hip/ pelvis Flashcards
___ view: compares hips and elevates the pelvic region. I.R of hips at 15 degrees
AP pelvis
____ view: Taken of the hip in question – one sided. I.R of hips at 15 degrees
AP spot
__ view:taken of the Prox femur in question
Lateral frog leg
___view: Oblique view of the acetabular region
Judet’s view
____ fat pad: Lateral/ anterior to femoral neck
___ fat pad: Lateral to capsular fat pad
__ fat pad: Medial to femoral neck and iliopsoas
Ends at lesser trochanter
_____ fat pad: along pelvic rim
___: • small venous stones in pelvic basin → secondary to venous stasis
What makes up the Kochler’s teardrop:
Medial border: ____
Lateral border: ____
Inferior border:___
medial: ilioischial line
Lateral: medial acetabulum
Inferior: acetabular notch
Ilium, ischium and pubic join at the ___
triradiate ccartilage
__ sign: Iliac crest apophysis used to determine remaining growth
____ is the last place to fuse
Risser’s sign
Risser #5: last to fuse
Femoral Epiphysis should be located in the ___ quadrant of the hilgenreiners and perkins line
Lower medial quadrant
_____ angle: oblique line connecting the sup. Acetabular rim → to the Hilgenreiner’s line
____ degrees
____ degrees difference bilaterally
No more than 30 degrees
No more than 5 degrees difference bilaterally
____ line: Curved line along medial femoral metaphysis & superior obturator foramen
____ line: Pediatric A-P
Line 1: along lateral femoral neck that intersects the femoral epiphysis
Klein’s line
_______ line: curved line drawn along lateral ilium and lateral femoral neck
Iliofemoral line
Ilium, ischium and pubic join at the ___
triradiate ccartilage
__ sign: Iliac crest apophysis used to determine remaining growth
____ is the last place to fuse
Risser’s sign
Risser #5: last to fuse
Femoral Epiphysis should be located in the ___ quadrant of the hilgenreiners and perkins line
Lower medial quadrant
_____ angle: oblique line connecting the sup. Acetabular rim → to the Hilgenreiner’s line
____ degrees
____ degrees difference bilaterally
No more than 30 degrees
No more than 5 degrees difference bilaterally
____ line: Curved line along medial femoral metaphysis & superior obturator foramen
____ line: Pediatric A-P
Line 1: along lateral femoral neck that intersects the femoral epiphysis
Klein’s line
_______ line: curved line drawn along lateral ilium and lateral femoral neck
Iliofemoral line
vacuum cleft can be seen in the ____ view
frogleg view
thre measurements for the hip joint space:
__mm superior
__mm axial
__mm medial
4mm superior
4mm axial
4-11mm medial
Pubic symphysis width ___mm
___ : • Second growth center of the acetabular rim fails to unite
os acetabulum
____: • Formed by: incr stress at the site of attachment of the inferior sacroiliac lig.
paraglenoid sulci
____: • Projections from superior pubic rami into obturator forman
pubic spurs (Ears)
_____: • bulbous formation , jxn of the ischium and inferior pubic ramus
ischiopubic synchondrosis
vacuum cleft can be seen in the ____ view
frogleg view