Hip Pain Flashcards
Hip joint comprises femoral head articulated w/ acetabulum; blood supply to head and neck of femur from the medial femoral circumflex artery, total of 18 bursae; innervated by obturator nerve, femoral nerve, & sciatic nerve.
Pain in goin w/ movement, better with rest, decrease ROM
Common in the elderly
dx criteria
Hip pain with 2 or more of the following:
Joint space narrowing
Trochanteric Bursitis
Lateral hip pain w/ point tenderness over trochanteric bursa, exacerbated by gait impairment/walking and direct pressure (lying on side), + Ober test, with or without IT band tightness.
Middle aged women, younger pts, runners
Meralgia paresthetica (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment)
Paresthesias, occasionally burning, over uppe router thigh (due to lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment by inguinal ligament near the ASIS)
Obese or pregnant pts; DM patients; tight clothing.
Occult hip fracture
Severe pain w/partial wt bearing , pain w/ passive rotation
Elderly, osteoporosis, steroid use
Groin or nospecific hip area pain often followed by thigh & buttock pain; rest & night pain common
Steroid users, EtOH, hx hip injury, sickle cell, SLE, trauma
Leriche syndrome
Claudication, buttock & hip pain, decrease pulses (2/2 iliofemoral atherosclerosis)
severe PAD
Referred pain and spinal stenosis
Back, hip & buttock pain secondary to lumbosacral disc and facet joint disease.
Middle-aged and elderly
Septic arthritis
Fever, hypotension, anterior hip pain
Immunocompromised; IVDU; systemic infection
Gluteus medius tendinopathy
Pain w/hip abduction and rotation, pain above the greater trochanter, positive trendelenburg sign
More common in women (wider pelvis)
Piriformis syndrome
Sciatic pain at SI joint or sciatic notch -> foot, w/o numbness/weakness; worse sitting on hard surface, decreases w/ walking (secondary to compression of sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle)
Anatomic variation in sciatic nerve or piriformis muscle (ie fibrosis after trauma)
Labral tear
Anterior hip or groin pain, clicking/locking of the hip
Pt’s w/OA, athletes
Femoroacteabular impingement
Chronic groin antero/lateral pain worse with turning, decrease ROM, early onset OA (form of DJD of the hip joint)
Athletes (hockey, golf, dance, football, soccer)
Decrease weight, blood in stool, or constant pain
Personal of FHx of CA