Back Pain Flashcards
2nd most common complaint in primary care, 66% lifetime risk in adults;60-70% of cases resolve in 6 weeks, 80-90% by 12 weeks.
Etiologies of back pain
Muscular or ligament injury (70%) Degenerative joint disease (10%) Disk Herniation (4%) Compression fracture (4%) Spinal stenosis (3%) Spondylolithesis (2%) Malignancy (<1%) Epidural abscess, vertebral osteomyelitis, discitis (0.1%) Spondyloarthropathies (<1%) Extraspinal (2%)
Common Presenting Symptoms
Muscle or ligament injury
Sudden onset of pain, often w/precipitating movement, may radiate to buttock, upper thigh; feeling of something giving way.
Common Presenting Symptoms
Degenerative joint disease
chronic, subacute pain often assoc w/other OA
Common Presenting Symptoms
Disk Hernation
L5-S1 most common; + straight leg test; worse w/coughing, straining; sciatic pain (sharp/burning, radiating down buttock, thigh, or leg) in dermatomal distribution.
Common Presenting Symptoms
Compression Fracture
Sudden onset of pain in pt w/risk factors for fracture (ie osteoporosis, steroid use, malignancy, elderly) after coughing, bending, lifting, or minor trauma; loss of height, point tenderness; may be presenting sign of osteoporosis.
Common Presenting Symptoms
Spinal stenosis
Pain in lower back, buttocks (pseudoclaudication), wide gait, paresthesia’s (often bilateral), worsened by standing, walking (downhill>uphill, in contrast to claudication) and decrease by sitting/bending/leaning forward
Common Presenting Symptoms
Forward subluxation of vertebrae causes chronic ligamentous pain worse w/activity, relieved by rest
Common Presenting Symptoms
Gradual onset of pain w/ activity, unrelieved/worsened by supine position; may be accompanied by incontinence/urinary retention, saddle anesthesia, muscle weakness, wt loss; breast; gi; lung; lymphoma/leukemia, myeloma, and prostate most common malignancies
Common Presenting Symptoms
Epidural abscess, vertebral osteomyelitis, discitis
Fever, back pain, neuro deficit in minority of pts; risk factors include instrumentation, HIV, IVDU or TB, and hematogenous seeding from a UTI, catheter, or abscess
Common Presenting Symptoms
Skeletal manifestations of psoriatic arthritis, IBD; AS; onset of pain insidious, improves w/motion, worse in the morning/better at night, and typically occurs in female patients 20-40 years
Common Presenting Symptoms
Referred pain from hip, SI joint; AAA/TAA, endometriosis, fibroids, nephrolithiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, neuropathy, claudication
L4 Sensory
Pain radiating to anterior thigh; sensory abnormalities anterior-lateral thigh, medial calf
L5 Sensory
Pain to buttock, down lateral thigh and calf to foot; sensory abnormalities lateral calf, great toe
S1 Sensory
Pain to buttock, down posterior tight/calf to lateral foot; decrease sensation plantar/lateral foot, posterior leg
L4 Motor
Difficulty rising from chair, extending leg at knee, heel walk; decrease patellar reflex