Hip/Low Back Pain Exam/Specialty Tests Flashcards
Lumbar side-bending ROM:
Lumbar flexion ROM:
Lumbar extension ROM:
Lumbar rotation ROM:
Test for piriformis syndrome
FAIR test
Test for tight hip flexor muscle (psoas syndrome)
Thomas test
Test for scoliosis
Adam’s forward bend
Test for radiculopathy (and IT band contracture, and others)
Straight leg raise (SLR)
Test for hip intraarticular pathology (also most specific test for hip pathology)
Log roll test
Central compartment: labral loading and distraction tests for:
labral or cartilaginous pathology
FABER test tests for:
intraarticular disorders (groin pain), iliopsoas bursitis/strain (lateral thigh pain), and SI joint dysfunction (buttock pain)
Scour test tests for:
labral or articular cartilage pathology
Ober test tests for:
Tight/contracted TFL or ITB
Test for trochanteric bursitis:
Jump sign
Test for hip abductor weakness:
Modified Trendelenburg (single leg stance)