Hip Flashcards
Ligamentum Teres
- transverse acetabular ligament to fovea capitis
- strong intrinsic stabilizer, more taut with flex/abd/ER
- may have proprioceptive role preventing excessive movement, distribute synovial fluid
- dysfxn = deep ant groin pain, painful with forced flex/IR
Iliofemoral Ligament (Y)
- AIIS/acet rim to introtroch line, 2 bands
- Restricts hip ext allowing erect posture to be maintined
- Primary restraint vs ext/ER
Ischiofemoral Ligament
- Post acet rim to med fem neck/greater troch
- Restricts vs IR; add when flex
Pubofemoral Ligament
- Sup pubic ram to intertroch line
- Primary restraint vs hyperabd and ER
Angle of Inclination
- Angle between neck and fem shaft (normal 125-130 deg)
- Coxa valga (inc angle)
- Coxa vara (dec angle)
Coxa Valga
- fem head directed more superiorly
- joint reaction force now parallel to fem shaft = dec WBing surface
- shortens hip abd, inc overall length of LE
Angle of Torsion
- angle formed by fem neck and transverse axis of fem condyles
- normal 12-15 deg
- anteversion - fem neck excessively ant to condylar axis
- retro - parallal to post
Increased Anteversion
- Inc IR = toe in gait
- toe in, subtalar pro, lat pat sublux
- med tib/fem torsions
- possible lat tib torion, lat rotation at knee, lumbar rot ipsi
Excessive Retroversion
- toe out, subtalar sup
- lateral tib/fem torsions
- possible med tib torsion, lumbar rot contra
Athletic Pubalgia
sports hernia
- dec rot, inc pelvic motion = inc stress on pelvic stabilizers and breakdown
Special Test - HF sore, tender at add, rect abd insert tender origin during palpation of resisted contraction
Passive IR should exacerbate hip joint but not AP
Snapping Iliopsoas tendon
- can be heard, snapping as it crosses ant fem head/capsule or pectineal eminence
- clunk occurs as hip flex/abd/ER toward ext/IR
- FABER into ext/IR = snap
Snapping ITB
- can be seen, TFL flips back/forth over greater troch with hip rot
- Ober Test
Localization of Symptoms
Anterior groin - L3 seg/derm (radiate into med thigh)
C-sign - deep int pain
Lat - bursitis or ITB
Post - lumbar or piriformis (even post intra-articular pathology refers ant to A/L)
- irritated hip slight flex while standing = LLD
- seated - slouching and listing to uninvolved side (slight less flex with abd/ER = relaxed capsule)
> 1.5 cm = significant