Hip Flashcards
Model lying in side lying with the hip and knee supported and flexed to 90 degrees. Place your fingers on the anterior aspect of the hip 3.5 cm below inguinal ligament. Ask model to flex and extend the hip slowly and palpate laterally. Add some resistance
Psoas Major
Model lying in side lying with the hip and knee supported and flexed to 90 degrees. Place your fingers on the anterior aspect of the hip between the ASIS and the bellybutton. Ask model to flex and extend the hip slowly and add resistanceand palpate laterally.
Rectus femoris
Straight down the anterior thigh with resisted knee extension and hip flexion
Follow steps for iliopsoas but palpate this muscle medially./// palpate from the pubic ramus slightly distally and resist hip adduction and can feel the muscle contract
Anterolateral, between iliac crest and greater trochanter during internal rotation, flexion and abduction
Resist hip flexion/external rotation/abduction and knee flexion and palpate superficially from ASIS to medial tibial condyle.
Adductor brevis
Very difficult to palpate and differentiate from adductor longus. Adduction of him and external rotation.
Adductor longus
Most prominent muscle proximally on anteromedial thigh just inferior to the pubic bone with resisted adduction.
Adductor magnus
Medial aspect of thigh between gracilis and medial hamstrings from ischial tuberosity to adductor tubercle with resisted adduction from adducted position.
A thin tendon on anteromedial thigh with knee flexion and resisted adduction just posterior to adductor longus and medial to semitendinosus.
Gluteus maximus
Running downwards and laterally it is emphasised with hip extension.
Resist knee flexion and internal rotation and palpate the posterior aspect of the thigh with model in prone position and palpate on medial part.
Largely covered by other muscles. Tendon can be felt at posteromedial aspect of knee just deep to semitendinosus tendon with resisted knee flexion and internal rotation
Biceps femoris
Resisted knee flexion and external rotation on the posteromedial aspect of the distal thigh
Gluteus Minimus
Lies anterior to gluteus medius and is covered by TFL. Palpate between anterior illiac crest and greater trochanter during internal rotation and abduction
Gluteus medius
Have the model in left side lying position and place your fingers just distal to the level of the iliac crest and ask them to raise and lower their right leg and palpate the contraction.