Hinduism Beliefs Flashcards
When did the Indus civilisation begin?
6000 years ago
When did a civilisation grow on the west of the Indus River and what was the name of it?
4000 years ago and they were called the Persians
What did the Persians refer to the people east of the river Indus?
Hindus as they added an “H” to the Indus River
What did the ancient Greeks call the land of the Hindus
Where did the Hindus move to?
The river Ganges
What did the Hindus bring when they came to the river Ganges?
Their culture combining it with the locals
Why did trade in Asia growing help Hinduism spread?
It spread their culture and religion
What countries has Hinduism spread to?
USA, South America, Europe, UK, India, south east Asia and the Caribbean
Why is Hinduism arguably more than a religion?
Because it has a unique culture and identity that has grown over the past 6000 years
What are the 2 main Hindu branches?
Vaishnavism & Shaivism
What are the members of Shaivism called?
What is the most important Hindu scripture & why?
Shruti texts because they have been heard and so are the unquestionable truth and are believed to have come straight from God or people who heard the words directly from God
What are the members of Vaishnavism called?
What is the key distinction of Vaishnavism?
Focus their worship on the deity (god) Vishnu who they believe to be the deity responsible for preserving life, morality and order in the world
What is the key distinction of Shaivism?
Focus their worship on the deity (god) Shiva who they believe to be responsible for destruction and recreation/rebirth
What is the second Hindu Scripture
Smriti texts which have been remembered, they are stories poems, etc that are important but have slightly less authority. these texts might have changed over time, been adapted, beem updated, etc.
What are the names of Hindu texts part of the Smriti texts?
The Bhagavad which is “the song of God”, the Ramayana which is the longest poem in teh worl and the Puranas
What are the names of Hindu texts part of the Shruti texts?
the Vedas which is the oldest Hindu texts and the Upanishads which includes Hindu beliefs and philosophy.
What is Nirguna-Brahman?
It means “God without form” and this is the term Hindus use when speaking about Brahman as a force or spirit
What is Saguna-Brahman?
Means “God with form” or shape. The individual manifestations of Brahman in this way are referred to as deities.
What do Hindus believe about the Brahman
They are a limitless, unending, indescribable, gender-less, powerless spirit. they do not have a physical form because they are not a being.
What is Brahman?
The Hindu term for God
What is the Aum symbol?
The symbol is a sound, and represents Brahman
What is Bhagavan?
its used to refer to Brahman with for but in the world of spirits and deities (not in our world)
What is Antaryami?
It means “the God within”`
What type of religion is Hinduism?
How does the belief in deities influence Hindu life?
-Hindus may devote their worship to a particular deity that they feel a connection with
-Hindus may have a shrine in their home to a particular deity that they feel a connection with
-Hindus may feel that their lives are enriched by the knowledge of Brahman which they gain through the different deities
-Hindus may feel the importance of passing on stories and traditions relating to the different deities to their children
-Hindus may feel strengthened or empowered by the different deities and the stories connected to them
What is the Trimurti?
The three main deities
What does Tri mean in Trimurti?
What does murti mean in Trimurti?
What is Brahma?
The creator
What is Vishnu?
The preserver
What is Shiva?
The destroyer
What quote says that Brahma created all life?
“Brahma was the creator of all…. from him comes all life” Upanishads 1&2
Give a description of Brahma
- 4 heads
- holds the Vedas, earliest Hindu scripture
-Water pot represents water of life responsible for beginning of creation
Give information on Saraswati
-consort of Brahma
-robe usually white & vehicles are swan, goose, peacock
-Often plays instrument
-Power of purification
- Believed to bless scholars & students
Give information on Lakshmi
-consort of Vishnu
-Worshiped during Diwali for prosperous new year
-Depicted with symbols of prosperity
-Vishnu & Lakshmi considered perfect union
-Newlyweds worship her
Give information on Hanuman
-The monkey warrior
-Born of Shiva & Parvati
-Adopted by vayu
-Symbol is a mace, for strength and authority
-remembered for devotion
Give information on Ganesha
-Son of Shiva & Parvati
-Ganesha is God of good luck
-Remover of obstacles
-Worshiped before big events or rituals
-Thought to guard gates and doors
Give information on Parvati
-Reincarnation of Sati (Shiva’s first wife)
-Sati killed herself after father verbally abused her
-Perfect example of motherhood
-Goddess of fertility
-Goddess of love & devotion
-Usually portrayed in domestic setting with children
Why is Brahma important to Hindus?
Brahma is a particularly interesting deity because although Hindus agree his role is crucially important he is also least-worshiped of the Trimurti.
seen as less accessible and less personally than many others `
Why do Hindus believe that Brahma’s creations are actually unhelpful?
They believe this because he created the world and all of its distractions and cruelty so he may be untrustworthy
Describe Shiva
- ash - holy men smear themselves with ash and Shaivites put 2 lines to show they are ascetic
- Trident - represents 3 Trimurti
- Earing - right earing for male, left earing for female. showing Shiva is both male and female
-Nandi the bull - Shows Shiva’s calm and gentle aspects; symbolizes courage
-Blue body - Shiva has a blue neck because he drank poison meant for the world saving it from destruction.
-River Ganges flows through Shiva’s head representing everlasting time.
-Serpents - represents Shiva’s creative power after destruction as serpents throw off its skin to rejuvinate
What quote describes Shiva?
“He watches over all beings and rules over the creation and their destruction” Upanishad 3
Why is Shiva called the destroyer of illusion?
Because he destroys maya (illusion) and anything that distracts us from Moksha
What is an ascetic?
is someone who lives a life of only the basics in order to focus fully on Brahma many Hindus choose this kind of lifestyle because it means they can fully focus on God and to reach Moksha
Why is Shiva called the destroyer of time?
Hindus believe when he performs a complex dance called the Tandav that brings everything to an end including time
Give a quote about Vishnu
“Whenever there appears on earth a decline of righteousness and uprising of unrighteousness, I send myself to birth… For protection of the good… I come into being age by age establishing the Right.”
What are Vishnus 2 avatars
Rama and Krishna
What is dharma
what is adharma
When does vishnu appear
when divine intervention is needed
What is the story of Rama
The Ramayana is a smirti text where Rama battled a demon who’d taken control. Ravana (the demon) captured a princess (Sita) and with Hanumans help Ravana was destroyed and the balance between dharma and adharma was restored. they believe it may not be true but its about importance of fighting for what is right
What is a quote on Krishna in the Mahabharata
“Do everything you have to do, not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility and devition
What did Krishna help to do?
bring peace to the warring nations of the Kurukshetra war
what other 2 important things did Krishna introduce
Reincarnation and Ahisma
How do the beliefs in the avatars influence Hindu life
-Devote worship to them
-Develop characteristics shown in stories
-May live lives virtuously
What are the 4 aims of life
what is the ultimate aim
What is Dharma
Virtue or goodness, aiming to live a good, virtuous life
What is Artha
Earning a lawful living through honest means, using wealth to help others
What is Kama
enjoying life responsibly having a positive outlook
What is Moksha
The soul joining with Brahman, end of the samsara cycle
What do the 6 personal virtues help to achieve
what are the 6 personal virtues
Do Hindus believe in free will
Yes otherwise karma wouldn’t work
What is Atman
The eternal self
Give a quote on atman
“Atman, the spirit of vision is never born and never dies.” Upanishad 2
What living things have atman
What happens to atman when the body dies?
the atman goes through transmigration and goes to another body
What is the analogy of the atman
The driver and a car, if the driver gets out the car the car stops, the car being Atman and person the body
what is time according to Hindu’s?
What are the 3 tiers of our universe?
heavenly planets, earthly realms, Lower worlds
How long is the Golden yuga?
1,728,000 years
How long is the Silver yuga
1,296,000 yerars
How long is the Copper yuga?
864,000 years
How long is the iron yuga?
432,000 years
What yuga do Hindus believe we are living in right now?
iron yuga
Give two examples of Hindus understanding of the universe
-Many universes like cluster of bubbles floating in space, created from Vishnu’s breath
-Every form of creation has its place within these universes. in a new creation within the cycle of life, humans may move into different realms