Higher Flashcards
What is a reducing agent?
A substance that causes another substance to gain electrons causes the O:H ratio to decrease in a molecule is oxidised
What is an oxidisng agent?
A substance that causes another substance to lose electrons causes the O:H ratio to increase in a molecule is reduced
The attraction an atom has for a shared pair of electrons
Loss of electrons Increase in O:H ratio Loss of hydrogen Gain of oxygen
Gain of electrons Decrease in O:H ratio Gain of hydrogen Loss of oxygen
Free radical
A species (atom, ion, molecule) with an unpaired electrons
Sodium salt of a fatty acid
Fatty acid
A long chain carboxylic acid
The breaking apart of a molecule using the chemical action of water
Raw material
A substance that is easily obtained from environment
A substance that is used to manufacture new substances
Enthalpy of combustion
The energy released when 1 mole of a substance completely combusts
Dynamic equilibrium
The point in a reversible reaction when the forward and reverse rates of reaction are equal the concentrations of reactants and products are constant
Le Chatelier’s Principle
If a change is imposed upon a system at equilibrium the position of equilibrium will adjust to minimise the effects of the change
Amino acid
A substance that contains both the amino group and carboxylic group
Essential amino acid
An amino acid that can’t be synthesised by the body needs to be taken in through the diet
Electrostatic attraction
An attraction between oppositely charged particles
Enthalpy change
The net difference between the enthalpy values of reactants and products
The first step of free radical chain reaction when a molecule is split into 2 free radicals
2 step 2nd stage of free radical change reaction when free radical is propogated