High Yield Flashcards
How would you approach Babak’s chronic pain?
- Multidisciplinary approach, manage expectations
- Determine cause and nature of pain and comment about impact
- Non-pharmacological
- Psych - CBT/Mental health
- Diet - Weight loss
- OT - home setup/gait aid
- Physio- exercise program/hydrotherapy
- Alt - heat pack/massage/acupuncture - Multi-modal analgesia
- Pain clinic/palliative care
- Procedural/radiotherapy
What are some potential causes of Babak’s falls?
- intrinsic factors
- visual impairment
- peripheral neuropathy
- postural hypotension
- neurological
- incontinence
- cognition - extrinsic factors
- polypharmacy
- clutter
- home environment
- substance abuse
- inappropriate gait aid
How would you reduce Babak’s risk of falls
- Identify contributing factors
- General: Vision, balance, dizzy, toileting
- Environment/gait aids
- Comorbidities
- Medication - Non-pharmacological
- falls and balance training
- physiotherapy
- OT home assessment and modification
- medication review - Pharmacological
- manage osteoporosis
- anticoagulation risk
How would you improve Babak’s poor compliance?
- Statement about how this has impacted their care
2. Identify barriers Patient factors - insight - education - cognition - cultural - poor mental health
External factors
- access to healthcare
- multiple providers
- polypharmacy/drug side effects
- finances
- Management
- education, programs, written information
- involve family
- webster packs
- manage depression
- centralise care/telehealth
- simplify treatment regime
- healthcare cards/social work
Steroid side effects
- Use lowest dose for shortest duration possible
- Screen for complications
- psychiatric
- cataract/glaucoma
- osteoporosis
- diabetes/weight gain/hypertension
- infection
- myopathy
- skin/ulcers - Manage accordingly
How would you balance Babak’s risk of bleeding/indication for anticoagulation?
- Review indication for anticoagulation
- comment on medication profile/reversal agents - Bleeding risk
- current active bleed, prior bleeds
- HASBLED, alcohol
- falls risk - Multidisciplinary discussion with pt to decide, but provide your opinion
- Consider left atrial appendage occlusion devices
What would be your approach to Babak’s obesity?
- Comment about contemplative stage
- Identify barriers
- mental health
- sedentary lifestyle
- physical barriers
- drugs - Set weight loss targets (realistic) and follow-up
- 1kg/week
- goal is to achieve 5 - 10% weight loss in 6 months - Non-pharmacological
- low caloric diet
- optifast (meal replacement)
- regular exercise (programs) - Pharmacological
- orlistat
- GLP-1 - Bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery: Indications and contra-indications
- BMI > 40
- BMI > 35 with complications (includes T2DM)
- improvement to QOL/comorbidities
- high perioperative risk
- poor mental health/substance abuse
- inability to adhere to dietary requirements
- functional status
What would be your approach to smoking cessation in Babs?
- Comment on contemplative stage
- Identify dependence (physiological, psychological)
- Identify barriers
- mental health
- social (family) - Set goals and follow-up
- Non-pharmacological
- education (involve family, health benefits, cost benefits)
- Quit-line
- Quit-Smoking Aus App - Pharmacological
- combination NRT
- varenicline
- bupropion
How would you help Babak cease drinking alcohol?
- Comment on contemplative stage
- Identify dependence (withdrawal, CAGE, pathological)
- Identify barriers
- mental health
- social - Set goals and follow-up
- Non-pharmacological
- AA
- drug and alcohol services (detox/rehab) - Pharmacological
- naltrexone
- acamprosate
- disulfiram
Fatigue (causes)
- sleep disorder
- anaemia
- hypothyroidism
- cardiopulmonary - exertional dyspnoea
- obesity, deconditioning
- medications
- substance use
- psychological - depression, anxiety, PMR
- chronic pain
- malnutrition
- adrenal insufficiency
- chronic renal disease
- chronic liver failure
- electrolyte disturbances
- occult malignancy
- chronic infectious diseases
- rheumatological - fibromyalgia, PMR
- chronic neurological dx
Pre-conception counselling
- Identify risk - is pregnancy contraindicated
- Pre-pregnancy counselling and fertility counselling
- education with high-risk obstetrician and specialists
- risk to mother and baby
- Consider surrogacy/adoption - Contraception - importance of planned pregnancy
- Review, monitor and control comorbidities (level of disease of activity)
- Medications review, folate supplementation
- Monitoring intrapartum with more frequent reviews
- Deliver in a tertiary centre
- Consideration about fertility/ovulatory/egg harvesting
Multi factorial dyspnoea
Cardiac - Ischaemic - CCF - Pulm HTN Respiratory Infection Malignancy Obesity Thrombosis Mental Health
Future planning/ advance care plan
- Recognition of prognosis
- Patient wishes/ACP
- Discussion + documentation with patient re wishes for EOLC
- Involvement of family to be aware and assist with facilitating wishes
- Discussion re location for EOLC- Home, Hospice, RACF, hospital
- Formal appointment of MPOA + finalisation of will - Maintaining QOL
- Palliative care services for support and symptoms
- What is possible at home if this is their wishes- A/H to facilitate, are family able/willing to assist
- Review ongoing need for further input- SP- swallowing, mobility aids/home equipment - Support for patient and family
- Social work, support groups, psychological/mental health counselling, respite
- Education for patient and family re what to expect and who to contact for assistance
Infection vs immunity
- Executive statement about level of immunosuppression/indication and impact of infections
- Infection
- treat current infection
- review anatomical anomalies
- review microbiological tests
- non-pharmacological - education (sick day plan)
- pharmacological - vaccinations, antibiotics
- prophylaxis
- emergency antibiotic supply - Immunity
- indication for immunosuppression
- review drugs levels
- review cell counts
- review immunoglobulin levels
- involve transplant/specialist in rationalising dose with careful monitoring
- Identify factors that contribute to risk
- insulin use
- stroke/seizure
- cardiac events
- syncope - Understand impact this has on patient (commercial/private)
- General assessment
- visual acuity 6/12
- occupational driving assessment
- review the local guidelines - Education
- BSL > 5 to drive - Support
- taxi vouchers
- family members
- meals on wheels
- Contributing factors
- smoking
- alcohol
- lack of exercise
- psychological
- cardiovascular disease
- autonomic dysfunction - diabetes
- neurological
- SSRi, anti-testosterone agents - Understand impact on relationships, mental health, performance anxiety - now an emotional companion
- Build therapeutic relationship, organise follow-up
- Investigate
- glycemic control
- testosterone - Non-pharmacological
- counselling
- lifestyle
- medication review
- psychosocial - Pharmacological
- sildenafil (beware GTN)
- Identify contributing factors and understand impact of depression on overall QOL and adherence
- substance abuse
- organic - TSH, prednisolone - Non-pharmacological
- reassurance and support
- CBT (psychologist)
- general nutrition
- sleep hygiene
- augmenting community supports
- involving family
- support group - Pharmacological
- Psychiatrist - Regular follow-up
- GP mental health plan
Transplant work up
- Can he/she survive surgery? (Perioperative risk)
- Expected survival rate? (Non-renal comorbidities)
- Can they have immunosuppression? (Infection, malignancy - 5 years except skin/RCC)
- Psychosocial barriers
- Surgical factors (BMI, PVD, PCKD)
- Immunological factors (minimise sensitising events)
- Contributors of hyperglycaemia
- drugs (steroids)
- lifestyle
- poor engagement/adherence to therapy - Establish level of glycemic control (based on complications) and understand impact
- Investigate
- interrogate glucometer
- review BSL diary
- HbA1c - Non-pharmacological
- dietitian - carbohydrate counting, low GI
- exercise - moderate intensity, 30 minutes x 5days
- education, DNE support
- review technique (ensuring adequate rotation of sites, not withdrawing the needle before injecting, vision) - Pharmacological
- titrate insulin
- simplify regime
- intensify regime (basal bolus)
- additional oral hypoglycaemic agents
- continuous glucose monitoring
- review contributing factors (wean steroids)
- Contributors of hypoglycaemia and recognise impact
- poor intake/injection errors/malabsorption/CKD/physical
- injuries/falls
- long-term neurocognitive effects - Review symptoms
- neuroglycopenic
- hypoglycaemic awareness - Education
- involve DNE
- regular BSL checks 4x/day
- keeping a diary
- checking before driving <5
- overnight BSL
- hypoglycaemia plan - short acting then long-acting carbohydrates - Insulin titration - review doses
- Continuous glucose monitoring
- Address contributing factors/secondary causes
- Lifestyle - alcohol, smoking cessation, weight-bearing exercise
- Falls prevention
- Vitamin D and calcium supplementation
- Bisphosphonates
- Denosumab
- Follow-up
Peri-operative management
- Surgical details - urgency/logistics/risk
- Peri-operative
- cardiac - IHD/CCF - stress testing/functional
- lungs - smoker/COPD
- endocrine - DM
- major comorbidities - liver/anaemia
- obesity/OSA
- medications - Post-operative management
- functional status
- psychological and social support systems
- Type of incontinence (stress, urge or mixed)
- Statement about impact/social/falls risk
- investigation
- urine MCS
- urodynamic studies - Non-pharmacological
- minimize nocturnal fluid intake
- bladder diary
- frequent toileting
- continence aids via a payment scheme
- manage constipation
- commodes
- for stress - pelvic floor exercises - Pharmacological
- oxybutynin for urge
- mirabegron for urge second line
- solifenacin for urge incontinence
- stress - topical oestrogen cream - Continence clinic follow-up
- Surgical management for stress incontinence
- Whilst I will aim for independent continence, achieving social continence will be a more reasonable and achievable target
Malnutrition (assessment)
- Assess risk and impact of malnutrition
- reduced intake, recent weight loss, functional impairment, anaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, malabsorption (steatorrhea) - Examination findings
- sarcopenia - function (grip strength, gait speed) and muscle mass (mid arm circumference)
- micronutrient deficiency (pallor, angular stomatitis, peripheral neuropathy)
- BMI - Tests (characterise malnutrition)
- FBE, UEC, CMP, LFT, albumin, B12, folate, vitamin D, iron studies, trace elements (zinc, selenium)
- bone density
- consider body composition study - Tests (for causes of malnutrition)
Fatigue (Management)
- Identify contributing factors (chronic)
- Additional tests (in addition to causes)
- anaemia
- screen for electrolyte disturbances, CKD, CLD
- iron studies
- nutritional assessment
- age appropriate malignancy screening - Set goals, manage expectations and follow-up
- accomplishing activities of daily living (job, ADLs) - Non-pharmacological
- graded exercise program
- nutrition, weight loss
- CBT (psychological)
- support groups
- sleep hygiene - Pharmacological
- based on cause
- anti-depressant trial
- medication review
Malnutrition (management)
- Identify contributing causes
- chronic pancreatic insufficiency - faecal elastase, AXR
- review surgical history and length of bowel removed
- celiac disease - serology + duodenal biopsy
- terminal ileal resection
- radiation enteropathy
- IBD - faecal calprotectin + biopsy - Non-pharmacological
- high energy high protein oral supplementation
- set targets
- dietitian input
- food chart/diary - Pharmacological
- vitamin/micronutrient replacement (injections vs oral)
- directed to cause
- total parenteral nutrition - Complications of long-term TPN
- vascular access related issues
- line sepsis
- line thrombosis
- intestinal failure related chronic liver disease - Intestinal transplantation
- reserved for intestinal failure with complications of long-term TPN, poor prognosis
Ulcer (aetiology)
- Infective component
- Arterial
- Venous
- Neuropathic
- Diabetic
- Pressure
- Inflammatory - erythema nodosum/pyoderma gangrenosum
- Malignancy
Ulcer (management)
- Acknowledge impact on patient
- Identify contributing factors
- arterial
- venous
- infective
- peripheral neuropathy
- pressure
- diabetic
- nutritional
- if ulcer isn’t healing - ?malignancy ?inflammatory - involve dermatology/skin biopsy - Treat causes
- arterial - angioplasty
- venous - compression/elevation
- pressure - offload pressure, dressings, wound nurse consultant, GP
- neuropathy - appropriate footwear, podiatry, foot hygiene - Address contributors
- smoking
- nutrition
- infection
- optimize diabetes
- prednisolone use
- poor adherence
- Identify Aetiology
- neurological conditions/dementia
- structural (SOL)
- baseline level of education
- depression
- comorbidities
- sleep disorders
- medication side effects
- alcohol - Assessment
- Repeat appointment
- Collateral history
- Risk assessment
- MMSE/MOCA - Investigations
- reversible causes screen (nutrition screen, biochemical profile, thyroid function)
- review imaging - MRI Brain
- Neuropsychiatric assessment - Non-pharmacological
- education - involve family
- memory aids - webster packs
- OT assessment - community supports
- geriatrician
- future planning - ACD, place of care - Pharmacological
Management of central lines
- Acknowledge need for central line/access
- Assess adequacy of current line
- Line sepsis
- ensure line is only used for chemo/TPN and only by trained personnel
- review sterile technique
- general hygiene - Thrombosis
- anticoagulation - Future access planning
- vein mapping
- Vascular surgeon - Consider alternatives to central line