high risk drugs in arrhythmia Flashcards
amiodarone moa
class 3 anti arrythmic= k+ channel blocker
half life of amiodarone and loading dose
1/2 life= 50 days
loading dose= 200mg tds for 7 days
200mg bd for 7 days
then 200mg OD maintenance
interactions and amiodarone
there is a danger of interactions after stopping due to half life long
Warning signs
1) corneal micro deposits - dazzled by headlights,. stop if vision impairment or neuropathy
2) photosensivity= erythema/ slate grey skin use discolouration on light exposed area broad spec high spf and hide skin
3) peripheral neuropathy
4) thyroid dysfunction i.e hypo or hyper
5)sob or cough- pulmonary toxicity
6) hepatotoxic = jaundice etc and 3x ALT
Why can amiodarone effect thyroid function
contains iodine
if causes hypo= give levothyroxine without withdrawing amiodarone if essential
if hyper = give carbimazole but amiodarone must withdraw
food interaction amiodaroen
grapefruit juice
monitoring with amiodarone
lFT- 6months
TFT- every 6 months
cxr -before tx
serum potassium - causes hypokalaemia remember (DIBTC)
ECG with iv use can cause bradycardia
BP = hypotension
interaction amiodarone increases the plasma conc of
coumarin, dabigtran , digoxin- half dose, , felicaide, propafenone, phenindione
what increases plasma conc of amiodarone enzyme inhibitors SICKFACES.COM
grapefruit juice
inc QT prolongation with amiodarone
chlorquine, ondasteron, levofloxacin, loratidine, amiodarone, psychiatric (haloperidol) , sertraline (antidepressant, TCA), erythromycin
AMIOadarone interaction with simvastatin causes
myopathy change dose
amiodarone causes bradhycardia and myocardial depression with what drugs
BB, RLCCB (diltiazem verapamil)
digoxin moa
inhibit sodium potassium pump , increase myocardial contraction and reduces conductivity AVN= decrease HR
therapeutic range digoxin and when to measure, dosing
0.8-2mg/l (6hr after 1st dose)
loading dose is given due to long 1/2 life and rapid digitilisation
route of excretion and metabolism
metabolism into active= hepatic
and renally excreted