High Rise Flashcards
Third Arriving Ladder Company
Floor above via stairway other than Attack Stairway
Choose Evacuation Stair
Examine All Stairs
Remove all occupants from the Attack Stairway a “Reasonable Distance” above the fire floor
Fourth Arriving Truck
IC orders Roof vent
Primary Search of top 5 floors
Remain in roof area until ordered by IC
First Arriving Ladder Company: Obtain as much info as possible from Fire Safety Director or their surrogate as to “SALE”
Status of Elevators
Access Stairs serving the fire floor
Location of the fire
Evacuation procedures that have been implemented.
The construction techniques used in these buildings resulted in a “heavy-weight”building, usually weighing about 20 to 23 pounds per cubic foot.
Structural steel components were encased in concrete.
Exterior walls were of masonry construction.
Exterior walls were substantially tied to all floors.
Plenum type ceilings are generally not found in these buildings.
Normally steam heated.
Usually not centrally air conditioned.
Exterior windows were openable.
All buildings erected between 1938 and 1968 were required to have a fire tower.Some built prior to 1938 have fire towers.
Floors were constructed of reinforced concrete.
Core construction techniques were not used.
The construction techniques used resulted in a “medium-weight” building, usually weighing between 10 and 20 pounds per cubic foot.
Fire towers were required in all of these buildings.
The characteristics of these buildings are a mix of the pre 1945 buildings and the post 1968 buildings.
These buildings were required to conform to the 1938 Building Code but because of the numerous variances granted, they used many of the construction techniques of the post 1968 buildings.
The construction techniques used in these buildings resulted in a “lightweight” building, usually weighing about 8 to 10 pounds per cubic foot.
They were constructed with a lack of compartmentation.
The protection of the structural steel component is usually done by spraying on a fireproofing material.
Exterior walls are curtain walls constructed of a combination of glass and metal.
The method of securing exterior curtain walls leaves a space of 6 to 12 inches which requires additional fire stopping.
The ceiling plenums of these buildings are extensive and lack fire stopping. They are used to return the air to the air-conditioning system and for electrical, communications and other building support equipment.
They are usually heated by the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system (HVAC).
HVAC systems are usually multi-floor systems.
Exterior windows are usually not openable.
Fire towers are not required.
Floors are light in weight usually consisting of lightweight concrete, “Q decking,” etc.
Core construction techniques are used extensively.
Lobby Control Unit
Recall, control, and operate elevators. Recall and search all elevator cars terminating at the lobby.
Establish and control all building access points and direct personnel to correct stair/elevator or route.
Direct building occupants and exiting personnel to proper ground level safe areas or routes.
System Control Unit
Monitor and control the Class E communications system; the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and any other building systems as directed by the Incident Commander.
Evaluate communications systems for functionality and operability. This includes the use of HTs, hardwire phones, cellular phones, post radios, cross-band repeaters and building repeaters.
Forward Triage Area
Responsible for the prompt response to injured civilians and members.
Established in an environmentally safe location on a floor below the Forward Staging Area
Communications Unit
Evaluate communications systems for functionality and operability. This Includes the use of HTs, cellular phones, post radios, cross-band repeaters and any auxiliary communications equipment available at the building.
Prepare Form ICS 205p
Staffing of the Incident Command Post.
The first arriving officer shall establish the ICP.
In the event that he or she leaves the ICP before the arrival of a Chief Officer, he or she shall designate a member to staff the ICP, preferably the chauffeur of the first arriving ladder company.
Engine companies reporting to the Forward Staging Area shall bring with them the following equipment unless otherwise directed:
- A SCBA for each member.
- A standpipe kit and a nozzle.
- A length of hose per firefighter.
- A spare SCBA cylinder for each member.
Ladder companies reporting to the Forward Staging Area shall bring with them the following equipment, unless otherwise directed:
- A SCBA for each member.
- Two sets of forcible entry tools and six-foot hooks.
- Search and utility ropes.
- A spare SCBA cylinder for each member.
All horizontal ventilation tactics shall be controlled, communicated and coordinated by ____________.
the IC
Smoke control in high-rise office buildings shall be implemented when authorized by the Incident Commander.
When operating in a building that has a fixed stairwell pressurization system that is activated, the IC shall continue operations with the system on.
The fixed system should not be augmented by FDNY Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans. Augmentation can cause leakage which will reduce pressure in the stair shaft.
Note: Buildings that have a fixed stairwell pressurization system shall be entered into CIDS.
FDNY Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans can be used when the building does not have a fixed stairwell pressurization system, or the system is out of service for any reason.
The use of FDNY Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans shall not be initiated until authorized by the IC.
Due to the greater square footage of floor areas and the volume of stair shafts in high-rise office buildings, more fans may be needed to accomplish this than would be used in Fire Proof Multiple Dwellings. The IC should consider special calling an additional ventilation support group(s).
Natural vertical ventilation is influenced by the stack effect as follows:
Its effect becomes noticeable in buildings over 60 feet, and increases as the building’s height increases.
Its effect can be either positive or negative.
a. The positive stack effect is the upward movement of air in a vertical shaft.
b. The negative stack effect is the downward movement of air in a vertical shaft.
Positive stack effect increases as the outside air temperature decreases in relation to the temperature inside the building.
Negative stack effect may occur when the outside temperature is greater than the temperature inside the building. Its possibility is greatest when the outside air temperature is above 90º F.
Its effect, both positive and negative, may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
To obtain the greatest benefit from the stack effect, the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway must be opened when a stairway is used for smoke removal. The street floor near this stairway must also be vented to the outer air.
The Fire Sector/Branch shall be staffed as follows:
Prior to the arrival of the second Battalion Chief, the IC shall designate the company officer of one of the first arriving units to act as the Fire Sector Supervisor and coordinate the operations on the fire floor and the floor above.
Two-way communications between the fire command station and the following:
- Floor warden stations.
- Mechanical control center.
- Elevators.
- Air handling control rooms.
- Elevator machinery rooms.
A public address system to all floors, elevators and stairways either selectively or collectively.
A floor warden station shall be located on each floor between the required exits. It shall be provided with:
A. A telephone type handset.
B. Capability to activate a visual and audible signal at the fire command station.
C. Two-way voice communications with the fire command station.
D. Provisions for making announcements over the loudspeaker system on the floor where it is located.
E. A handset, housing and door painted red and lettered “Fire Emergency-Open Door to Operate.”
At least one manual fire alarm sending station shall be located in each path of escape in each story of a building. Additional stations shall be installed so that no point on any floor shall be more than 200 feet from the nearest station.
The activation shall cause:
A. Automatic transmission to the Fire Department via a central station.
B. A visual and audible signal at the fire command station, mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director.
C. Sounding of the alarm on the fire floor and the floor above.
An approved combustion ionization detection device or a combination of an approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic device shall be installed:
At each elevator landing, the activation of this device shall:
- Recall the elevators.
- Sound the fire alarm signal on the fire floor and the floor above.
Note: In buildings built under the 2008 Building Code, the alarm will also sound on the floor below. - Cause a fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the Fire Department via a central station.
- Cause a fire alarm signal to be sounded at the fire command station, the mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director.
- Stop the air supply into and the return air from the floor where activated.
- Activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure.
- Unlock the doors on the locked fail safe system.
The activation of a sprinkler water flow alarm shall accomplish all of the actions listed above.
Within the HVAC system, the activation of this device shall accomplish all of the actions listed above, with the exception of recalling the elevators.
The first arriving ladder company shall:
A. Obtain as much information as possible from the fire safety director or his/her surrogate as to:
- Location of the fire.
- Evacuation procedures that have been implemented.
- Status of elevators.
- Access stairs serving the fire floor.
The first arriving ladder company shall:
B. Prior to leaving the lobby:
- Determine the elevator bank that provides the safest access to the fire area and place the elevator cars to be used on “Firemen Service.”
- Obtain floor plan of the fire area. If only one copy is available, do not remove it from the fire command station.
- Obtain keys necessary to gain access to the fire floor.
- Ensure that the ICP is staffed by a Fire Department member.
Proceed to the floor above the fire via a stairway other than the attack stairway.
Determine which stairway is the best stairway to be used by the occupants for evacuation and advise the ICP
Examine all stairways for occupants and smoke condition.
Remove all occupants from the attack stairway for a reasonable distance above the fire floor and prevent its use by the occupants.
If difficulty is encountered in clearing the attack stairway of occupants, the officer shall advise the first arriving ladder company or the Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director if established, to withhold the attack until the occupants have been safely removed.
Conduct a primary search of the floor above the fire.
Notification to the IC or the Fire Sector/Branch of missions NOT accomplished can be more important than assignments accomplished.
Each member shall be equipped with an extra SCBA cylinder.
Obtain an elevator that provides the safest access to the roof.
If the fire is on a floor that is serviced by the high-rise bank of elevators, they shall proceed to a location below the fire floor and then use a stairway other than the attack stairway to proceed to the roof.
If the high-rise bank of elevators is used, assign a member equipped with a HT to operate the “Firemen Service” elevator until relieved.
Upon arrival at the roof area, the officer shall:
Report the following conditions to the IC.
a. Smoke and heat conditions in the area and in the stairways.
b. The presence of any building occupants.
c. All means available for roof ventilation, especially over stairways and elevator shafts.
d. Any unusual conditions.
e. Fire or occupants at windows visible from roof.
Not undertake roof ventilation unless ordered by the Incident Commander.
Conduct a primary search of the top five floors.
A logical assignment after roof operations would be the upper floors of elevator bank serving the fire floor.
Operate under the control of the IC until the SAE Group is established. They shall then operate under the command of the SAE Group Supervisor.
The first arriving engine company shall:
If first to arrive, obtain as much information as possible from the fire safety director or his/her surrogate with regard to:
- Location of the fire.
- Evacuation procedures that have been implemented.
- Status of the elevators.
- Access stairs serving the fire floor.
Remain at the ICP until the first ladder company has verified the fire location.
Provides the communications link between the lobby and the fire area pending the establishment of a Fire Sector/Branch.
This is accomplished by taking the Post Radio and report with his/her company to their normal location in the vicinity of the standpipe outlet from which the first handline is being stretched.
Provide HT communications between the standpipe outlet and the nozzle by having the officer of the second arriving engine company remain at the outlet until the hoseline is operating at the correct nozzle pressure.
Leave the fire area when the hoseline has been stretched and is operating so as not to deplete their air supply. (Does not mention this in MD’s)
Second Hoseline
This hoseline may be used to:
- Reinforce the position of the first line.
- Protect the position of the first line.
- Protect the search and evacuation of the fire floor.
- Contain and confine fire spread and/or prevent fire wrapping around the core and endangering operation of the first line.
Greater alarm or special called engine companies shall report to the ICP in the lobby or if staffed, the Lobby Control Unit.
Upon the establishment of a Staging Area outside the building, units will report into the Staging Area.
Units without specific orders to the contrary shall bring SCBAs, rolled up lengths and spare SCBA cylinders to lobby area.
Fire Pump
Water Loss w/Bypass Open
> 25% in 8” pipe. Engine 258
> 45% in 6” pipe. Engine 456
First arriving units should be met at the Fire Command Station by one of the following:
x Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Director (FS/EAPD)
x Deputy Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Director (DFS/EAPD)
x Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Building Evacuation Supervisor (FS/EAPBES)
The following items are maintained at the Fire Command Station:
x Building Information Card (BIC)
x A list of special needs occupants and their location in the building, who have requested assistance in the event the EAP is implemented.
There are four different procedures that a FS/EAPD can implement to safeguard occupants in the event of an emergency.
- Shelter in Place
- In-Building Relocation
- Partial Building Evacuation
- Full Building Evacuation
Note: The use of elevators by building personnel to facilitate the movement of occupants is permissible and should be anticipated under the EAP.
All units need to be familiar with the use of Emergency Action Plans (EAP) for non-fire emergencies in Class “E” office buildings. The EAP provides for a Fire Safety/EAP Brigade which consists of all of the following except?
A: EAP Director
B: Director of Security
C: Chief Engineer
D: Building Manager
A: EAP Director
High-Rise Office Add 1 Sect 2.2 The EAP provides for a Fire Safety/EAP Brigade which consists of the > Building Manager > Chief Engineer > Director of Security
Every company officer needs to understand smoke movement in high-rise buildings. Natural vertical ventilation is accomplished by opening the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway once the fire is extinguished. This will increase the stack effect and assist in the removal of smoke via the stairway. Which statement regarding stack effect is correct?
A: The negative stack effect is the downward movement of air in a vertical shaft and may occur when the outside temperature is less than the temperature inside the building.
B: Both positive and negative stack effect may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
C: To obtain the greatest benefit from the stack effect, only the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway must be opened when a stairway is used for smoke removal.
D: The possibility of positive stack effect is greatest when the outside air temperature is above 90º F.
B: Both positive and negative stack effect may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
High Rise Office Sect 6.3.8.D
A. Negative stack effect may occur when the outside temperature is greater than the temperature inside the building.
B. Both positive and negative stack effect may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
C. To obtain the greatest benefit from the stack effect, the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway must be opened when a stairway is used for smoke removal. The street floor near this stairway MUST ALSO be vented to the outer air.
D. The possibility of negative stack effect is greatest when the outside air temperature is above 90º F.
Every company officer needs to understand smoke movement in high-rise buildings. Natural vertical ventilation is accomplished by opening the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway once the fire is extinguished. This will increase the stack effect and assist in the removal of smoke via the stairway. Which statement regarding stack effect is correct?
A: The negative stack effect is the downward movement of air in a vertical shaft and may occur when the outside temperature is less than the temperature inside the building.
B: Both positive and negative stack effect may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
C: To obtain the greatest benefit from the stack effect, only the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway must be opened when a stairway is used for smoke removal.
D: The possibility of positive stack effect is greatest when the outside air temperature is above 90º F.
B: Both positive and negative stack effect may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
High Rise Office Sect 6.3.8.D
A. Negative stack effect may occur when the outside temperature is greater than the temperature inside the building.
B. Both positive and negative stack effect may be intensified by the speed and direction of the wind.
C. To obtain the greatest benefit from the stack effect, the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway must be opened when a stairway is used for smoke removal. The street floor near this stairway MUST ALSO be vented to the outer air.
D. The possibility of negative stack effect is greatest when the outside air temperature is above 90º F.
When operating at a fire in a high-rise office building, who is responsible to determine which stairway is the best stairway to be used by the occupants for evacuation and advise the ICP?
A: 1st Arriving Ladder Company
B: 2nd Arriving Ladder Company
C: 3rd Arriving Engine Company
D: 3rd Arriving Ladder Company
8.5.3. Determine which stairway is the best stairway to be used by the occupants for evacuation and advise the ICP.
Units frequently respond to Class E alarms at high rise office buildings. The fire command station is located in the lobby of the building near the elevator control panel and shall have an information display unit capable of monitoring certain systems. Which of the following information takes priority in the order in which it is displayed?
A: Smoke detectors.
B: Sprinkler water flow alarms.
C: Elevator lobby detectors.
D: Manual fire alarm.
D: Manual fire alarm.
High Rise Office
7.2.2.B. An information display unit capable of monitoring the following systems in order of priority:
- Manual fire alarm.
- Smoke detectors.
- Sprinkler water flow alarms.
- Elevator lobby detectors.
Strategic Operating Plan
Five Points
- Determine the Fire Floor
- Verify the Fire Floor
- Simultaneously, or as soon as possible, begin the process of controlling evacuation.
- Gain control of the building systems. (Elevators, HVAC, Communications, Fire pumps)
- Confine and Extinguish the Fire