High Rise Flashcards
What are the high rise procedures to be used in conjunction with?
ICS and all other existing policies and procedures of OKCFD.
What is the high rise policy intended to do for the Incident Commander?
Establish basic assignments for first arriving companies and for a command structure the IC can build upon. It is not intended to limit the decision making abilities of the IC.
Most modern high rises are as much as ___ lighter in mass than building constructed prior to ___.
75% lighter in mass. Constructed prior to 1940.
Modern high rise buildings are ___ with open landscaped floors as large as ___.
Taller. As large as 20,000 square foot.
What is significant about the content loading in modern high rise buildings?
Can generate 2.5 times the BTU.
What is the flashover time for large, open high rise floors with ample oxygen and fuel?
Less than 10 minutes.
What is the typical response time to the fire floor?
20 minutes.
Because high rise buildings are tightly sealed to contain conditioned air what is there a serious potential for?
What are other potential hazards that make extinguishment of the high rise fire difficult?
Open shafts.
Unprotected vertical openings in remodeled and new structures.
Electrical hazards.
Unrelieved heat and smoke.
Where are most exposures in high rises?
They are staged vertically. The direction smoke, convection and heat conduction want to travel.
____ of extension through floors exist.
Multiple avenues.
Placing multiple lines to cover exposure points above the fire floor is a slow and cumbersome task. It is difficult to get ___ above an extending fire in time to stop it.
Adequate resources.
What is the primary concern because of poor egress/escape, unforgiving fire behavior, excessive heat and smoke, panic of occupants, and fatigue of FFs?
Safety is the primary concern.
When and how should horizontal ventilation be performed on a high rise fire?
When ordered by the IC/Ops. It can accomplished by breaking out the glass on the floor above the fire floor.
What will happen if ventilation is not accomplished on a high rise incident?
Fire gases and heat will eventually pressurize into the core and extend to other floors.
What is a high rise fire like and what should the FFs be prepared for?
It is like an above ground basement fire and the FFs must be prepared for a lengthy and labor intensive operation.
What should all companies refer to and take into the high rise building?
The Low Occurrence Elevated Risk Guide (LOER).
What should all district officers take into the high rise building?
Their Multi-Gas Air (5-Gas) monitors,
With a major high rise fire how many personnel are needed?
200-300 fire personnel.
What is a high rise incident identified as?
Any incident that has the potential to progress to a level at or above the 5th floor above ground level.
What will the first arriving company officer do?
Establish command and operate in investigation mode unless the first officer is a district officer.
How do the district officers operate?
In command mode.
If a working fire is confirmed what will be called for immediately?
A high rise alarm.
What is a high rise alarm the equivalent of?
A 5-alarm response.
When a high rise alarm is dispatched how many Tac channels will be assigned?
5 Tac channels.
TAC 6- response/logistics
TAC 7- ops
TAC 8- reserved for RIT
TAC 9- upper search and evac (USE)
TAC 10- incident command
In a high rise alarm if a district officer is on scene the first arriving company officer will establish?
Investigation group.
What does the investigation group consist of?
2 engine crews and 1 ladder crew.
Where does the investigation group proceed?
To the incident floor.
Who is normally the leader of the investigation group and responsible for selecting the method of ascent?
Ladder company officer.
What must be checked prior to ascending to the fire floors?
The enunciator panel.
If the enunciator panel indicates the fire is on or above the seventh floor what may be the best choice for ascending to the fire floor?
The elevators may be the best choice.
What things does the investigation group supervisor need to communicate by radio?
The specific method of ascent, location of stairwell/elevator, destination and number of personnel ascending.
What does the investigation group supervisor need to give as soon as the investigation group reaches the fire floor?
A CAN report (conditions, actions, needs) and confirmation of the actual fire floor number.
What does the IC need to do after the CAN report from the investigation group supervisor?
Establish a fire floor division i.e. Fire Floor Division 15.
The investigation group supervisor must advise where water is needed in?
High rise buildings with multiple standpipes.
If a fire is confirmed on a high rise incident what will the investigation group evolve into?
What will companies other than the investigation group do on a high rise incident?
Stage outside of the building until a significant fire is confirmed.
What is the definition of a significant fire on a high rise?
A fire that is beyond the investigation group’s ability to mitigate. This includes the ability to suppress the fire as well as other life safety functions like search and evacuation.
What will fire dispatch do when they receive a call about an automatic alarm or odor investigation in a high rise structure?
They will dispatch 2 engine companies, 1 ladder company and 1 district officer.
The first arriving company on a high rise incident will communicate scene arrival and building info to fire dispatch per what SOP?
O/SUP-225 emergency response.
What initial communication will be performed by the first arriving fire company on a high rise incident?
A. The company’s arrival on the scene, the address and what side of the building the fire company is located.
B. Number of stories in the structure and type of occupancy.
C. Whether smoke or fire is showing.
D. Request for a high rise alarm if fire or significant smoke discovered.
Who will ensure a copy of the buildings prefire plan is requested and if any fire notifications or announcements have been made on a high rise incident?
The investigation group supervisor.
For high rise buildings taller than 10 stories what will the apparatus operators from the 1st and 2nd engine companies do?
Remain with their apparatus and connect to the sprinkler and standpipe in series when directed to do so by the IC.
On a high rise incident who will ensure that the engine companies assigned to the investigation group are equipped with a single compliment of appropriate couplings, wrenches and keys for standpipe ops, and high rise hose packs of 200’ minimum with 1 1/8” SB nozzle?
1st engine company officer.
What should the 1st engine company officer do before commencing fire attack?
Ensure the fire stairwell has been cleared of building occupants for a minimum of 5 floors. Any occupants found in the fire attack stairwell should be immediately evacuated ad directed to the evacuation stairwell or area of refuge. If the occupants cannot leave the stairwell they must be allowed to pass below the fire floor before fire attack ops commence.
3rd engine company assignment during a high rise incident?
Be prepared to relieve fire attack from the floor below the fire. They need to coordinate with fire attack so relief of personnel can be accomplished before air supply is depleted.
What tools does the 3rd engine company need during a high rise incident?
2.5” high rise hose pack of 200’. High rise bag. Extra SCBA cylinders.
Where does the 3rd engine company report to on a high rise incident?
Report directly to the IC in the main floor lobby w/appropriate tools ad equipment.
What does the 3rd engine take with them on their initial ascent in a high rise incident?
Only the extra SCBA cylinders to expedite their ascent and provide relief for fire attack.
Where does the 3rd engine crew take their high rise packs?
The high rise packs and bag will be left in the lobby.
What is the 4th engine company’s assignment on a high rise incident?
The crew will assume lobby control after placing all tools in a convenient location (extra SCBAs, high rise packs).
Who ensures the activation of the stairwell door unlocking device during a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who ensures the engineer is located and the HVAC system is controlled or shut down?
4th engine company.
Who verifies the operation of fire pumps and other built in safety equipment during a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who ensures a set of master keys has been obtained on a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who secures a list of peoples requiring special assistance including their ordinary location in the building and identified points of refuge during a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who secures additional floor plans and identifies the stairwells designated by the investigation group on a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who directs a member to operate another elevator care during a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who must be cognizant that fire crews may utilize stairwell fire telephones as an alternate means of communication on a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who shuts down escalators to assist with evacuation during a high rise incident?
4th engine company.
Who hooks up to additional FDCs on a high rise incident?
5th engine company apparatus operator.
Which engine crew will take the appropriate equipment to establish a back up line of 2.5” high rise hose on a high rise incident?
5th engine company.
Where will the back up line typically be connected on a high rise incident?
2 floors below the fire floor and may require an additional section of 2.5” high rise hose.
Who will ascend with the 5th engine crew to assist in establishing a back up line on a high rise incident?
6th engine company.
Where is staging on a high rise incident?
3 floors below the fire floor.
Who will ascend to staging and carry extra SCBA cylinders and any requested tools on a high rise incident?
7th engine company.
Who will determine whether stairwell doors are auto unlocking and obtain any keys needed during a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
Who will recall one bank of elevators and deploy FFs for investigation if determined elevators are safe to use on a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
Who will ensure that all members of investigation group are assembled before ascent is made on a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
Who will report findings of investigation to IC including extent and nature of fire, heat or smoke encountered and extent of evacuation on a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
Who will assign fire attack stairwell and evacuation stairwell on a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
Who will advise IC when primary search of fire area is initiated on a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
Who will report to IC if forcible entry and ventilation is initiated on a high rise incident?
Investigation group supervisor.
On a high rise incident who will ensure one FF will operate each elevator for OKCFD personnel?
Investigation group supervisor.
On a high rise incident what is the FF controlling an elevator equipped with?
Portable radio, forcible entry tools, SCBA, an extra SCBA, flashlight and fire extinguisher.
Who will perform reconnaissance of floor layout one floor below the fire floor on a high rise incident?
1st engine company officer.