Herniations Flashcards
Medial part of temporal lobe across the tentorium cerebelli
-also called an UNCAL herniation if only the anteromedial part of temp lobe is involved
Herniation of the cingulate gyrus beneath the falx cerbri
-compresses ACA
Herniation of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum
-cuts off vascular supply to medulla resulting in respiratory and cardiac failure
Superior cerebellar
Herniation of cerebellum upwards through the tentorium
-compresses PCA
Bilateral (central) transtentorial or diencephalic
Herniation through the tentorium cerebelli, usually due to edema of entire cortex
-Duret hemorrhage
External herniation
Cut hole to relieve pressure
Consequences of herniation
- Compresses blood supply
- Compresses nerves
- Duret hemorrhages (death…brainstem hemhorrages, secondary to transtentorial herniation)