Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold Flashcards
What is the # 1 Herb for Devastated Yang
What is the best herb for warming the Middle Jiao
Gan Jiang
What are the three Hot Herbs in this Category
Zhi Fu Zi, Rou Gui, Gan Jiang
Interior warming herbs treats what kind of patterns
Interior cold, Yang Xu with excessive cold, Cold SP/ST YANG QI, Devastated Yang QI
Signs and Symptoms of Interior Cold
Fear of cold, Cold extremities, pale face (Pallid) , lack of thirst with a desire to drink warm beverages, lose stools
What does your pulse and Tongue Generally look like with Interior Cold Symptoms?
Tongue= thin and white Pulse = slow
Example/signs of Cold St/sp Yang QI
cold sensations and pain in the abdomen, stomach, N/V, diarrhea ➢Acute gastritis, gastroenteritis
Example/Signs of Devastated Yang
Loose Stools, Profuse Sweating, Icy Extremities, Fear of cold , Minute Deep Pulse.
What is the Nature of these Herbs
They are Acrid and Drying in Nature : ➢Inappropriate use can injure fluids ➢Use with caution in cases of heat (if at all), Yin Xu, and pregnancy
What Herb am I : Assists the Heart Yang to unblock the vessels and improve circulation ●Tonifies KD Yang to augment the fire and avoid loss of basal yang
Fu ZI- Goes to your heart, Kidney and Spleen. This herb is Acrid, Hot, Toxic.
What are the other functions of Fu ZI
Warms the Yang (Kid) and assists the yang, Especially heart, kid, and spleen yang, and this herbs dispersed cold and stops pain.
What Herb am I : Warms the KD fire and fortifies Yang, for wide variety of problems due to insufficiency of Kidney yang and waning of Ming Men
Rou Gui
What are the other functions of Rou Gui
Warms the heart Yang- Think Palpitations, Warms the Channels for pain/Blood/Qi Stasis- bI Syndrome, and it Returns floating heat back to source.(Yang Deficient- False Heat.) and this herb encourages the generation and qi and blood.
The latin Name for Rou Gui
(Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae)
I Warm the Interior(Mj), also has the ability to stop pain, I Warm the lungs-Transforms cold phlegm, Rescues Devastated yang( Warms the original Yang) Can be used to warm the Channels and Stops Bleeding(Charred)
Gan Jiang- Dried Ginger
(Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis
Channels: Sp, ST, HT, LU
What Herb am I?strongly warms the middle and lower burners, stops nausea and vomiting due to cold, alleviates cold pain in the chest and abdomen
Wu Zhu Yu- Evodiae Rutaecarpae
Acrid, bitter, hot, slightly toxic- goes to your Kidney/liver/sp,st.
What are the other functions of Wu Zhu Yu
leads fire downwards for mouth sores on K1-/ aids in rebellious Liver qi going downwards -JUEYIN HA-dries Dampness “leg qi”- think of hernia pain, contraction of testicles, and painful menses. this herb can also be used for vomiting due to heat
what herb is good for: hernia pain-soothes LIVER QI-warms kid yang stops pain-harmonizes stomach-helps with appetite regulates the QiPAIN
Xia Hui Xiang- this herb always works for hernial pain, also think of menstrual pain,testicular pain
What herb is also good for female disorders/infertility
Xia Hui Xiang
What herb is typically used for toothaches
Bi ba(pepper)
What herb am i: Warms the middle Jiao especially for cold patterns-Diarrhea/ Also used externally to open the nasal orifices
Bi ba- Fructus Piperis longi( food medicine)
What herb am I: eliminates pathogenic cold in theStomach and Intestine/ helps with Appetite and can be used for toothache
Hu Jiao- Acrid/hot (pepper)
What herb am I :warms the middle, disperses cold,stops pain, kills parasites, tonifies fire at the gate of vitality/used internally/externally for fungal infections/athletes foot,yeast infections
Chuan Jiao/Hua Jiao(pepper)
What herb am I: warms the middle, directs Stomach qi downward, treats hiccough, fortifies/warms the Kidney yang-especially for infertility, impotence & low libido
Ding Xiang- Flos Caryophylli
What is the #1 herb for hiccups
Ding Xiang -acrid, warm
What herb am I: warms MJ stops pain(cao dou kou)PAIN and VOMITING
Gao Liang Jiang - high quality ginger
Epigastric Pain.
What herb is used for :wind attacks, pain, promote qi and blood movement/ commonly used for lower back pain. also for chills/headaches,muscle aches due to exterior disorders
Dou Chi Jiang- warm aromatic