herbs that relieve Cough and Wheeze Flashcards
What herb is this

Xing Ren
What are the actions and indications of Xing Ren (Armeniacae Semen)
This herb is Mositening-can be used for dry constipation, Stops Cough and Moistens(Hot or Cold/excess or deficiency), Calms Wheeze, Moves lung qi Downward
What herb is great for Moistening the lungs and directing that Qi Downward this herb is great for all types of cough/transforming Phlegm, cold, hot acute or chronic
Kuan Dong Hua (Flos Tussilaginis Farfarae) this herb is acrid and warm, and goes to lungs. This herb has Vitamin C and Zinc
This herb releives cough, expels phlegm: Wc, Wh, defiency/ Moves qi and blood/Moistens without drying , very good for violent phlegm
Zi Wan (Asteris Radix)
What herb am I

Zi Wan (Asteris Radix)- This herb is bitter, Slightly Warm and goes to the lungs.
What herb am I ?

Kuan Dong Hua (Tussilaginis Flos)
What herb is best for excess phlegm, phlegm that is copious, stifled Chest feeling, Stops Cough, calsms wheeze, dissolves Phlegm, and Moistens the intestines.
Zi Su Zi (Pirillae Fructus) -Acrid and Warm- Goes to the LI, Lu
You should not use this herb if the lungs are deficiecnt or if the patient is Spleen Deficient/ Diarrhea
ZI Su Zi (Perillae Fructus)
What herb is best for lung Heat and Stomach Heat/ Rediecting Lung qi/Dry Cough and Wheeze , Harmonizes the stomach , Redirects stoamch qi down that causes nausea, Vomitting, hiccups and belching
Pi Pa YE (Eriobotryae Folium)
What herb should you not use in cases of nausea and vomitting due to stomach cold or cough due to cold
Pi Pa Ye (Eriobotryae Folium)
What herb can be used as a topical for lice and parasites,Vaginosis and is best for yin Deficent Chronic Cough /Moistens lungs for Acute and Chronic Cough
Bai BU (Stemonae Radix)
What herb is this

Pi Pa Ye(Eriobotryae Folium)
What herb has the ability to treat hypertension, Promotes Urination and Reduces edema- Lung heat obstructing downward/Lung water mechanisim resulting in edema. This herb also helps with draining lung heat, stops cough, calms wheeze. What are the contraindications of this herb
Sang Bai Pi (Mori Cortex) - Do not use this herb if patient has deficient lungs , excessive urination or external wind cold
What herb is this

Bai Bu (Radix Stemonae)
What herb helps with facial edema, strongly descends lung qi , excess type wheezing. helps with lung heat, and fluid rentention in the chest/Abdomen . This herb is ONLY used for Excess cases.
Ting Li Zi (Lepidii Semen)
This herb is often used as a stand alone, its great for summerheat, it moistens the intestines- good for dry constipation due to lung qi stagnation. Helps with cooling the lungs- for cases of dry throat yellow Spetum, It is a fruit
Lou Han Guo (Momordicae Fructus)
What herb is VERY TOXIC, helps to induce vomiting in cases of wind/plgems (Loss of concoiusness cases) / it also kills parasites /stops itching- used externally fo scabies/lice . Do not prescribe this herb internally.
Li lu (Veratri N Radiz)
What herb is this?

Luo Han Guo- Momordicase Fructus)
What herb is this

Li Lu(Verratri N Radix) Incompatible with xi xin, Bai Shao, Chi Shao,Ren Shen, bei Sha shen, na sha shen, xuan shen, Ku shen
This herb preserves LU, Helps cough and wheeze esp with chronic Copious sputum. This herb also helps with defiecny and damp heat cases-Eliminates dampness and discharge/Urination. The toxicity is eliminates in decotion, do not eat this herb raw,
Bai Guo (Ginkgo Semen)
What herb is this
Bai Guo (Ginkgo Semen)