herbs final** Flashcards
clear heat and dry damp, reduce fire and clean toxin (in LU), stop bleeding, calm fetus, treat heat in blood, pair with chai hu and all the huangs
huang qin**
clear heat and dry damp, reduce fire and clean toxin, clear fire in ST and HT, treat dysentery
huang lian**
direct fire down, clear damp-heat in LJ, clear heat and dry damp, reduce fire and clean toxin, clear deficiency heat, drain KI fire, pair with zhi mu and cang zhu
huang bai**
clear heat and dry damp, expel wind, kill worms, stop itching, promote urination, treat damp-heat in LJ, treat skin conditions
ku shen**
clear all types of yin level heat without injuring qi, blood, or yin, clear deficiency heat, cool blood, clear summer heat, treat malaria
Qing hao**
eliminate excess and deficiency heat in blood, cool blood, clear LU heat, clear steaming bone
di gu pi**
purge clumped heat, accumulation and stagnation in LI, stop bleeding, move blood, remove stasis
da huang**
soften hardened accumulation and purge stagnation, clear heat, treat constipation and mastitis
mang Xiao**
nourish yin, moisten LI, promote BM, treat constipation due to blood xu or yin xu, promote healing of wounds
huo ma ren/ma zi ren**
clear heat and clean toxin, vent and disperse wind-heat, cool blood and stop bleeding (when charred), pair w/ lian qiao
jin yin hua**
clear (UJ and HT) heat, disperse wind-heat, separate pathological factors, guide to SJ, treat skin
lian qiao**
drain heat, cool blood, relieve sore throat, treat damp-heat jaundice and tonsilitis, HDI w/ sulfa-
ban lan gan**
clear LV heat toxins, cool blood, reduce maculae, dispel summer heat, HDI w/ sulfa-
Qing dai**
direct damp-heat down and out via urination, treat firm and hard sores (mastitis, breast and intestinal abscess), jaundice, and lin syndrome
pu gong ying**
clear heat, clean toxin, expel damp via urination, treat snake bite, treat cancers of ST, esophagus, and rectum
bai hua she she cao**
resolve toxicity, anti-clumping, anti-cancer, treat toxic bites, nodules and lesions
shan ci gu**
clear heat and toxicity, cool blood, relieve dysentery due to damp-heat or heat and toxin
bai tou weng**
remove damp-heat, resolve toxicity, relieve joint pain by expelling wind-damp, promote normal urination, treat muscle pain and spasm due to syphilis
tu fu ling**
clear heat and clean toxin (affecting throat), eliminate phlegm, ease throat
she gan**
enrich yin, cool blood, produce body fluid, clear heat in yin/xue level, very cloying
sheng di huang**
enrich yin, moisten dry, drain fire, dissipate nodules, clear heat and cool blood, clear heat in yin/xue level, treat swollen and painful throat
xuan shen**
clear excess and deficiency heat, clear lurking fire in blood, move blood without injuring yin and blood, clear heat in xue level, treat LI abscess
mu dan pi**
clear heat and reduce fire from LU and ST (yangming/qi level), release muscle layer, promote tissue regeneration, ease restlessness and thirst, pair w/ zhi mu
shi gao**
clear heat from LU, ST, and KI (yangming/qi level), nourish yin and moisten dry, clear deficiency heat, treat KI yin xu, pair w/ shi gao and huang bai
zhi mu**
resolve constrained heat, direct damp heat down and out via urine, cool blood, treat restlessness and irritability due to heat in HT or SJ, treat jaundice
zhi zi**
reduce LV fire, disperse stagnation (resolve nodules), benefit eyes, treat hypertension due to LV fire or LV yang rising
xia ku cao**
disperse wind-fire to cool eyes, promote vision, moisten LI, nourish LV and KI yin, ascend and descend, prevent atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol
jue ming zi**
open head, eyes, skin, throat, and UJ, facilitate flow of LV qi, vent rash, expel turbid filth
bo he**
clear LU heat, moisten LU, treat dry cough, clear LV heat and benefit eyes, pair w/ ju hua
sang ye**
can ascend or descend and drain or tonify, clear LU and LV heat (more LV action), pair with sang ye and gou qi zi
ju hua**
raise clear yang qi of yangming, release muscle layer, lift SP qi, vent rash, promote body fluid, treat hypertension and angina pectoris, guide into yangming (ST) and taiyin (SP)
ge gen**
harmonize shaoyang, raise clear qi of ST and GB, relieve LV qi constraint, lift yang qi, guide into shaoyang, LV, and brain
chai hu**
Warm MJ, release muscle layer, activate yang qi, treat running piglet qi
gui zhi**
Harmonize MJ, calm fetus, move qi, treat seafood poisoning, kill parasites
zi su ye**
Treat all wind conditions, treat diarrhea and bowel pain, eliminate wind, cold and damp, treat LV over-controlling SP
Fang feng**
Open orifices (especially nose), dry damp and drain pus, guide into Yangming, treat frontal HA
Bai zhi**
Pierce through turbid, disperse cold in taiyang and shaoyin, guide into shaoyin, reach into head, LU, bones and joints, eliminate wind, cold and damp
Xi xin**
Warm MJ (nausea) and LU, promote sweat, treat seafood poisoning
Sheng jiang**