Herbs 21-25 Flashcards
shi gao
very cold, acrid and sweet herb that enters LU and ST
shi gao
clear heat and reduce fire from LU and ST, release muscle layer to ease restlessness and thirst
shi gao
vent heat to exterior, promote tissue regeneration, treat extreme heat in yangming stage/qi level
shi gao
category of clear heat and reduce fire that pairs with zhi mu and contraindicated for cold and yang xu of SP and deficiency heat due to yin xu
shi gao
da huang
cold and bitter herb that enters HT, ST, LI, LV, and SP
da huang
purge clumped heat, accumulation and stagnation in LI, stop bleeding
da huang
clear heat and reduce fire, stop bleeding, clean toxins, promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and blood blockages due to cold or heat
da huang
category of downward draining with purgation that interacts with cardiac glycosides
da huang
anemarrhena rhizome
zhi mu
cold, bitter and sweet herb that enters LU, ST, and Ki
zhi mu
clear heat, reduce fire from LU, ST, and KI, nourish yin, clear deficiency heat
zhi mu
treats high fever, restlessness, and thirst due to extreme heat in tangling stage or in qi level and neutralizes unwanted side effects of warm herbs
zhi mu
category of clear heat and reduce fire and pairs with shi gao and huang bai
zhi mu