clear heat and reduce fire Flashcards
clear heat and reduce fire from LU and ST (yangming/qi level), release muscle layer, promote tissue regeneration, ease restlessness and thirst, pair w/ zhi mu
shi gao**
clear heat from LU, ST, and KI (yangming/qi level), nourish yin and moisten dry, clear deficiency heat, treat KI yin xu, pair w/ shi gao and huang bai
zhi mu**
resolve constrained heat, direct damp heat down and out via urine, cool blood, treat restlessness and irritability due to heat in HT or SJ, treat jaundice
zhi zi**
leach out damp, promote urination, clear heat from HT, ST, and SI, treat lin syndrome, treat canker sores
dan zhu ye
reduce LV fire, disperse stagnation (resolve nodules), benefit eyes, treat hypertension due to LV fire or LV yang rising
xia ku cao**
reduce fire from HT and PC, treat coma, delirium, and high fever
lian zi xin
clear LU and ST heat, generate body fluid, promote urination, alleviate nausea, treat LU abscess
lu gen* (aka wei jing)
clear heat from LU and ST, produce body fluid, drain pus, relieve swelling, invigorate blood
tian hua fen*
disperse wind-fire to cool eyes, promote vision, moisten LI, nourish LV and KI yin, ascend and descend, prevent atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol
jue ming zi**
promote vision, don’t use for glaucoma or intra-ocular pressure disorders, clear LV fire, treat hypertension
Qing Xiang zi