Herbs 2 - Cool Blood / Damp-Heat Flashcards
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, St
- Clears summerheat, especially when thirst is a main symptom
- Alleviates thirst
- Resolves toxic conditions (sores and swellings)
- Can be used as an antidote for poisoning from zhi fu zi or fava beans
Lu Dou
Mung Bean
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lr, Sp
- Resolves summerheat patterns
- Raises clear yang of the Sp
- Stops bleeding, primarily in the lower burner
He Ye
Lotus Leaf
- Channel(s) entered: Ub, Ht, St
- Clears summerheat and generates fluids, especially patterns with significant thirst
- Promotes urination; expels jaundice
- mouth/gum sores, sore throat
Xi Gua Pi
- Channel(s) entered: Sp, St
- Strengthens Sp, nourishes, St - harmonizes the middle
- Also for vaginal discharge due to Sp deficiency
- Transforms dampness
- Eliminates summerheat, especially with pronounced diarrhea/vomiting
- Treats food poisoning (wide variety)
- Strengthens Sp, nourishes, St - harmonizes the middle
Bian Dou
Lablab Bean
- Resolves summerheat and clears the Lu
- Fever, mild thirst, unclear head and vision with lightheadedness and slight distention of the head, pink tongue with a thin and white coating
- Mild summerheat injuring the Qi level of the Lu channel or a summerheat-warmth pathogen that has not been fully released by sweating
Qing Luo Yin
Clear the Collaterals Drink
- Releases the exterior, scatters cold, transforms dampness, harmonizes middle jiao
- Chills w/ skin warm to the touch, an absence of sweating, a sensation of heaviness in the head, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stifling sensation in the head, fatigued extremities, whit and greasy tongue coating and a floating pulse
- Exterior cold with interior dampness contracted in the summer
Xiang Ru San
Mosla Powder
- Clears summerheat, resolves dampness, augments the Qi
- Fever, sweating, thirst. irritability, urinary difficulty, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, thin yellow and greasy tongue coating, soggy and rapid pulse
- Also treats painful urinary dribbling and stony painful urinary dribbling due to D-H in the Bladder, and D-H skin disorders like papules, sores, prickly heat
- Summerheat injuring the Qi and dampness obstructing the interior
Liu Yi San
Six-to-One Powder
- Clears summerheat, augments the Qi, nourishes the yin, generates fluids
- Fever, profuse sweating, irritability, thirst, scanty and dark urine, fatigued limbs, shortness of breath, apathy, and a deficient and rapid pulse
- Summerheat injuring the Qi and fluids
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang
Clear Summerheat and Augment the Qi Decoction
- Channel(s) entered: Lu, St, Gb, LI
- Clears heat and dries dampness, especially in the St or intestines
- Resolves toxicity, especially in the Upper Burner
- Stops bleeding from heat in the blood, causing reckless movement
- Calms the fetus during pregnancy when fetus irritated by heat
- Sedates rising Lr yang (headaches, irritability)
Huang Qin
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, LI, Lr, St
- Cools heat and drains damp (D-H in St/intestines)
- great stand alone dysentery herb
- Drains fire, resolves toxicity (heat w/ blazing fire)
- Stops bleeding (nosebleed, bloody urine/stool, or vomit due to reckless movement
- major acid reflux herb
- Clears heat topically (painful eyes, mouth ulcers)
Huang Lian
- Channel(s) entered: Ki, UB
- Directs fire downward (D-H in lower burner)
- Great D-H gynecological herb
- For damp-heat pouring downward
- Drains Ki fire (for ascending Ki fire)
- Resolves toxicity
Huang Bai
Phellodendron Bark
- Channel(s) entered: Gb, Lr, St
- Drains D-H from entirety of Lr and Gb channels (head/throat in particular)
- Drains and pacifies Lr fire (fire blazing upward affecting head)
Long Dan Cao
Gentian Root
- Channel(s) entered: UB, Ht, Lr, LI, SI, St
- Clears heat, dries dampness (D-H in lower burner)
- Disperses wind, kills parasites, stops itching (D-T skin lesions)
- Promotes urination
Ku Shen
Sophora Root
- Channel(s) entered: Gb, LI, Lr, St
- Clears heat, resolves toxicity, dries dampness
- Drains Lr fire, benefits the eyes
- Disperses wind-damp (hot w-d Bi)
- Calms wheezing, stops cough (Lu heat)
- Dysentery with cramping pain
Qin Pi
Ash Bark
- Resolves dampness, transforms turbidity, clears heat and resolves toxicity
- Fever, achy limbs, lethargy, swollen throat, stifling sensation in the chest, abdominal distention, dark scanty urine, a white greasy or yellow and dry tongue coating, and a soggy rapid pulse
- May also be vomiting and diarrhea, jaundice, unremitting fever
- Early-stage Damp-warmth epidemic disorder
Gan Lu Xiao Du Yin
Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxin
- Clears heat, transforms dampness, regulates the Qi and harmonizes middle jiao
- Simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea, focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and epigastrium, irritability, restlessness, dark scanty urine, yellow greasy tongue coating, slippery and rapid pulse
- Sudden-turmoil disorder due to an aggregation of damp-heat smoldering in the body
Lian Po Yin
Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink
- Clears heat, resolves dampness, and reduces jaundice
- Whole-body jaundice, with a color that resembles a ‘fresh tangerine,’ slight abdominal distention, urinary difficulty, thirst (but can only take sips), little or no sweating, or sweating only from the head and stopping at the neck, a yellow greasy tongue coating, and a slippery and rapid pulse
- Yang-type or damp-heat jaundice
Yin Chen Hao Tang
Virgate Wormwood Decoction
- Channel(s) entered: Lu, Lr, Ki
- Clears heat from both excess and deficiency in the blood
- Cools the Blood: for steaming bone disorder with sweating
- Drains Ki fire, eliminates “lurking” heat, clears heat from bones
- For floating fire in Ki channel marked by toothache
- Cools & drains Lu heat
- Not intense in its actions
- Chronic Lu disease, damaging yin
Di Gu Pi
Lycium Bark
- Channel(s) entered: Ki, Lr, Gb
- Clears all types of yin level heat without injuring the Qi, Blood or yin
- Clears summerheat
- Fever from deficiency
- Cools the Blood and stops bleeding
- Checks malarial disorder and resolves heat
- best malaria herb
Qing Hao
Sweet Wormwood
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, St
- Clears heat from deficiency
- Heat due to childhood nutritional impairment (parasites)
Yin Chai Hu
Stellaria Root
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, St, LI
- Clears heat from both excess and deficiency
- Cools the blood, steaming bones
- Dries dampness, damp-heat dysenteric disorder
- Reduces childhood nutritional impairment
Hu Huang Lian
Picrorhiza Rhizome
- Channel(s) entered: Lu, St, Ki
- Cools and clears Blood-level heat from it, without injuring yin-fluids or blood
- Ying-level heat, especially persistent and stubborn heat
- post-partum fever
- Vents pathogens
- Facilitates urination and resolves toxicity
- Cools and clears Blood-level heat from it, without injuring yin-fluids or blood
Bai Wei
Cynanchi Root
- Nourishes the yin and vents heat
- Night fever and morning coolness with no sweating as the fever recedes, emaciation with no loss of appetite, red tongue with little coating, fine and rapid pulse
- Heat lurking in the yin aspects of the body
- Later stages of a warm-pathogen disease when the heat has depleted the yin and fluids
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
Sweet Wormwood and Soft-shelled Turtle Shell Decoction
- Clears heat from deficiency and alleviates steaming bone disorder
- Tidal fever or unremitting, chronic low-grade fever, a sensation of heat in the bones but with flesh that is not warm to the touch, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, lethargy, red lips, dark-red cheeks, night sweats, thirst, dry throat, red tongue with little coating, a thin and rapid pulse
- Steaming bone disorder due to Lr and Ki yin deficiency
Qing Gu San
Cool the Bones Powder
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lr, St
- Cools ying-level heat
- Clears heat from Ht channel
- Resolves toxic rashes and sores; wind stirring heat
- Stops bleeding due to heat in Blood; arrests tremors
Shui Niu Jiao
Water Buffalo Horn
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Ki, Lr
- Enriches yin, cools the blood, clears heat
- Generates fluids
- Gynecological/diabetic herb
Sheng Di Huang
Rehmannia Root
- Channel(s) entered: Ki, Lu, St
- Enriches yin and moistens dryness
- Especially for sequelae of warm-heat pathogen diseases
- Drains fire and resolves toxicity
- Softens hardness and transforms phlegm-heat (fire)
- Neck lumps
- phlegm-fire nodules
- Enriches yin and moistens dryness
Xuan Shen
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lr, Ki
- Cools heat from excess or deficiency
- Gently invigorates blood without injuring blood or yin and dispels blood stasis
- Clears lurking fire in blood
- Clears ascending Lr fire
- Drains pus and reduces swellings
Mu Dan Pi
Moutan Root Bark
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lr
- Cools and invigorates the blood
- Resolves toxicity; vents rashes
- Facilitates passage of stool and urine
- Clears damp-heat from skin
Zi Cao
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, Sp
- Invigorates the blood (Strong blood mover)
- Transforms stasis and stops pain
- Cools heat in blood
- gyno herb - blood stasis with heat
Chi Shao
Red Peony Root
- Clears the ying-level, relieves fire-toxin, drains heat, nourishes the yin
- High fever that worsens at night, severe irritability and restlessness, a scarlet and dry tongue, thin and rapid pulse. Some patients may be thirsty, delirious,, or exhibit faint and indistinct erythema
- Heat entering the ying-level
Qing Ying Tang
Clear the Nutritive-Level Decoction
- Clears heat, resolves fire toxicity, cools the blood, nourishes the yin, dispels blood stasis and stops bleeding
- Fever, various types of bleeding, black and tarry stools, abdominal distention and fullness, thirst with an inability to swallow, a scarlet tongue with prickles, thin and rapid pulse; some patients become delirious
- Heat entering the ying-level, causing the blood to move recklessly
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction