Herbs 2 - Clear Heat and Toxins Flashcards
- Channel(s) entered: LI, Lu, St
- Resolves fire toxicity
- Vents and disperses early-stage W-H
- Clears damp-heat from lower burner
- Lightweight, affecting upper burner
- Cools blood and stops bleeding (if charred)
Jin Yin Hua
Honeysuckle Flower
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lu, Gb
- Often paired with Jin Yin Hua
- Cools and vents heat in Ht and Upper Jiao
- Reduces abscesses and dissipates clumps
- Resolves toxicity from externally-contracted W-H
Lian Qiao
Forsythia Fruit
- Channel(s) entered:Ht, Lu, St
- Very cold, strongly cools heat toxin or pathogenic heat at both Qi and Blood levels
- For any warm-heat disease or epidemic febrile outbreak
- Cools the blood and dissipates maculae
Da Qing Ye
Isatis Leaf
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lu, St
- Benefits the throat
- Drains heat, resolves fire toxicity
- Cools blood
- Often combined with Da Qing Ye
Ban Lan Gen
Isatis Root
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, St
- Light, lifting, guide to eyes
- Reduces abscesses and dissipates nodules
- internal (breast/intestinal) abscesses, external sores (firm and hard)
- Breast herb: abscesses/sores and promotes lactation
- Clears Lr and eyes (swollen, red)
- Excels at draining and directing downward
- Unblocks painful urinary dribbling
Pu Gong Yin
Dandelion; Taraxacum
- Channel(s) entered: Ht, Lr
- Strongly clears heat-toxin
- Reduces hot swellings
- Red, swollen eyes, swollen painful throat and ears
- Clears hot sores, internally and topically (if used fresh)
- Particularly of head/back
Zi Hua Di Ding
- Channel(s) entered: Lu, Lr
- Drains fire and resolves fire toxicity (furuncles, carbuncles, and sores)
- Clears W-F causing red eyes
Ye Ju Hua
Wild Chrysanthemum Flower
- Channel(s) entered: LI, Lr, St
- Expels pus (internal fire toxin disorders - int. abscess, or fire toxin surface sores/swelling)
- Dispels blood stasis and stops pain (heat-induced)
- Appendicitis
Bai Jiang Cao
- Channel(s) entered: Lu, LI
- Lung abscess or Lu heat cough. Internally and topically for H-T sores.
- Drains D-H and promotes urination
- For LI D-H diarrhea or D-H in the Lower Jiao with painful urinary dribbling)
Yu Xing Cao
- Channel(s) entered: LI, Lr
- Cools the blood (D-H or fire toxin dysenteric disorders)
- For bloody or hot painful urinary dribbling
- Fire-toxin carbuncles or sores, as well as red and white vaginal discharge
- Wasp stings, snake bites
- Stops bleeding, unlocks painful urinary dribbling
- Very good for dysentery
Ma Chi Xian
- Channel(s) entered: LI, St - yangming herb
- Clears heat and resolves fire toxicity
- HOT Dysenteric disorders due to D-H in St or intestines
- Cools blood
- Clears heat and resolves fire toxicity
Bai Tou Weng
- Channel(s) entered: LI, Lu, SI, St
- For a wide variety of heat disorders, including heat in Lu, throat, and urinary tract
- Wide-scope toxic D-H
- Clears heat, dries damp, stops diarrhea
- Damp dysenteric disorders
- Topically for snake bite in fresh form
- Anti-cancer herb
Chuan Xin Lian
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, St, LI, SI
- Strongly resolves fire toxicity
- Reduces abscesses
- Snakebite, and recently for a variety of cancers
- Facilitates resolution of dampness by promoting urination
Bai Hua She She Cao
- Channel(s) entered: Sp, St
- Expels D-H accumulated in the vessels of the muscles and flesh
- Leads D-H out through urine
- Stops itching (for vaginal pruritis with discharge)
- STDs causing toxic sores on skin
- Skin conditions (W-D-H-F-T on skin)
- Relieves painful obstruction
Bai Xian Pi
Dictamnus Root Bark
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, St
- Relieves joint pain caused by heat toxin type pathogens
- D-H bi
- D-H jaundice
- Clears D-H from skin
- Often combined with Fu Ling
- Chelating Herb
- Relieves joint pain caused by heat toxin type pathogens
Tu Fu Ling
Smooth Greenbriar Rhizome
- Channel(s) entered: Lu
- Improves condition of the throat
- Fire excess, fire toxin, P-H obstruction
- Clears Lungs, transforms phlegm, phlegm, phlegm
- Lu toxic-heat conditions
- Improves condition of the throat
She Gan
Belamcanda Rhizome
- Channel(s) entered: Lu, LI
- Improves condition of throat
- Used for cancers - dissipates clumps - especially in throat/Lu
- Clears toxic swellings of gums
- Can be used both internally and as a gargle
Shan Dou Gen
Bushy Sophora
- Channel(s) entered: Lu
- Lightweight, rises to disseminate and disperse
- Best for throat disorders due to W-H **
- Clears the Lu (cough due to Lu heat)
- Stops bleeding (internally and topically, most often in oral cavity or lips, also for bleeding gums associated with frostbite)
Ma Bo
- Channel(s) entered: Lr, Lu, St
- Cools the blood and reduces maculae due to heat entering the blood level, or other forms of warm toxins. Also for nosebleeds
- Reduces swelling from blazing heat leading to swollen/painful throat, mouth sores, mumps
- Drains Lr fire, dispels summerheat (esp. affecting Lr) , extinguishes wind to stop tremors
- Clears Lr fire, drains Lu heat, cools the blood (Lr fire accosting Lu)
Qing Dai
- Drains fire and resolves toxicity
- High fever, irritability, dry mouth and throat, incoherent speech, insomnia, dark urine, red tongue with yellow coat, rapid and forceful pulse
- Nosebleed/vomiting of blood due to heat excess, toxic swellings, dysenteric disorders or jaundice due to D-H
- Antibiotic formula base *
- Bitter, cold, and very attacking
- **Severe obstruction of the three Jiaos by fire toxin, which pervades both the interior and exterior
Huan Lian Jie Du Tang
Coptis Decoction to Resolve Toxicity
- Clears heat, resolves toxicity, drains heat from the Lu to improve throat function
- Severe sore throat with great difficulty swallowing, red tongue with a thick white or yellow coating, rapid and slippery, possibly floating pulse
- Painful obstruction of the throat due to D-H attack on the Lu
- Damp-heat collecting in Lu
- W-H-F-T throat Bi
Yin Qiao Ma Bo San
Honeysuckle, Forsythia, and Puffball Powder
- Drains fire, resolves toxicity, dries dampness
- Fever, irritability, restlessness, flushed face, red eyes dark urine, constipation, greasy and yellow tongue coating, delirious speech (in severe cases)
- Also for epigastric focal distention, jaundice, diarrhea and dysenteric disorders, or vomiting of blood or nosebleed; or red or swollen eyes and ears; or ulceration of the tongue and mouth; or abscesses
- D-H excess with interior clumping (yangming Fu)
Xie Xin Tang
Drain the Epigastrium Decoction
- Clears heat, eliminates fire toxin, disperses W-H
- Strong fever and chills, redness, swelling, burning pain of head and face, inability to open eyes, dysfunction of the throat, dryness and thirst, red tongue with powdery-white or yellow coating, floating rapid and forceful pulse
- Acute, massive febrile disorder of the head, aka massive epidemic disorder of the head
- Seasonal toxin associated with W-H and D-P
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin
Universal Benefit Drink to Eliminate Toxin
- Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, reduces swelling
- All types of boils/carbuncles with localized erythema, swelling, heat, and pain accompanied by fever, chills, a red tongue with a yellow coating, rapid pulse
- Especially useful for deep-rooted and hard lesions, which are said to resemble nails or chestnuts
- ** Main formula for skin infections
- Fire toxin, which can arise from many causes:
- Externally-contracted heat from a warm pathogen disease, seasonal PF’s accumulating in the organs or channels, overindulgence in rich or spicy foods, or heat that accumulates because of disharmony of any of the internal organs
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
Five-Ingredient Drink to Eliminate Toxin