Herbs 1 - R.E; Phlegm; Cough Flashcards
Gui Zhi - Cinnamon Twig
Light and dispersing, harmonizing (ying & wei)
Assists Ht yang and unblocks yang Qi of the chest
Ma Huang - Ephedra
Strongly dispersing/drying/ disseminates Lu Qi
Strongest diaphoretic in the category
Zi Su Ye - Perilla Leaf
Aromatic, dispersing, revives Sp Qi
Seafood poisoning / morning sickness / restless fetus
Jing Jie - Schizonepeta
Light, ascending, dispersing
Stops bleeding. For W-C or W-H
Fang Feng - Siler
Moderately dispersing and tonifying
Less drying - good for all wind types
Qiang Huo - Notopterygium Root
Aromatic /ascending and dispersing /taiyang/Du
Occipital headache
Gao Ben - Ligusticum Root
Ascending/enters Du - entire channel
Vertex headache/teeth
Bai Zhi - Dahurian Agelica Root
Dispersing, unblocking, drying/yangming
Frontal headache/sinus
Xi Xin - Asarum - Chinese Wild Ginger
Powerfully aromatic/piercing/dispersing
Unblocks and facilitates orifices/low (1-3g) dose
Xiang Ru - Mosla
Dispersing /assists yang Qi trapped locally by yin
Summer heat
Xin Yi Hua - Magnolia Flower
Dispersing/light (floating)/ascending
Opens nasal passages - all kinds
Cang Er Zi - Xanthium Fruit
Dispersing/ harmonizing/dredging up/thrusting out
Skin disorders with itching
Sheng Jiang - Fresh Ginger
Dispersing/warming of middle burner
Nausea/vomiting/reduces toxicity of other herbs
Cong Bai - Scallion
Light and mild
Mild kitchen herb/very early stages of ext. condition
Cong Chi Tang
Scallion and Prepared Soybean Decoction
Unblocks Wei Qi and induces sweating
Early-stage wind-cold or wind-heat invasion
Ma Huang Tang
Ephedra Decoction
Releases exterior cold and arrests wheezing
W-C bottling up Wei Qi
Ingredients: Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Xing Ren, Zhi Gan Cao
Jing Fang Bai Du San
Modified Schizonepeta & Siler Powder
Induces sweating/releases the exterior/dispels wind/alleviates pain
More severe W-C-D/pain and stiffness in head and neck/general pain
Xiang Su San
Perilla & Cyperus Powder
Releases exterior/regulates Qi
Exterior W-C with interior Qi constraint
Da Qing Long Tang
Major Bluegreen Dragon Decoction
Promotes sweating/releases the exterior/clears interior heat
Severe fever and chills without sweating/exterior cold with interior heat
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction
Releases exterior/transforms thin mucus/warms Lu/directs rebellious Qi downward
Excessive copious mucus/post-nasal drip
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, Licorice Decoction
Facilitates Lung Qi flow/clears heat/calms wheezing
Heat lodged in Lungs and obstructing Lu Qi dynamic
Cang Er Zi San
Xanthium Powder
Disperses wind/alleviates pain/unblocks nose
Profuse nasal discharge
Ge Gen Tang
Pueraria Decoction
Releases exterior and muscle layer/generates fluids
Stiff upper back/neck
Ban Xia Huo Po Tang
Pinella & Magnolia Bark Decoction
Promotes movement of Qi/dissipates clumps/directs rebellious Qi down/transforms phlegm
Plum-Pit Qi
Gui Zhi Tang
Cinnamon Twig Decoction
Releases pathogenic influences from muscle layer
Harmonizes Ying and Wei
Ingredients: Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, Zhi Gan Cao
Zhi Su San
Stop Cough Powder
Stops coughing/transforms phlegm/disperses exterior/disseminates Lung Qi
Sequela to externally-contracted W-C/pathogen has largely been dispelled from exterior but cough persists
Shen Su Yin
Ginseng & Pinella Leaves Decoction
Augments the Qi/releases the exterior/harmonizes Stomach/transforms phlegm
Qi deficiency with phlegm and thin mucus from externally-contracted W-C
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences
Releases the exterior/dispels wind and damp/augments the Qi
Exhaustion/deficient normal Qi
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
Ephedra, Ansarum, & Prepared Aconite Decoction
Assists yang/releases the exterior
Exterior cold with preexisting yang deficiency/extreme cold
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang
Cinnamon Twig, Paeonia, Anemarrhena Decoction
Unblocks flow of yang Qi/promotes movement in ashi points/dispels wind/eliminates damp/clears heat
Recurrent bi obstruction in which localized constraint generates heat/rheumatic conditions
Xiang Ru San
Elsholtzia Powder
Releases exterior/scatters cold/transforms damp/harmonizes middle jiao
Exterior cold with interior dampness/summer heat
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi
Releases the exterior/transforms damp/regulates Qi/harmonizes middle jiao
Externally-contracted W-C with simultaneous internal damp turbidity causing stagnation/sudden turmoil
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Nine-Flavor Notopterygium Decoction
Induces sweating/dispels dampness/drains interior heat
Externally contracted W-C with internal accumulation of heat/generalized aches and pains
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang
Notopterygium Decoction to Disperse Dampness
Expels wind and dampness
W-D bi obstruction/shoulder and upper back pain/spine and neck muscle stiffness
Xiang Su San
Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder
Gently disperses cool-dryness/disseminates Lung Qi/transforms thin mucus
Cool-dryness obstructing Lung Qi dynamic
Qing Zao Jui Fei Tang
Clear Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoction
Clears dryness and moistens the Lungs
Warm-dryness attacking Lungs with damage to Qi and yin (fluids)
Bo He - Mint
Clears eyes/head/soothes throat/facilitates Lr Qi
Niu Bang Zi - Arcticum - Great Burdock Fruit
Dispersing/slippery/clearing & draining
For sore throat (toxic heat)/moistens intestines
Chan Tui - Cicada Molting
Dispersing/extinguishes wind
Childhood febrile/stops itching/throat (loss of voice)
Sang Ye - White Mulberry Leaf
Cools the blood/exuberant Lr fire
Ju Hua - Chrysanthemum Flower
Aromatic/ascend or descend/drains or tonifies
Opens orifices/calms Lr/clears eyes/detoxifies
Man Jing Zi - Vitex Fruit
Eyes (Lr W-H)/drains damp
Dan Dou Chi - Fermented Soy Bean
Irritability (heat above diaphragm/vexation
Ge Gen - Pueraria - Kudzu Root
Dispersing/tonifying/ascending/releases muscle layer
Upper back/neck/raises Qi/clear St yang
Chai Hu - Bupleurum - Hare’s Ear Root
Dispersing/light and ascending
Raises and lifts yang Qi (clear St, Gb)/Gyno issues
Sheng Ma - Black Cohosh Rhizome
Middle Qi deficiency/teeth/gums
Sang Ju Jin
Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Drink
Disperse wind/clear heat/stops coughing by facilitating Lu Qi flow
Early, superficial warm pathogen disease/cough is main symptom
Yin Chao San
Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder
Disperses W-H/clears heat/resolves toxicity
More severe superficial heat presentation with toxic element/Lu Qi constrained
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Bupl. and Kudzu Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer
Releases pathogenic influences from muscle layer/clears interior heat
Unresolved eternally-contracted W-C that has become constrained and is transforming into heat
Qiang Lan Tang
Notopterygium & Istasis Root Combination
Clears heat/disperses toxins
Sore, swollen throat/glands/viral conditions
Zhong Gan Ling
Severe Cold Miracle
Dispels W-H-toxin/cools blood/moistens throat
Anti-viral (influenza) with lots of aches and pains
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
Siler and Platycodon Combination
Disperses wind/releases the exterior/drains heat/unblocks bowls
Simultaneous heat in exterior and interior/aggressive presentation
Contemporarily used for obesity
Qian Hu - Peucedanum Room - Hogfennel Root
Descends Qi/assists Lu Qi dynamic/descends fire
Drains Lu heat AND assists in dispersing EPF’s
Chuan Bei Mu - Sichuan Fritillaria Bulb
Descends Lu Qi/Ht fire/disperses/moistening
Chronic, constrained Qi/clumped phlegm-heat
Zhe Bei Mu - Zhejiang Fritillaria Bulb
Drains heat/dissipates nodules
Nodules/toxic swellings/relieves constraint/acute
Gua Lou - Trichosanthes Fruit
Draining (turbid phlegm)/opens chest
Unbinds Qi accumulation in chest/moistens intestines
Zhu Ru - Bamboo Shavings
Scouring/tonifying (St)
Stops vomiting/Gb harboring phlegm & Lu heat
Zhu Li - Dried Bamboo Sap
Slippery/opens orifices/tonifying
Penetrates channels.phlegm obstructing Ht
Pang Da Hai - Sterculia Seed
Sore throat/hoarseness - “singers herb”/moistens intestines
Kun Bu - Kelp
Neck/thyroid masses/promotes urination
Hai Zao - Sargassum (seaweed)
Bulging disorders - scrotum
Tian Hua Fen - Trichosanthes Root
Resolves toxicity/expels pus/generates fluids well
Tian Zhu Huang - Bamboo Secretions from Wasp’s Nest
Spiritual/opens orifices/clearing
Arrests palpitations/clears Ht/tremors/convulsions
Fu Shi - Pumice
Light and ascending, yet draining/softening
Chronic, stubborn phlegm/unblocks upper water (Lu)
Hai Ge Ke - Clam Shell
Controls acidity in St
Dan Nan Xing - Bile-prepared Arisaema
Arrests tremors/stroke/childhood seizures
Gua Lou Pi - Peel of Trichosanthes Fruit
Regulating (Qi in chest)/dispersing
Regulates the Qi and expands chest/clears Lu
Gua Lou Ren - Seed of Trichosanthes Fruit
Cools Upper Jiao heat/moistens Lu and intestines
Er Chen Tang
Two-Aged Decoction
Dries damp/transforms phlegm/regulates Qi/harmonizes middle jiao
Sp & Lu failing to transform and transport fluids leading to accumulation of phlegm (excess)
Ingredients: Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi (ju hong), Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Six-Gentlemen Decoction
Tonifies the Qi/unblocks middle jiao
Sp Qi deficiency (main Qi tonification formula)
Ingredients: Ren Shen/Bai Zhu/Fu Ling/Zhi Gan Cao (Si Jun Zi Tang) + Chen Pi/Zhi Ban Xia
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
Fritillaria and Trichosanthes Fruit Powder
Moistens Lu/clears heat/regulates the Qi/transforms phlegm
Dryness in Lu injuring fluids, leading to phlegm
Sang Xing Tang
Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction
Clears and disperses warm-dryness
Warm-dryness injuring Lu Qi at superficial level
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
Clear Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoction
Clears dryness and moistens the Lu
Warm-dryness attacking the Lu and damaging Qi and yin
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal
Nourishes yin/moistens Lu/transforms phlegm/stops coughing
Internal Lu dryness due to Lu and Ki yin deficiency/heat from deficiency
Xing Su San
Apricot Kernel and Perilla Drink
Gently disperses cool-dryness/disseminates Lu Qi/transforms thin mucus
Externally-contracted cool-dryness interfering with the Lu Qi dynamic
Mai Men Dong Tang
Ophiopogonis Decoction
benefits the St/generates fluids/directs rebellious Qi downward
Heat from deficiency in the St which rises rebelliously and scorches Lu yin
Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang
Nourish the Yin and Clear the Lungs Decoction
Nourishes the yin/clears Lu/improves throat/resolves toxicity
“White throat” diphtherial disorder/constitutional yin deficiency
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill
Clears heat/transforms phlegm/directs rebellious Qi downward/stops coughing
Fire brewing the fluids that have become stagnant from Sp unable to transport properly/internal clumping phlegm-heat
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang
Minor Decoction for Pathogens Stuck in the Chest
Clears heat/transforms phlegm/expands the chest/dissipates clumps
Sinking of pathogenic heat into chest and epigastrium where it mixes with phlegm and forms clumps
Wen Dan Tang
Warm the Gallbladder Decoction
Regulates Qi/transforms phlegm/clears Gb/harmonizes St
Major psychological formula/disharmony in Gb/St Qi dynamic
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang
Sargassum Decoction for the Jade Flask
Transforms phlegm/softens hard masses/reduces and dissipates goiter
Zhi Ban Xia - Pinella Rhizome
Phlegm from Sp-damp/directs St Qi downward/stops vomiting
Bai Jie Zi - White Mustard Seed
Penetrates yin to restore yang/unblocks collaterals/chronic conditions
Zhi Tian Nan Xing - Prepared Artisima Rhizome
Strongly dispersing/drying
W-P in channels/stops spasms/stifling chest sensation
Zhi Bai Fu Zi - Typhonium Rhizome
W-P affecting the head
Jie Geng - Platycodon Root
Guides up/benefits throat (abscesses)/expels pus
Xuan Fu Hua - Inula Flower
Dissipates pathogenic water by draining
Ling Gan Wi Wei Jiang Xin Tang
Poria, Licorice, Schisandra, Ginger, and Asarum Decoction
Warms the Lungs and transforms congested fluids
Sp yang deficiency leading to ascendant yin and stagnation of fluids
San Zi Yang Qin Tang
Three-Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s Parents
Directs Qi downward/transforms phlegm/reduces harbored food
Phlegm clogging the Lu caused by harbored food (leading to Sp deficiency)/often in elderly
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Poria, Cinnamon, Atractylodes, & Licorice Decoction
Warms and transforms phlegm and thin mucus/strengthens Sp/resolves dampness
Weak Sp yang unable to transform fluids leading to thin mucus in epigastrum
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Pinella, White Atractylodes, & Gasrodia Decoction
Strengthens Sp/dispels damp/transforms phlegm/extinguishes wind
Upward disturbance of W-P/head feels heavy and clouded
Dao Tan Tang
Guide Out Phlegm Decoction
Dries damp/clears away phlegm/promotes movement of Qi/opens up areas of constraint
Collapse due to phlegm (yin and yang not harmonious)/obstruction of Qi dynamic
Yu Zhen San
True Jade Powder
Dispels wind/transforms phlegm/relieves muscular tetany/alleviates pain
Muscular tetany/stiff or tense neck/jaw/wind and toxin invading the body via wound or ulceration
Qian Zheng San
Lead to Symmetry Powder
Dispels wind/transforms phlegm/stops spasms
Sequelae of channel-stroke/sudden facial paralysis
Xing Ren - Apricot Kernel
Descending (Lu Qi)/moistening
Broad reach/moistens intestines/unblocks bowels
Bai Bu - Stemona Root
Expels parasites and kills lice/chronic deficient cough
Sang Bai Pi - Mulberry Root Bark
Drains Lu heat/reduces edema/hypertension
Pi Pa Ye - Loquat Leaf
Harmonizes St/directs St Qi downward/cools Lu
Zi Su Zi - Perilla Fruit
Strongly directs rebellious Qi downward/moistens intestines
Zi Wan - Purple Aster Root
Enters Qi and blood/facilitates urination/wide-range
Kuan Dong Hua - Coltsfoot Flower
Moistens Lu/all types of cough/often paired with Zi Wan
Ting Li Zi - Tingli Seed
Facial edema/cough that worsens when lying down
Ding Chuan Tang
Arrest Wheezing Decoction
Disseminates and re-directs Lu Qi/arrests wheezing/clears heat/transforms phlegm
W-C constraining the exterior and P-H smoldering the interior
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Perilla Fruit Decoction for Directing Qi Downward
Directs rebellious Qi downward/arrests wheezing/stops coughing/warms and transforms P-C
Excessive pathogenic Qi constraining Lu Qi dynamic with Ki unable to grasp the Lu Qi/aka “abundance above, deficiency below”
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang
Inula and Hematite Decoction
Directs rebellious Lu Qi downward/transforms phlegm/augments the Qi/harmonizes the St
Phlegm turbidity obstructing the interior with weak, deficient St Qi