Herb – Drug Interactions Flashcards
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Bai Mao Liang (Goldenseal)
Warfarin, Heparin: Increases risk of thrombo-embolism
Ju Hua
Barbiturates Intensify or prolong effects of sedatives
Iron supplements Reduces iron absorption
Warfarin Increases bleeding
Immunosuppresants: Stimulates T-cells, antagonist to immunosuppressant drugs.
Amiodarone, anabolic steroids, ketoconazole, methotrexate:
Slows metabolism of drugs, increases hepatotoxicity
Ma Huang
Epinephrine, pseudophedrine,
phenylpropanolamine: Increases stimulating effects
MAOI: Intensifies effect of medication and side effects (stomachache,
headache, tremors, hypertension)
Xiao Bai Ju (Feverfew)
Antimigraine (ergotamine) increases stimulating effect of medication
Antiplatelet Increases bleeding
Iron supplements Reduces iron absorption
NSAIDs Prevents migraine medication effect
Warfarin Increases bleeding
Da Suan (Garlic)
(Cardiac meds)
Warfarin: Increases bleeding
Antihypertensive :Augments antihypertensive effect
Antiplatelet drugs: Increases bleeding
Protease inhibitors: Reduces protease effect
Sheng Jiang (Ginger)
Antiplatelet drugs: Increases bleeding
Warfarin: Increases bleeding
Bai Guo and Yin Xing
Anticonvulsants (phenytoin): Reduces efficacy
MAOI (tranylcypromine): Intensifies side effects (headache, tremors, manic episodes)
NSAIDs: Increases bleeding
Warfarin: Increases bleeding
Ren Shen (Ginseng)
Antihyperglycemic (glipizide): Increases hypoglycemia
Aspirin (NSAIDs): Increases bleeding
Corticosteroids: Increases adverse effects of anti-inflammatories
Digoxin: Increases digoxin levels
Estrogen: Intensify adverse effects
MAOIs: Headache, Tremors, Manic episodes
Opioids: Reduce effectiveness
Warfarin: Increases bleeding
Lu Cha (Green Tea)
Decreased iron absorption
Warfarin: Increases thromboembolism
Sedatives (Barbiturates, benzodiazepines): Intensify or prolong sedatives
Gan Cao (Licorice)
Anti-arrhythmic: Increases abnormal heart rhythm
Increases blood pressure (due to increase of sodium and water retention)
Digoxin: Decreases K+, increases digoxin toxicity
Diuretics: Increases K+ wasting
MAOIs: Increases side effects: headache, tremors, manic episodes
Milk Thistle
Antihyperglycemics: Intensifies hypoglycemia Protease inhibitors (indinavir, saquinavir): Interferes with metabolizing enzymes, lowers blood levels
Saw palmetto
Estrogen (oral contraceptives): Augments effectiveness
Protease inhibitors
Guan Ye Lian Qiao
St. John’s Wort
Cyclosporine: reduces function
Digoxin: Increases toxicity of digoxin, reduces effectiveness
Iron supplements: Reduces iron absorption
MAOIs: Augments MAOIs, can cause traumatic hypertension (ER referral)
Non-Nucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitors: Increases metabolism of drugs, reduce effectiveness
Oral contraceptives: Increases metabolism of drugs, reduces effectiveness
Photosensitizing medication: Increases photosensitivity
Protease inhibitors: Reduces blood level and efficacy
SSRIs: Augments effects of drugs
Tricyclic antidepressants: Augments effects of medication
Xie Cao (Valerian)
Barbiturates, benzodiazepines: Intensifies sedatives