Hepatic & Biliary Functions Flashcards
Hepato Portal Circulation
Majority of liver supplied by portal v.
Liver strategically located to receive not only absorbed nutreints but also potentially harmful absorbed molecs such as drugs & bac toxins.
“first pass metabolsim”
Recieves blood from all GI organs
First pass metabolism- the blood supply to liver & hepatocyte metabolic activity, some substances not make it into systemic circulation.
Pharm admin of drugs orally not always effective
Phase 1= P450 ox,red, hydrolysis
*usually generates toxic intermid, like free radicals
Phase 2= conjugation, inactivates toxic metabolite
Excreted in bile!
Bile Formation
Isoosmotic with plasma
Cnalicular bile & ductal secretion of bicarb & H2O
Canalicular bile secreted by hepatocytes & consists of:
- dep on transport of bile acids *most*
- bile-acid indep
Ductal secretion produced by cholangiocytes lining ductules & bicarb rich fluid.
Canalicular bile & ductul secretion mix to form bile
*the rate of total bile flow dep on sum of hepatic & ductul secretion
Rate of canalicular bile incresaes linearly w/ rate of bile acid secretion
Bile Components
Bile Acids- emulsify lipids, incrase SA for lipase action
- primary= cholic & chendeoxycholic
- syn in hepatocytes (7a hydroxylase)
- main route of cholesterol metabolism
- secondary= deoxycholic & lithocholic
- syn by bac
- conjugated & free
Cholesterol & phospholipids- cholesterol & lecithin solubilizing f
Pigment & other organics- bilirubin, other drugs, toxins
water & electrolytes- All major secreted isotonically, HCO3- secretion by ducts
Bile Formation, cellular
Bile Acid Dependent Flow
Na/K ATPase basolateral mem
- gradient for Na dep uptake of bile salts across sinusoidal (basolateral) mem
- after conjugation, secreted into canalicular lumen
- variety of active transporters
Na & H2O follow passage of bile salts into biliary canaliculus by diffusion across tight junction b/t hepatocytes & through hepatocytes.
Bile Formation, Cellular
Bile acid indep flow
H2O flow due to accumulation of other osmotically active solutes such as bicarb which exit cell through similar mec as in ducts.
Enterohepatic Circulation
95% secreted bile acids & salts returned to liver
Mech of absorption: passive diffusion Na+ dep
Carrier mediated absorption in terminal ileum- most important
Deconjugation to primary bile acids before absorbed passively/actively
Conversion of primary bile acids to secondary with absorption of deoxycholic acid
*recycles 7x/day
* bile flow dep on bile salts return to liver
*lithocholic acid cytotoxic & sulfated. Sulfated form not absorbed & excreted.
Ductular Secretion
Bicarb & H2O dilute canalicular bile
Bile becomes alkaline & reduces Ca precipitation
Cl- ions secreted via CFTR & exchanged for HCO3-
Secretion increased during ingestion & digestion, secretin & VIP increase HCO3- & stimulate H2O aquaporins into apical mem of cholangiocyte.
Bile flow increast postprandial while bile acids needed in lipid digestion
Secretion I by somatostatin
Concentration of Bile Acids in Gall Bladder
Max volume gallbladder can hold 30-60 mL
Bile acids not transported become so concnetrated b/c left behind during isotonic reabsorption of NaCl & NaHCO3 & H2O by leaky gallbladder epithelium
Concentrations in Bile
Gallbladder stores bile & isosmotically removes salts & H2O.
Results that gallbladder [] key remaining solutes in bile: fluid bile salts, bilirubin, cholesterol & lecithin.
Bile isotonic bc:
Cl- [] falls dramatically & bicarb falls
Na+ changes slightly
K+/Ca2+ increases
Bile acids incorporated into mixed micelles & single micelle actsa as 1 osmotically active particle.
Duodenum: dilute hepatic bile & [] gallbladder bile
Digestion & Absorption of Lipids
dietary fat mainly triglycerides & some cholesterol & fat soluble vitamins
Fat emulsified by mech action of somach (low pH, mix, churn)
Bile contains bile acids
Act to solubilize fat & promote hydrolysis of triglycerides in duodenum by lipase
At enterocyte luminal mem, lipid contents of micelles absorbed while bile salts remain in lumen (brush border absorption)
Inside the cell, monoglycerides & FA re-esterified to triglycerides
Tri & other fat molecs (cholesterol) incorporated into chylomicrons to transport by lymph (lacteal)
Micelle Formation
BA, phospholipids, fat vitamins & prod of fat digestion cluster together w/ hydrophilic ends on outside to form aggregations= mixed micelles.
Trapped in center are hydrophobic monoglycerids, FA, cholesterol
Surface Hydrolysis
Lipase & Co lipase yeild short & medium chain FA that can enter enterocyte by free diffusion through lipid bilayer of PM
Micellses increase rate @ which molecs like FA can diffuse
Co secreted
Adhere to brush border
pH= 7
Brush Border Uptake
Lipids reconstititued in smooth ER & linked to apoproteins syn in RER
All components are assembled into chylomicrons in Golgi apparatus, secreted across basolateral side of cell.
When micelles hit the unstirred layer, allows FA, cholesterol etc. to quickly be absorbed.