Female Reproductive Phys Flashcards
HP Axis
Female HPO Axis
Pulsatile GnRH
Pulsatile LH & FSH
Follicle recruitment & growth
Leads to estrogen production
Increase levels of estrogen leads to endometrial proliferation
Immature HPO
estrogen often unable to provide true feedback
Depends on GnRH
Irregular menstrual cycle lenght
Anovulatory cycle
Breakthrough bleeding
Tanner Stages
Tanner stage 1= adrenarche
Stage 2= thelarche, breast bud enlarges
Stage 3= peak growth
Stage 4= menarche
stage 5= cyclicity
zona reticularis of adrenal begins to secreate DHEA & DHEAS
6-8 in girls
dev of breast prior to menarche
8-1 yo
If breasts develop before 8 yo or do not develop by age 13 signals abnormality
1st period
8-13 yo
Functional HPO axis
Cycles irregular 6-12 monhts & may be anovulatory
Mature HPO
Granulosa cells secrete estradiol E2, inhibin & activin
Estrogens suppress release of GnRH, FSH & LH
Inhibin suppress release of FSH
Activin stimulates FSH release
2 Cell Theory
StAR & conversion of cholesterol by CYP 11A are rate limiting!
Different Follicles- Phys version
GnRH influence
Primary and secondary are GnRH indep
Teritiary/Graafian are GnRH dep
Only those follicles taht respond to FSH/LH will ovulate
Dominant Follicle Selection- extra
99.9% of follicles will die
Wave 1= recruitment, growth & largest follicle undergoes atresia
Wave 2= recruitment, growth, selection
Woman is born with 1 million follicles
Reduced to 300,000 follicles @ menarche
400-500 dom follicles selected for ovulation
Prenatral follicle atresia- Oocytes die first
Basal atresia- reduced androgen production, reduced IGF-3, distrupted theca (reduced vascularization)
Antral atresia- all follicle sizes, more androgens in than in healthy follicles. Granulosa cells first to die, theca are last.
Luteinisation- smaller cells from theca cells & larger from granulosa. Small produce androgen precursors.
2 Cell Follicular Steroidogensis
estradiol- pre ovulatory
Unbound- 1-2%
Loosely bound to albumin- 60-70%
Tightly bound to SHBG- 25-30% (unavailable)
Metabolized in Liver
Conjugated & excreted into bile or back into circulation
Excreted in urine if weaker metabolites
Estradiol R
reg transcription
ER a, ERb
well char & widely distributed
mem bound:
rapid non genomic effects
F unclear
**estrogen stimulates up reg of ER a B & GPR30 in most tissues
Pre ovulatory HP axis
Rise in estrogen causes HP axis
Increase GnRH
Increase LH/FSH
Sustained high levels of estradiol produced by dom follicle
Activin stim FSH secretion
48-96 hr pre ovulation (+ feedback)
HPO Feedback
early to mid
- dominant follicle starts increasing E2
- feedback reduces GnRH (low lH & Inhibin inhibits FSH)
- non dominant follicles can’t respond to low FSH & LH
- vast majority of non dominant follicles undergo atresia
Late follicular
- dominant follicle produces large amt of estradiol
- feedback increase GnRH, FSH & LH
- leads to ovulation