Henry VIII, 1509–1547: Relationships with Scotland and Other Foreign Powers - Scotland Flashcards
Outline the main events of foreign policy with Scotland from 1509-1547
• 1513
- James IV invades north-east England to distract Henry from invading France
- Battle of Flodden results in death of James IV
• 1538
- James V marries Mary of Guise
- James V refuses to make agreement with England
• 1542
- Scottish beaten at Battle of Solway Moss
- James V dies a week later, Mary Queen of Scots becomes queen
• 1543
- Treaty of Greenwich betrothed Prince Edward to Queen Mary
• 1544
- Treaty collapses
- Earl of Hertford ordered to raid Edinburgh, Leith and St Andrews
When did James IV invade England?
- 1513
Why did James IV invade north-east England?
- To try divert English troops from going to France
How did Henry respond to James IV’s invasion?
- 1513
- Henry in France so Catherine of Aragon as regent, orders army to fight back
- James IV killed in Battle of Flodden
- 10,000 Scots killed; 1,500 English killed
How many Scottish and English troops were killed at the Battle of Flodden?
- 10,000 Scots killed
- 1,500 English killed
How significant was the Battle of Flodden?
- James IV killed so baby James V becomes king
- Weakens Scotland so not a threat for a long time
- Boosts England’s reputation
When does James V marry and who does he marry?
- 1538
- Marries Mary of Guise, a relative of Francis I
What does Henry do after James V marries and how does James respond?
- Henry seeks agreement to secure English security despite new auld marriage alliance
- James V refuses, embarrassing Henry
How does Henry respond to James V’s refusal to make an agreement?
- 1542
- Defeats Scots at Battle of Solway Moss
- Over 1,000 Scots prisoners taken
- James V dies a week later, leaving baby Mary as queen
When was the Battle of Solway Moss?
- 1542
Describe the treaty made between Scotland and England
- Treaty of Greenwich
- 1543
- Queen Mary betrothed to Prince Edward
When was the Treaty of Greenwich created?
- 1543
Did the Treaty of Greenwich last?
- No
- Scotland withdraws support for treaty
How does Henry react to the collapse of the Treaty of Greenwich?
- 1544-1545
- Orders Earl of Hertford (later Protector Somerset) to raid Edinburgh, Leith and St Andrews
When does Earl of Hertford raid Edinburgh, Leith and St Andrews?
- 1544-1545
What were the outcomes of Henry’s foreign policy with Scotland?
- Neglected opportunity to invade Scotland in 1542 after James V’s death
- Failed to maintain Treaty of Greenwich
- 1544-1545 raids only alienated Scottish further
- Prevented Scotland and France from jointly attacking England but at great financial cost (subsidies, debasement, sale of monastic lands) leading to financial difficulties for rest of Tudor dynasty