henry vii Flashcards
how henry contained the threat of noble families
- feudal dues
- percy family was yorkist, after northumberland was killed in yorkshire rebellion, family had to pay large wardship rights to keep the land in tact
- son was raised by the king
why did henry vii use retaining
- nobles had armies to raise for the king, popularity = larger armies
- by 1507 brought in £6000 per year
handling the nobility: thomas grey
- supported richard, so 1497 had to hand over most land to trustees and give a recognisance of £1000
- 1499 reversed as put down cornish rebellion
how many nobles were controlled?
36/62 noble families were tied in bonds/recognisances at some point
4/5 acts of attainders that were reversed had conditions
How did henry vii consolidate his power?
- backdates his reign to day before battle of Bosworth
- publicly rewards key supporters
- detained Elizabeth of York and earl of Warrick
- chooses key people to be in his council and household
- coronation takes place before first council meeting
- Acts of attainders (grants henry the customs and revenues of tonnage and poundage for life and approves a new oath of loyalty)
- marries elizabeth of york
- exploits royal propoganda
- bith of prince Arthur
who was involved in Lovell rebellion and why?
- Viscount Lovell
- Humphrey Stafford
- Thomas Stamford
-wanted a Yorkist leader on the throne as they fought for Richard III in battle of Bosworth
events of lovell rebellion and the outcome
fled to sanctuary, landed in wales and tried to lead several failed uprisings but was crushed by jasper tudor, henry changes laws of sanctuary to ban in the case of treason. lovell fled to flanders, humphrey was executed but thomas was spared.
who was simnel?
10 year old boy tutored by Richard Simons and pretended to be one of the Yorkist princes- earl of Warrick
events of simnel rebellion
crowned by earl of kildares in ireland
battle of stoke- MoB sent 2,000 german and swiss mercanrys for yokist army, yorkist army lost, between 4-7 thousand yorkist killed, lincoln and schwartz killed but simnil spared and put to work in household
What were henry vii’s priorities?
- secure his throne
- achieve international recognition of kingship and dynasty
- promote prosperity in england
- maintain prestige and keep costs down
treaty of redon
promises to assist brittany in defying french ambitions and send 3,000 troops paid for by anne of brittany.
treaty of etaples
- french were to not harbor rebels
- henry pulled troops from brittany
- french paid a pension of 50,000 crowns
spanish marriage
1501 Arthur to marry Catherine of aragon but died in 1502 so henry proposed a marriage with prince henry. initally spansih unsure due to rebellions in england but later agreed a marriage
Treaty of medina del campo
- treaty with spain of mutual support to defend their countries against any enemies
- neither kings would make an agreement with france without permission
- neither country would harbor rebels or prentenders
- arthur would marry catherine of Aragon
treaty of windsor
- philip of burgundy promised to remove earl of sufolk a yorkist pretender
- marriage arrangenment with phillips sisters
- intercursus malus
treaty of cambrai
france and spain agreed militry alliance agaisnt venice but didnt include england
treaty of dordrecht
stated henry would send 3,000 troops to assist maximilian against french and flemish troops in hungary and maximilian would send troops to brittany but he didnt
Ireland foreign policy
- supported and crowned simnel
- henry dismisses earl of kildare and replaces him with sir edward poyings in 1494
- tries to undermine existing anglo-irish nobles by preventing them from holding parlementry sessions or making laws without english approval
- kildare brothers cause rebllion so are arrested and sent to england and removes all his land by attainder from irish parliment
- 1496 reinstates Kildare and reverses attainder
truce of ayton
- established anglo-scottish harmony for rest of reign
- princess margaret would marry James iv of scotland
Henry vii carrot methods
- order of the garter: significant honor reserved for kings closet servants. 37 knights of the carter. prestige with no power
- great council: meetings of noblemen called by the king to discuss higher matters
- patronage: the giving of positions of power, titles, land, etc.
- kings council: a council chosen by the king
Henry vii carrot methods
- order of the garter: significant honor reserved for kings closet servants. 37 knights of the carter. prestige with no power
- great council: meetings of noblemen called by the king to discuss higher matters
- patronage: the giving of positions of power, titles, land, etc.
- kings council: a council chosen by the king
henry vii stick methods
- acts of attainder: loose the right to posses land or inherit it and/or your title
- bonds and recognisances: bonds were written agreements, had to pay fine if they didnt cvarry out agreement. recognisances were a formal acknowledgement of a debt or obligation that already exisited
- feudals dues: henry asserting feudal rights over the nobility to emphasis his power, five types, wardship, livery, escheats, marriage, relief
- retaining: nobles rights to own an army with a restriction set by king. more trusted noble have bigger armies
- crown lands: wants to take it back
- justice of peace
- maintained law and order in countryside
- appointed on a county-by-county basis by the crown and controlled by the crown
- met officially 4 times a year at the quarter sessions but held informal meetings
- unpaid role
- henry could remove them at anytime
the counsel
3 main functions:
- advise the king
- administer the realm on the kings behalf
- make legal judgments
3 main types:
- members of the nobility
- churchmen
- lawyers who skilled administrators
the counsel learned
- speacilist board to maintain the kings revenue and exploit his prerogative rights
- made a system of bonds
- not recognised court of law so people had no chance of appeal
- bypass normal legal systems
- important for raising finance and maintain of authority
- Epson and Dudley
the court and household
- distributed rewards and status to those who were deserving
- courtiers had paid positions and free food
- way of gaining recognition from the king
- only king could call parliament
- made up of nobility, bishops, abbets and the house of commons
- called a total of 7 times
ordinary revenue
- bonds
- crown lands
- recognsises
- feudal obligations
- wardship
- livery
- court fees
- custom duties
- tonnage and poundage
extraordinary revenue
- loans
- parliamentary grants
- clerical taxes
- benevolences (forced loans)
Henry vii legacy
- money = £300,000
- unpopular mechanism of extracting money
- peaceful foreign policy
- a councillor form of government