Hemodynamics Flashcards
Changes in what lead(s) would indicate inferior wall ischemia (right coronary artery)?
Changes in what lead(s) would indicate lateral wall ischemia (circumflex branch of left coronary artery)?
I, aVL, V5-V6
Changes in what lead(s) would indicate anterior wall ischemia (left coronary artery)?
Changes in what lead(s) would indicate septal wall ischemia (left descending coronary artery)?
ST-segment changes to leads II, III, and aVF could indicate ischemia to what area of the heart?
Inferior wall (right coronary artery)
ST-segment changes to leads I, aVL, V5-V6 could indicate ischemia to what area of the heart?
Lateral wall (circumflex branch of left coronary artery)
ST-segment changes to leads V3-V4 could indicate ischemia to what area of the heart?
Anterior wall (left coronary artery)
ST-segment changes to leads V1-V2 could indicate ischemia to what area of the heart?
Septal wall (left descending coronary artery)
What two leads are the standard of monitoring for HR/arrhythmia detection and for ischemia?
Lead II for HR and arrhythmia detection. Lead V5 for ischemia.
What are the principle indicators for ischemia detection on ECG?
ST-segment elevation >/= 1mm
ST-segment depression >/= 1mm
T wave flattening or inversion
Peaked T waves
Development of Q waves
What should you do if you suspect ischemia and why?
Get a TEE so that you can look at wall motion abnormalities. Then work on your supply/demand (decrease HR, increase BP).
Changes in SBP correlate with changes in…
…myocardial O2 requirements.
Changes in DBP reflect…
…coronary perfusion pressure.
What should a well-fitted NIBP cuff bladder’s width extend to (in relation to patient’s arm)?
Bladder width should be approximately 40% of the circumference of the extremity
What should a well-fitted NIBP cuff bladder’s length extend to (in relation to patient’s arm)?
Bladder length should be sufficient to encircle at least 80% of the extremity
Potential reasons for falsely high NIBP measurements
Cuff too small
Cuff too loose
Extremity below level of heart
Arterial stiffness (HTN, PVD)
Potential reasons for falsely low NIBP measurements
Cuff too large
Extremity above level of heart
Poor tissue perfusion
Too quick deflation
What patient populations are more vulnerable to NIBP measurement complications?
Peripheral neuropathies
Arterial/Venous insufficiencies
Severe coagulopathies
Recent use of thrombolytic therapy
What are complications of noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement?
Compartment syndrome
Limb edema
Peripheral neuropathy
Petechiae and ecchymoses
Venous stasis and thrombophlebitis
List the indications for arterial line cannulation.
- Continous, real-time blood pressure monitoring
- Planned pharmacologic or mechanical cardiovascular manipulation (elective deliberate hypotension)
- Supplementary diagnostic information from the arterial waveform
- Wide swings in intra-op BP or risk of rapid changes in BP
- Rapid fluid shifts
- Titration of vasoactive drugs
- End-organ disease
- Repeated blood sampling
- Failure of indirect BP measurement
How is the morphology of the arterial wave form affected with different arterial catheter sites?
As the pressure wave travels from the central aorta to the periphery:
- arterial upstroke becomes steeper
- systolic peak increases
- dicrotic notch appears later
- diastolic wave becomes more prominent
- end-diastolic pressure decreases
How do pressures compare between the central aorta and peripheral arterial waveforms?
Peripheral arterial waveforms have:
- higher systolic pressure
- lower diastolic pressure
- wider pulse pressure
Potential causes of overdamped arterial pressure waveforms
- Arterial spasm
- Air bubbles
- Blood clots
- Loose connections
- Kinks
- Narrow tubing
Potential causes of underdamped arterial pressure waveforms
- Catheter whip or artifact
- Stiff non-compliant tubing
- Hypothermia
- Tachycardia or dysrhythmia
Actions for damped arterial pressure waveforms
- Pressure bag inflated to 300 mmHg
- Reposition extremity or patient
- Verify appropriate scale
- Flush or aspirate line
- Check or replace module and/or cable
Arterial line complications
- Distal ischemia, pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula
- Arterial aneurysm
- Arterial embolization, thrombosis
- Vasospasm
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Nerve damage
- Hemorrhage/Hematoma
- Infection
- Air embolus
- Skin necrosis
- Loss of digits
- Retained guidewire
- Misinterpretation of data
- Misuse of equipment
What arterial blood pressure waveform abnormalities result from aortic stenosis?
Pulsus parvus (narrow pulse pressure)
Pulsus tardus (delayed upstroke)
What arterial blood pressure waveform abnormalities result from aortic regurgitation?
Bisferiens pulse (double peak)
Wide pulse pressure
What arterial blood pressure waveform abnormalities result from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
Spike and dome (mid-systolic obstruction)
What arterial blood pressure waveform abnormalities result from systolic left ventricular failure?
Pulsus alternans (alternating pulse pressure amplitude)
What arterial blood pressure waveform abnormalities result from cardiac tamponade?
Pulsus paradoxus (exaggerated decrease in systolic blood pressure during spontaneuous inspiration)
What does pulse pressure variation measure?
Fluid responsiveness
How does positive pressure ventilation increase left ventricular preload and reduce left ventricular afterload?
Increases in lung volume compress lung tissue and displace blood contained within the pulmonary venous reservoir into the left heart chambers, thereby increasing left ventricular preload.
The increase in intrathoracic pressure reduces left ventricular afterload.
What effects do the increase in LV preload and decrease in afterload (from positive pressure ventilation) produce?
- Increase in cardiac output
- Increase in LV stroke volume
- Increase in systemic arterial pressure
In general, what are the ideal conditions for measuring pulse pressure variation accurately?
- Mechanical ventilation with tidal volumes 8-10 mL/kg
- Positive end-expiratory pressure 5 mmHg or greater
- Regular cardiac rhythm
- Normal intra-abdominal pressure
- Closed chest
For pulse oximetry, why do we use two different wavelengths of light when referencing it to ambient light?
At 660 nm, light absorption is greater by deoxyhemoglobin than by oxyhemoglobin. At 940 nm, light absoption is greater by oxyhemoglobin than by deoxyhemoglobin.
What are four major sources of artifacts in pulse oximeter readings?
- Ambient light (covering sensor with opaque shield can minimize)
- Low perfusion (weak pulse, low AC-to-DC signal ratio)
- Venous blood pulsations (caused by patient motion)
- Additional light absorbers in the blood (dyshemoglobins, intravenous dyes)
What are uses for pulse oximetry?
Detection of hypoxemia
Detection of perfusion
What are potential causes of inaccuracies in pulse oximetry readings?
- Malposition of probe
- Dark nail polish
- Different hemoglobin
- Dyes
- Electrical interference
- Shivering
What conditions would cause a right shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
- Acidosis
- Hypercarbia
- Hyperthermia
- Increased DPG (diphosphoglycerate concentration)
What conditions would cause a left shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
- Alkalosis
- Hypocarbia
- Hypothermia
- Decreased DPG (diphosphoglycerate concentration)
- Carboxyhemoglobin
- Fetal hemoglobin
What happens with oxygen and hemoglobin with a left shift on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
There is increased oxygen affinity of hemoglobin, allowing less oxygen to be available to the tissues.
What happens with oxygen and hemoglobin with a right shift on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
There is decreased oxygen affinity of hemoglobin, allowing more oxygen to be available to the tissues
What is considered the gold standard for SaO2 measurements and is relied on when pulse oximetry readings are inaccurate or unobtainable?
In a patient with carbon monoxide poisoning, the SpO2 is falsely _________.
At what wavelength does MetHb absorb light, and what is the result?
Methemoglobin absorbs a significant amount of light at both 660 and 940 nm. As a result, in its presence, the ratio of light absorption R approaches unity. An R value of 1 represents the presence of equal concentrations of O2Hb and deO2Hb and corresponds to an SpO2 of 85%.
In a patient with methemoglobinenia, what is the SpO2?
In a patient with methemoglobinenia, the SpO2 is 80% to 85% irrespective of the SaO2.
What are the indications for central venous cannulation?
- Central venous pressure monitoring
- Pulmonary artery catheterization and monitoring
- Transvenous cardiac pacing
- Temporary hemodialysis
- Drug administration (concentrated vasoactive drugs, hyperalimentation, chemotherapy, agents irritating to peripheral veins, prolonged antibiotic therapy)
- Rapid infusion of fluids via large cannulas (trauma, major surgery)
- Aspiration of air emboli
- Inadequate peripheral intravenous access
- Sampling site for repeated blood testing
What are the insertion sites for CVCs?
- Right internal jugular vein
- Left internal jugular vein
- Subclavian veins
- External jugular veins (not common)
- Femoral veins
What is the preferred site for CVC and why?
Right IJ is preferred.
- Consistent, predictable anatomic location of the internal jugular vein
- Readily identifiable and palpable surface landmarks
- *Short straight course to the superior vena cava
What is anatomically different about the left IJ compared to the right IJ?
The left IJ is often smaller than the right and demonstrates a greater degree of overlap of the adjacent carotid artery.
What is the anatomic disadvantage that pertains to all left-sided catheterization sites and what does this highlight?
Any catheter inserted from the left side of the patient must traverse the innominate (left brachiocephalic) vein and enter the superior vena cava perpendicularly. As a result, the catheter tip may impinge on the right lateral wall of the superior vena cava, increasing the risk of vascular injury.
This highlights the need for radiographic confirmation of proper catheter tip location.
How do you confirm CVC placement in OR?
Aspirate blood from all ports and obtain xray after surgery.
Ideally, where is the tip of the CVC located?
Just above junction of venae cava and the right atrium, parallel to vessel walls, positioned below the inferior border of the clavicle and above the level of 3rd rib, the T4/T5 interspace, the carina, or takeoff right main bronchus.
Rapid intravascular fluid resuscitation is most efficient with what kind of catheter?
Short, large-bore, peripheral intravenous catheters, because CVCs are longer and have narrower individual lumina, significantly increasing resistance to flow.
What are some contraindications of CVC placement?
- Right atrial tumor
- Contralateral pneumothorax
- Infection at site
What is the most important life-threatening vascular complication of central venous catheterization?
Cardiac tamponade resulting from perforation of the intrapericardial superior vena cava, right atrium, or right ventricle.