Hemispheric Lateralisation Flashcards
Weakness: RTC patient EB
Brain damage, removal of left hemisphere and so language centres, managed to regain some language ability, not possible if brain completely lateralised , language in more than just left hemisphere, lowers validity of lateralisation
Discussion: low population validity
Not appropriate to generalise findings to typical population, unique cases where brain damage may have affected brain function so some individuals able to process language in the right, some research suggests language in dominant hemisphere , more research and diverse samples needed before firm conclusions can be made
Strength: RTS SPERRY
used split brain patients with severed corpus callosum, found right visual field patients could name object verbally, left visual field couldn’t name but could identify by pointing, supports lateralisation as hemispheres responsible for different functions (left language) inc validity
Discussion: individual differences
Individual differences with how lateralised brain was, degree to which corpus callosum was severed varied between PPTS, some had treated disconnection between hemispheres than others, means some ability to communicate may remain, not measuring lateralisation due to confounding variable, lowers internal validity