Heme Flashcards
Physiologic anemia definition
Physiologic anemia is the most common cause of anemia in young infants between 6 and 9 weeks of age. The cause of physiologic anemia is the decrease in erythropoiesis due to increased tissue oxygenation. In a healthy newborn, the hemoglobin level is elevated to greater than 14 g/dL. There is a rapid decline that reaches its lowest point, near 11 g/dL, at between 6 and 9 weeks.
Iron Deficiency Anemia definition, sx, dx, tx
MC cause of anemia
Microcytic anemia w/ ↓ reticulocyte count & ↑ RDW due to a deficiency of iron
*chronic blood loss (MC in US): excessive menstruation, GI blood loss (colon cancer)
*decreased absorption: diet (MC worldwide), celiac, bariatric surgery, H. pylori
PATHO: decreased RBC production due to lack of iron & decreased iron stores (decreased ferritin); normally, iron is stored in ferritin in bone marrow, liver, & spleen
Classic sxs of anemia: fatigue, SOB, HA
CNS: irritability, difficulty sleeping
Pagophagia: craving for ice
Pica: craving for non-food substances
*koilonychia: spooning of the nails
*angular cheilitis: inflammation of one or both corners of the mouth
*tachycardia, glossitis (smooth tongue)
*signs of anemia (pallor)
*hx of drinking >24oz of cow’s milk a day or transition to cow’s milk <12mo old is common
*microcytic hypochromic anemia
*↑ RDW
*↓ reticulocytes
*may have thrombocytosis & poikilocytosis
Smear: hypochromic microcytic RBC w/ pencil forms
Iron studies:
↓ ferritin, transferrin saturation, serum iron
Bone marrow: absent iron stores
Iron replacement: Ferrous sulfate – 4-6mg/kg/d divided in 2-3 doses
Take w/ vitamin C, w/ water or orange juice, & on an empty stomach for ↑ absorption
ADRs: GI (N/V/D/C, flatulence, dark stool)
*continue 8-12wks after Hgb has normalized (total of 3-4mo of replacement)
*limit milk to ≤8oz/d
Severe, life-threatening anemia: RBC transfusion
Lead Poisoning Anemia definition, sx, dx, tx
PATHO: lead poisons enzymes, causing cell death; shortens life span of RBCs; inhibits multiple enzymes needed for heme synthesis, causing an acquired sideroblastic anemia
Risk Factors: MC in children
Sources: ingestion or inhalation of environmental lead (paint chips, lead dust)
May be asymptomatic or nonspecific sxs
Neuro sxs: ataxia, fatigue, learning disabilities, difficulty concentrating, peripheral neuropathy (wrist or foot drop)
-Encephalopathy: AMS, vomiting, seizures, SIADH
GI: lead colic – intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation
Anemia: pallor, shock, coma
Renal: glycosuria, proteinuria, chronic interstitial nephritis
Burton’s line: thin, blue-black line at the base of the gums near the teeth
Serum lead levels: >10mcg/dL on venous sampling most accurate
Peripheral smear:
*microcytic hypochromic anemia w/ basophilic stippling
*ringed sideroblasts in the bone marrow
Normal/↑ serum iron, ↓ TIBC
↑ erythrocyte protoporphyrin
x-ray: “lead lines” – linear hyperdensities at the metaphyseal plates in children
Removal of the source of lead most important
Mild (≤44mcg/dL): outpatient follow up & lifestyle modification
Moderate (45-69mcg/dL): succimer first line as inpatient
*calcium disodium (CaNa2EDTA) if PO not tolerated
Severe (≥70mcg/dL):
*w/o encephalopathy: succimer + CaNa2EDTA
*encephalopathy: dimercaprol (IM) followed by CaNa2EDTA (IM or IV)
Alpha Thalassemia definition, sx, dx, tx
(-a/aa): silent carrier; clinically normal
Trans (-a/-a) or cis (–/aa): trait; trans common in pts of African descent
(-a/–): HbH disease; Heinz bodies
(–/–): hydrops fetalis; stillbirth or death shortly after
*Hgb Barts: gamma tetramers (γγγγ)
MC in SE Asians
Trait: mild microcytic anemia, asymptomatic
HbH: moderate hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, gallstones, occasional need for transfusion during illness
Trait: mild microcytic anemia
*normal levels of HbA, HbA2, & HbF
*+Hb Barts (gamma-chain tetramer) on newborn screen
HbH: moderate hypochromic, microcytic anemia (Hgb 7-10g/dL)
*variation in RBC shape/size on peripheral blood smear & other findings of chronic hemolysis
*HbH on electrophoresis
*newborn screen >25% Hb Barts
Trait: no intervention
HbH: folic acid supplementation
Stem cell transplant: curative
Beta Thalassemia definition, sx, dx, tx
β,β – normal
β,βo or β,β+ – MC; minor; trait; heterozygous, mild reduction in beta-chain synthesis w/ a resultant mild microcytic anemia
β+,β+ or β0,β+ – intermedia (mild); homozygous, markedly reduced beta-chain synthesis & moderate anemia that will occasionally require transfusion
β+,β+ or β0,β0 – major (Cooley’s Anemia); homozygous, no detectable to severely reduced beta-chain production, severe microcytic hypochromic anemia that requires lifelong RBC transfusions
MC in Mediterranean
Trait: mild microcytic anemia, asymptomatic
Intermedia (β+,β+ or β0,β+): moderate hemolytic anemia (Hgb >7g/dL)
*splenomegaly, intermittent transfusion requirement
Major (β+,β+ or β0,β0):
*massive hepatosplenomegaly, growth retardation
*bony deformities – frontal bossing, maxillary prominence from extramedullary hematopoiesis (all preventable w/ aggressive transfusion therapy)
*if iron overload from chronic transfusions is not adequately treated w/ chelation therapy, pts can develop cirrhosis, endocrine abnormalities, cardiac dysfunction, & skin hyperpigmentation
Trait: mild microcytic anemia
*HbA2 level 3.5-8%
*HbF level 1-5%
*significant variability depending on type of mutation; may not be detected on newborn screen
Intermedia: clinical designation based on having a moderate microcytic anemia (Hgb >7g/dL) – only necessitates transfusion w/ normal growth
Major (Cooley’s): clinical designation w/ a resultant severe anemia (Hgb 3-7g/dL)
*HbF 30-100%, HbA2 2-7%
*MCV 50-60fL
*NB screen will demonstrate only HbF in pts w/o any beta-chain production
Trait: no intervention
Major: chronic transfusion therapy may be required as early as 2mo, but necessary by 2y
*10-15mL/kg of PRBCs required q3-4wks
*goal pretransfusion Hgb 9-10g/dL
Chelation therapy for chronically transfused pts w/ iron overload – PO/SC/IV chelators available & necessary 5-7d/wk
In pts receiving chronic transfusion, ferritin levels should be monitored to screen for iron overload, but annual MRI should be used to more accurately assess cardiac/liver iron concentrations & guide chelation therapy
Stem cell transplant: curative
B12 Deficiency definiton, sx, dx, tx
Sources: meats, eggs, dairy
Absorption: combines w/ intrinsic factor, absorbed mainly in distal ileum
PATHO: deficiency causes abnormal DNA synthesis
*decreased absorption: pernicious anemia, Crohn disease, chronic ETOH use, H2 blockers/PPIs, metformin
*decreased intake: vegans
Hematologic: fatigue, exercise intolerance, pallor
Epithelial: glossitis, diarrhea, malabsorption
Neuro sxs:
*symmetric paresthesias MC initial symptom
*lateral & posterior spinal cord demyelination & degeneration: ataxia, weakness, vibratory, sensory, & proprioception deficits, ↓ DTRs
CBC w/ peripheral smear:
*megaloblastic anemia: hypersegmented neutrophils, macro-ovalocytes, mild leukopenia &/or thrombocytopenia
*low reticulocytes
↓ B12, ↑ LDH, ↑ homocysteine
↑ methylmalonic acid (distinguishes from folate deficiency)
IM B12 – IM cyanocobalamin
- weekly until corrected 🡪 monthly
- can switch to PO once resolution of sxs
- pts w/ pernicious anemia need lifelong monthly injections
Folate Deficiency definition, sx, dx, tx
PATHO: deficiency causes abnormal DNA synthesis
*inadequate intake (MC): alcoholics, unbalanced diet
*increased requirements: pregnancy
*impaired absorption
*impaired metabolism: methotrexate, trimethoprim
*loss: dialysis
Hematologic: fatigue, exercise intolerance, pallor, chlorosis (pale, faintly green complexion – extremely rare)
Epithelial: glossitis, aphthous ulcers, diarrhea, malabsorption
CBC w/ peripheral smear:
*megaloblastic anemia (hypersegmented neutrophils, macro-ovalocytes)
*low reticulocytes
↓ B12, ↑ LDH, ↑ homocysteine
NORMAL methylmalonic acid (distinguishes from B12 deficiency)
tx: PO folic acid
Anemia of Chronic Disease definition, sx, dx tx
Anemia due to decreased RBC production in the setting of chronic disease
Etiologies: chronic inflammatory conditions – chronic infection, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, malignancy
PATHO: 3 main factors decrease serum iron
*↑ hepcidin: blocks release of iron from macrophages & reduces GI absorption
*↑ ferritin: sequesters iron into storage
*erythropoietin inhibition
*mild normocytic normochromic anemia
*↓ reticulocytes, normal/↑ RDW
Iron studies:
*normal/↑ ferritin
*↓ TIBC, ↓ serum iron
Treat the underlying disease
Erythropoietin-alpha if renal disease or low EPO levels
Hemolytic Anemias definition and dx
Hemolytic Anemia: anemia caused by ↑ RBC destruction when the rate of destruction exceeds the bone marrow’s ability to replace the destroyed cells
*peripheral smear: ↑ reticulocytes; schistocytes (bite cells) if intravascular hemolysis
*↓ haptoglobin
*↑ INDIRECT bilirubin, reticulocyte count, LDH
Sickle Cell Anemia definition
SCD – group of inherited hemoglobinopathies secondary to the production of abnormal Hgb complicated w/ an associated hemolytic anemia & vaso-occlusion
Genetic mutation in both beta-globulin genes, w/ at least 1 mutation resulting in HbS – homozygous SS MC form & most severe (MC in AA)
Other forms: compound heterozygous states where HbS is combined w/ another abnormal Hgb or a beta-thalassemia mutation – HbC, HbE, beta-plus thalassemia, beta-zero thalassemia
Sickle Cell Anemia sx
Painful episodes: vaso-occlusive event resulting in acute onset of severe pain commonly in back, check, & extremities
*swelling of hands/feet in infants (dactylitis)
Fever (>38.5C): more susceptible to bacterial infections because of functional asplenia; highest risk for sepsis from encapsulated organisms such as S. penumoniae, N. meningitidis, & Salmonella
Splenic sequestration: intrasplenic trapping of RBCs & platelets – decrease in Hgb & often platelets w/ an acute enlargement of spleen that can lead to life-threatening anemia (often associated w/ acute viral/bacterial illnesses)
Acute chest syndrome: fever, respiratory sxs, new pulmonary infiltrate on CXR
*causes: bacterial (M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae, S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, H. flu), viral, fat emboli, in situ vaso-occlusion, pulmonary edema, thromboembolism
Aplastic crisis: marked anemia w/ reticulocytopenia, frequently secondary to parvovirus infection that causes a maturation arrest of RBC production in bone marrow for 1-2wks
*increased fatigue, pallor, fever
*reticulocytopenia begins ~5d after exposure & lasts 7-10d
Stroke: SCD-SS & Sβ0-thalassemia have 10% risk of stroke by 20yo; predominant etiology is large-vessel vasculopathy w/ proliferative intimal hyperplasia
*hemiparesis, facial droop, aphasia, generalized sxs (AMS, stupor, seizures)
Sickle Cell Anemia dx
Peripheral smear:
*target cells, sickled erythrocytes, ↓ H/H
*Howell-jolly bodies indicates functional asplenia
Hgb electrophoresis: 90% HbS, 8% HbF
Fever: all pts w/ SCD + fever need urgent evaluation w/ PE, blood culture, CBC w/ diff, reticulocyte count; consider urine culture, CXR
Stroke: head MRI, CBC w/ reticulocyte count, Hgb electrophoresis for HbS %, type & screen
*prevention: routine transcranial Doppler
Sickle Cell Anemia tx
Painful episodes:
*outpatient: PO meds (anti-inflammatories w/ or w/o opioid) & hydration
*inpatient: combo of ibuprofen or ketorolac w/ an opioid & IV hydration
Fever: ceftriaxone or high-dose ampicillin + observation
Splenic sequestration: follow Hgb & spleen size closely; fluid admin in stable pts w/ mild decrease in Hgb
*hypoxia, tachypnea, tachycardia: transfuse 5-10mL/kg RBCs, then reassess
Acute chest syndrome: ampicillin or 3rd gen cephalosporin (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone) + macrolide (erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin) + oxygen if hypoxic; pain control; incentive spirometry
*respiratory/hemodynamic instability requires RBC transfusion
Aplastic crisis: PRBC transfusion if pt is symptomatic
Stroke: exchange transfusion to decrease HbS %; long-term – placed on chronic RBC transfusion protocol to minimize risk for further strokes
Preventative Management:
*Penicillin prophylaxis, folic acid supplementation, hydroxyurea for pts >9mo
G6PD Deficiency definition, sx, dx, tx
x-linked recessive enzymatic disorder of RBCs that may cause episodic hemolytic anemia
Risk Factors: males, AA males
PATHO: decreased G6PD activity during oxidative stress results in an oxidative form of Hb (methemoglobin); the denatured hemoglobin precipitates as Heinz bodies
Exacerbating factors:
*infection MC cause, fava beans
*dapsone, methylene blue, primaquine, nitrofurantoin, phenazopyridine
*neonatal jaundice
For milder forms pts are clinically & hematologically normal until they have an “oxidative challenge”
Severe forms can have a baseline hemolytic anemia
6-24h after exposure to oxidative agent: dark urine, jaundice, pallor, tachycardia, nausea, abdominal pain
24-48h: low-grade fever, irritability, listlessness, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
Peripheral smear:
*normocytic hemolytic anemia only during crises
*schistocytes (“bite” cells), anisocytosis, blister cells
*(+) Heinz bodies hallmark
Hemolytic anemia:
↑ reticulocytes, indirect bilirubin
↓ haptoglobin
DAT (-)
Enzyme assay for G6PD: fluorescent spot test; DNA testing; usually performed after episodes
Usually self-limited; avoid offending foods & drugs
*Hgb returns to normal within 3-6wks
Hgb >7mg/dL + clinically stable + no hemoglobinuria: observe for 24-48h
Hgb <7mg/dL or Hgb 7-9mg/dL w/ continued brisk hemolysis (persistent hemoglobinuria): consider PRBC transfusion
Neonatal jaundice: phototherapy
Hereditary Spherocytosis definition, sx, dx, tx
Autosomal dominant hereditary intrinsic hemolytic anemia
PATHO: deficiency in RBC membrane & cytoskeleton (spectrin), leading to increased RBC fragility & sphere-shaped RBCs
Anemia: mild to severe; pts may have hyperhemolytic periods & are susceptible to an aplastic crisis from parvovirus infection
*jaundice, splenomegaly, gallstones
50% of HS pts present in NB period w/ jaundice
Peripheral smear:
*hyperchromic microcytosis, 80% spherocytes
*↑ MCHC, reticulocyte count, RDW
*EMA binding assay: flow cytometry assay
*(+) osmotic fragility, Coombs NEGATIVE
- folic acid daily
- splenectomy
*delayed until at least 5yo
*pneumococcal vaccine prior
- transfusion support if needed
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) definition, sx, dx, tx
Acquired hemolytic anemia due to autoantibody production against RBCs; peak incidence in first 4y of life (warm MC)
*warm: IgG antibodies
*cold: IgM antibodies
*warm: penicillin, cephalosporins, SLE
*cold: M. pneumoniae, EBV
Anemia: pallor, fatigue, weakness, dyspnea
Hemolysis: hemoglobinuria, jaundice, splenomegaly
PE: hepatosplenomegaly, tachycardia, systolic flow murmur, orthostasis
Cold-induced vascular phenomenon:
*acrocyanosis: numbness or mottling of the fingers, toes, nose, ears that resolves w/ warming up of the body parts
CBC + peripheral smear:
*microspherocytosis (esp. warm)
*↓ haptoglobin
*↑ reticulocyte count, indirect bilirubin, LDH
*Warm: IgG detected on RBC surface +/- C3
*Cold: C3 detected on RBC surface
UA: large blood, but few RBCs, indicated hemoglobinuria
RBC transfusion: pts w/ life-threatening anemia or rapid hemolysis
Immunosuppression: corticosteroids
Alt: rituximab, mycophenolate, mofetil, sirolimus, splenectomy