HEENT Flashcards
Acute Otitis Media definition, sx, dx, tx
Infection of middle ear, temporal bone, & mastoid air cells
*rapid onset + s/sxs of inflammation
Risk Factors: peak age 6-18mo, day care, pacifier or bottle use, second-hand smoke, not being breastfed
4 MC bugs: S. pneumoniae (MC), H. flu, M. catarrhalis
PATHO: MC preceded by viral URI, leading to blockage of the Eustachian tube
Fever, otalgia (ear pain), ear tugging in infants, stuffiness, conductive hearing loss
TM rupture: relief of pain + otorrhea (heals 1-2d)
*bulging & erythematous TM w/ effusion, loss of landmarks
Acute: <3wks, chronic: >3mo
Pneumatic otoscopy: ↓ TM mobility (most sensitive)
Tympanocentesis for a sample of fluid for culture – definitive (for recurrent cases)
TOC: amoxicillin 80-90mg/kg/d x10-14d
*second line: Augmentin, cefuroxime, cefdinir, cefpodoxime
*PCN allergy: azithromycin, clarithromycin
Severe/recurrent: myringotomy (surgical drainage) w/ tympanostomy tube insertion
*3x/6mo or 4x/12mo
Recurrent: workup for iron-deficiency anemia
Otitis Externa definition, sx, dx, tx
Inflammation of the external auditory canal
Risk Factors:
*water immersion aka “swimmer’s ear” – rise in pH allows bacterial overgrowth
*local mechanical trauma (use of Q-tips), age 7-12, aberrant ear wax
Etiologies: pseudomonas aeruginosa MC
*staph aureus & epidermis, GABHS, proteus, anaerobes, aspergillus, fungi
Ear pain, pruritis in the ear canal (may have recent hx of swimming)
Auricular discharge, ear pressure or fullness, hearing loss
PE: pain on traction of the ear canal or tragus, purulent auricular discharge
Clinical + otoscopy: edema of external auditory canal w/ erythema, debris, or discharge
Rinne: BC > AC
Protect ear from moisture (isopropyl alc & acetic acid drying agents) + removal or debris/cerumen + topical abx
*ciprofloxacin-dexamethasone, ofloxacin
*neomycin/polymyxin B/hydrocortisone – do not use if perf suspected (ototoxic)
Perf: cipro/dexamethasone or ofloxacin
Malignant (Necrotizing) Otitis Externa definiton, sx, dx, tx
Invasive infection of the external auditory canal & skull base (temporal bone, soft tissue, & cartilage) – complication of acute otitis externa
Etiologies: pseudomonas aeruginosa >95%
Risk Factors: immunocompromised (DM MC), high-dose glucocorticoid therapy, chemo, advanced HIV
Severe auricular pain, otorrhea – cranial nerve palsies (CN 7) if osteomyelitis occurs
*may radiate to TMJ joint (pain w/ chewing)
PE: severe auricular pain on traction of the ear canal or tragus
Otoscopy: edema of the external auditory canal w/ erythema, discharge, granulation tissue at the bony cartilaginous junction of the ear canal floor, frank necrosis of the ear canal skin
CT/MRI – confirms dx; bx most accurate
ADMIT + IV ciprofloxacin
*piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefepime
Mastoiditis definition, sx, dx, tx
Infection of the mastoid air cells of the temporal bone
Largely a disease of childhood (esp. <2yrs)
Etiologies: usually a complication of acute otitis media
Bugs: S. pneumoniae, H. flu, M. catarrhalis, S. aureus, S. pyogenes
*deep ear pain (usually worse @ night)
*fever, lethargy, malaise
*otalgia, fever, s/sxs of otitis media (bulging & erythematous TM)
*mastoid tenderness, edema & erythema
*forward protrusion of ear; narrowed auditory canal
CT w/ contrast of temporal bone
Alt: MRI
IV abx + middle ear or mastoid drainage (myringotomy) +/- tympanostomy tube placement
*IV vancomycin or clindamycin x4wks
Refractory/complicated: mastoidectomy
Tympanic Membrane Perforation definition, sx, dx, tx
Rupture of the TM
May lead to cholesteatoma
Etiologies: MC occur due to penetrating or noise trauma (MC occurs at the pars tensa) or otitis media
Acute ear pain, hearing loss
Pts w/ otalgia prior to rupture may develop sudden pain relief w/ bloody otorrhea
Tinnitus & vertigo
Otoscopic exam: perforated TM – DO NOT PERFORM PNEUMATIC OTOSCOPY
+/- conductive hearing loss
Most heal spontaneously – follow up to ensure resolution
Topical abx in some (ofloxacin)
Avoid water & topical aminoglycosides in the ear
Persists >2mo: surgery
Hearing impairment conductive vs sensoneurial
Hearing loss can be classified as conductive, sensorineural, or both (mixed loss); TX: treat underlying cause, hearing aids, cochlear implants, surgery
*MCC of conductive loss is otitis media; others include cerumen impaction, otitis externa, exostoses (bony outgrowths of external auditory canal related to cold water exposure), TM perforation, otosclerosis, neoplasms
*MCC of sensorineural loss is presbycusis (gradual, symmetrical loss associated w/ age); others include noise-induced, infection, drug-induced, congenital, Meniere disease, CNS lesions
Rinne vs Weber
Rinne & Weber Tests:
Weber Test: tuning fork placed on center of head to see which ear sound lateralizes to (normal result is equal lateralization)
Conductive hearing loss 🡪 sound lateralizes to affected ear
Sensorineural hearing loss 🡪 sound lateralizes to unaffected ear
Rinne Test: fork first placed on mastoid until patient says they cannot hear, then moved parallel to ear (should be able to hear again)
Conductive hearing loss 🡪 bone > air (abnormal result)
Sensorineural hearing loss 🡪 air > bone (normal result)
Acute Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis definition, sx, dx, tx
Etiologies: usually viral; adenovirus MC, rhino/entero, EBV, influenza, RSV, HZV; fungal in pts using inhaled steroids
Sore throat, pain
Viral: cough, hoarseness, coryza, conjunctivitis, diarrhea
Rapid strep or throat culture to r/o strep
Symptomatic therapy – fluids, warm saline gargles, topical anesthetics, lozenges
Fungal: clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin
Streptococcal Pharyngitis “strep throat” definition, sx, dx, tx
Group A streptococcus (S. pyogenes)
Rare in children <3yrs
Highest incidence of rheumatic fever if untreated in children 5-15yrs
Dysphagia, fever
Not usually associated w/ sxs of viral infection
*pharyngeal edema or exudate, tonsillar exudate &/or petechiae
*anterior cervical LAD
Centor Criteria:
(1) absence of cough
(2) exudates
(3) fever (>100.4F)
(4) cervical LAD
3/4 🡪 rapid antigen detection test
(+): treat strep
(-): throat culture: gold standard
Penicillin first line
Allergy: azithromycin
*rheumatic fever
*acute glomerulonephritis
*peritonsillar abscess
Acute/Chronic Rhinosinusitis (Sinusitis) definition, sx, dx, tx
Acute: <4wks
Subacute: 4-12wks
Chronic: >12wks
Viral (Common Cold):
*rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus
*S. pneumoniae, streptococci, H. influenzae, S. aureus, M. catarrhalis
Invasive Fungal:
*aspergillus, mucormycosis
*seen in immunocompromised pts (DM, HIV/AIDS)
*nasal congestion, clear rhinorrhea, hyposmia
*malaise, HA, cough
*erythematous, engorged nasal mucosa w/o intranasal purulence
*purulent yellow-green nasal discharge
*facial pain or pressure worse w/ bending down & leaning forward
*cough, malaise, fever, HA
*facial pain that is more severe
*clear or straw-colored nasal drainage (not purulent)
*Mucormycosis: black eschar on middle turbinate
Clinical dx
CT – gold standard
Fungal: nasal bx w/ silver stains
*broad non-septate hyphae
*decongestants, NSAIDs, saline nasal sprays
*intranasal corticosteroids
Indications for abx:
*sxs >10d w/o improvement
*fever >102F &/or purulent nasal discharge
*rapid worsening of sxs after initial improvement
Choice: Augmentin x5-7d
Fungal: amphotericin B, surgical debridement
Rhinitis definition, sx, tx
*Allergic: IgE mediated mast cell histamine release due to allergens (pollen, dust, mold)
*Infectious: Rhinovirus MCC (common cold)
*Vasomotor: nonallergic & noninfectious dilation of the blood vessels (temperature change, strong smells, humidity)
*sneezing, nasal congestion, itching,
*clear, watery rhinorrhea
Allergic: +/- bluish discoloration around the eyes
*Allergic: pale or violaceous boggy turbinates, nasal polyps w/ cobblestone mucosa of the conjunctiva; may develop “allergic shiner” purple discoloration around the eyes or a nasal bridge crease from constant rubbing
*Viral: erythematous turbinates
- intranasal corticosteroids first line for allergic or nasal polyps
- antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers (cromolyn), short-term decongestants
- anticholinergics can be used for rhinorrhea
- avoidance & environmental control, exposure reduction
Intranasal Steroids: mometasone, fluticasone
*indications: most effective med for allergic rhinitis esp. w/ nasal polyps
*MOA: improve congestion
*Intranasal: oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, naphazoline
-use >3-5d 🡪 rhinitis medicamentosa (rebound congestion)
*PO: pseudoephedrine
Epistaxis causes, locations, sx, dx, tx
Anterior: Kiesselbach’s venous plexus MC site
Etiologies: trauma MC (nose picking), low humidity, hot environments, rhinitis, ETOH, cocaine, antiplatelets, FB
Posterior: sphenopalatine artery branches & Woodruff’s plexus MC site
Etiologies: HTN, older pts, nasal neoplasms
*may cause bleeding in both nares & posterior pharynx
*recurrent epistaxis requires r/o of HTN & hypercoagulable disorder
Anterior: direct pressure x10-15min, seating, leaning forward
*short-acting topical decongestants (Afrin, phenylephrine, cocaine)
*nasal packing: requires abx (cephalosporin) to prevent toxic shock syndrome
*petroleum jelly or abx ointment inside nostril BID x4-5d; cauterization
Posterior: balloon catheter tamponade
*high risk for complications; requires specialist eval & inpatient monitoring
Bacterial Conjunctivitis definition, sx, dx, tx
MC due to staph aureus
*S. pneumoniae
*H. influenzae
*M. catarrhalis
Transmitted by direct contact & autoinoculation
Purulent discharge, lid crusting (eye “stuck shut” in the morning), conjunctival erythema w/ no ciliary injection (limbal flush); usually no significant visual changes
Clinical – fluorescein staining to look for keratitis or corneal abrasions
Culture & gram stain of discharge
Topical abx:
*gentamicin/tobramycin (Tobrex)
*trimethoprim & polymyxin B (Polytrim)
*erythromycin – chlamydia for newborns
Contact lens: cover pseudomonas (topical ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin)
Viral Conjunctivitis definition, sx, dx, tx
Inflammation of the conjunctiva
MC caused by adenovirus; MC in children
Transmission: highly contagious from direct contact
*swimming pool MC source during outbreaks
Foreign body or gritty sensation, ocular erythema, itching; normal vision
Often starts unilateral 🡪 bilateral after 1-2d
+/- viral sxs
*ipsilateral preauricular LAD, copious watery tearing
*punctate staining on slit lamp exam
Supportive (self-limited) – warm to cool compresses, artificial tears, antihistamines, decongestants
Allergic Conjunctivitis definition, sx, dx, tx
Inflammation of the conjunctiva in response to an allergen
PATHO: contact of allergen w/ eye causes mast cell degranulation & histamine release
Conjunctival erythema (red eyes) w/ normal vision
Other allergic sxs: nasal congestion, sneezing, marked pruritis
May have atopic hx (Hay fever)
PE: cobblestone mucosa appearance to inner upper eyelid, erythema, watery or mucoid discharge, chemosis (conjunctival edema)
Ohthalmia Neonatorum (Neonatal Conjunctivitis) definition, sx, dx, tx
Neonatal conjunctival infection contracted by newborns during delivery
Day 1: chemical conjunctivitis due to silver nitrate
Days 2-5: gonococcal most likely cause
*presents w/ purulent conjunctivitis w/ exudate & swelling of the eyelids
Days 5-7: chlamydia trachomatis most likely cause
*may occur up to 23d after birth
Prevention (Prophylaxis):
*standard neonatal prophylaxis against gonococcal conjunctivitis given immediately after birth is erythromycin ointment 0.5%
*not effective in preventing chlamydia trachomatis conjunctivitis
Chemical conjunctivitis: artificial tears may be helpful once it occurs
Gonococcal: cefotaxime or ceftriaxone
Chlamydia trachomatis: PO erythromycin
Epiglottitis definition, sx, dx, tx
*severe, potentially life-threatening inflammation of the epiglottis
MC children 3mo-6yrs; males 2x MC
RF: DM (adults)
*Haemophilus B (unvaccinated)
*Streptococcal spp. (vaccinated) – Group A strep, S. pneumoniae
*cocaine use (adults)
3 Ds: dysphagia, drooling, distress
*fever, odynophagia
*inspiratory stridor
*dyspnea, hoarseness
*muffled “hot potato” voice
*tripod position
Laryngoscopy – definitive (performed when securing the airway)
*cherry-red epiglottis w/ swelling
Lateral cervical x-ray:
*thumbprint sign
Maintaining the airway most important component of management
Dexamethasone – airway edema
*ceftriaxone, cefotaxime
*+/- ampicillin, penicillin, or vancomycin
*Rifampin to all close contacts
*Hib vaccine
Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (Thrush) definition, sx, dx, tx
Candida albicans
Friable white plaques (+/- leave erythema if scraped)
KOH smear: budding yeast & pseudohyphae
*nystatin swish & swallow, PO fluconazole
Orbital (Septal) Cellulitis definition, sx, dx, tx
Infection of the orbit (fat & ocular muscles) posterior to the orbital system
Polymicrobial: S. aureus, streptococci, GABHS, H. flu
MC in children esp. 7-12yrs
*MC secondary to sinusitis (ethmoid)
*less common: untreated blepharitis, facial trauma, ophthalmic surgery, facial or dental infections
*ocular pain esp. w/ eye movements
*ophthalmoplegia (extraocular muscle weakness)
*proptosis (bulging)
*eyelid edema & erythema
CT – confirmatory
*infection of the fat & ocular muscles behind the septum
ADMIT + IV abx (vancomycin + ceftriaxone/cefotaxime)
Preseptal (Periorbital) Cellulitis definition, sx, dx, tx
*infection of the eyelid & periocular tissue anterior to the orbital septum
*MC due to sinusitis or contiguous infection of the soft tissues of the eyelids & face (e.g., insect or animal bites)
*MCC include S. aureus (including MRSA), Streptococci, & anaerobes
*unilateral ocular pain
*eyelid erythema & edema
*absence of proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, & pain w/ extraocular movements
CT if dx uncertain
Outpatient management if >1yo & mild
*MRSA coverage: PO clindamycin monotherapy
*other options: TMP-SMX + (amoxicillin, Augmentin, or cefpodoxime)
Strabismus definition and tx
Definition: any form of ocular misalignment; stable ocular alignment not usually present until 2-3mo
exotropia: out-turning of eyes
esotropia: in-turning of eyes
TX: referral if constant anytime or intermittent >6mo
Patch exercises
If untreated after age 2, amblyopia results
Phoria definition and dx
Latent strabismus, presents only when fixation is interrupted
dx: cover/uncover test
child visually fixates on a target
cover placed over one eye for a few seconds, then rapidly removed
eye that was covered observed for refutation movement
(+) = eye will shift to refixate
Tropia definition and dx
manifest strabismus; present w/o interruption of visual axis
dx: cover test
child visually fixates on a target
one eye is briefly covered, uncovered eye is observed for movement
(+) = uncovered eye shifts to refiixate on target
Peritonsillar Abscess definition, sx, dx, tx
*deep neck space infection located behind the posterior pharyngeal wall
*MC in children 2-4yrs
Etiologies: often polymicrobial (group A strep, S. aureus, respiratory anaerobes)
*torticollis (unwilling to move the neck secondary to pain & spasms)
*neck stiffness esp. w/ extension
*fever, drooling, dysphagia, odynophagia, chest pain, trismus
*muffled “hot potato” voice
*midline or unilateral posterior pharyngeal wall edema (MC)
*anterior cervical LAD, lateral neck mass or swelling
Lateral neck x-ray: *low suspicion
*increased prevertebral space >50% of the width of adjacent vertebral body
CT w/ contrast *preferred if high suspicion
*surgical incision & drainage w/ abx for large & mature abscesses in the OR
-ampicillin-sulbactam (Unasyn) or
*abscess <2.5cm2 may be observed for 24-48hrs w/ antibiotic therapy
*airway obstruction, mediastinitis, sepsis, atlantoaxial dislocation